Tag: Hitler

Episode 15. Poland Betrayed (III)

Part I, part II In the previous chapters we have examined the cordial relations between Nazi Germany and Second Polish Republic in the 1930s which were disturbed only by a minor territorial dispute, insignificant comparing to the ambitions of both countries in the East… The Germans offered a peaceful and […]

Episode 15. Poland Betrayed (II)

Part I The talks between Nazi Germany and Second Polish Republic about a joint march on the USSR were held for quite a long time, but until Hitler approached the Soviet borders, they were theoretical rather than practival. Unscrupulous division of Czechoslovakia in October 1938, blessed by the Western powers […]

National Nihilism

Strategies for full-spectrum dominance encompass far more than just military means – their entire point is found in politics, the struggle for power. Movements proclaiming themselves the champions of national salvation thus deserve extra scrutiny, since they might serve precisely the opposite end. Ever since a US-backed junta seized control […]

Who is in charge of Ukraine today?

The dominant condescending and appeasing tone towards the new Ukrainian authorities in the West clearly contradicts to its democratic and humanitarian values, it persistently promotes in the world. Any attentive unbiased observer of the situation in this post-Soviet state and the Western policies in the region cannot help but feel […]