Month: July 2011

Blond Beast and the Future of Terror

Norway tragedy of the last week would apparently make a tectonic shift in global social processes. It will significantly affect European politics and influence the ideological schemes of the Western world. As always, the mainstream trend describing Anders Behring Breivik as mentally insane solo terrorist and a ‘Christian fundamentalist’ clearly […]

Norway’s Enigmatic «Lone Terrorist»

Anders Breivik already seems to have emerged as one of the XX century’s top-famous terrorists. Day by day his popularity visibly grows not only in the ranks of the European radical right but also among the Europeans with otherwise mainstream views. Grabbing the media headlines, the Oslo and Utoya Island […]

Europe’s Quiet Corner Under Terrorist Attack

The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the New York Trade Center left the world divided. The US Administration and its giant propaganda machine made huge efforts to convince their audiences that the terrorist act had been perpetrated by Al Qaeda, but the developments that followed pointed with utmost clarity […]

Smashing Greater Central Asia

After ten years of raging warfare in Afghanistan, watching the fight slowly ooze across the invisible Durand Line into Pakistan, we have the right to wonder whether the war is any closer to ending today?  It is  perfectly reasonable to suspect that if we were allowed to know the truth […]

Who Decides On Nation-States?

The national aspirations of peoples are governed by rank public relations schemes On July 9, the Republic of South Sudan became the newest internationally-recognized nation-state. As the result of a civil war truce and peace deal worked out five years previously, South Sudan and its former master, the Republic of […]

The West and Syria

Unlike other Arab leaders confronted to a protest movement such as former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak or Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad launched a wide political reform program coupled with a reasonable timetable extending until the end of 2011 at the most. This change which was initiated […]

Benghazi: Criminal Rebellion

Rebellion in Benghazi is being fomented by the mafia, controlling the traffic of “living stock” to Europe. Libyan “revolution” that seemingly started within the framework of Arab Spring happened to be a quite different matter. Given all the outward simplicity, Libyan events are different from what happened in Tunisia and […]

Mumbai’s Woes and their Implications

Mumbai is India’s most prosperous as well as most cosmopolitan city. The city’s local trains everyday carry about 7 million diverse people, and to this gigantic fare is everyday added 1200 families who reach city from different corners of India in search of better life. Mumbai, also India’s tinsel town, […]

EU – Summit on the Titanic’s board

European leaders delayed the Friday’s Summit, two days after the EU Finance ministers reunion did not reach any result on Greece. In addition, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, was crucial in resisting pressure for a meeting on Friday, arguing that it would be too early to deliver the comprehensive package […]