Month: December 2011

America Just Says No to the Rule of Law

A society is in serious trouble when its political pariahs have at the core of their demands a return to the rule of law. This inversion, with our political and cultural outcasts demanding a respect for law, highlights the awful fact that the most radical and retrograde forces within the […]

Smashing Greater Central Asia (III)

Part I Part II Representatives from all of the secret agencies of the Stans, except for Turkmenistan, have come together in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan to identify a common threat in Central Asia, emanating from a non-existent terrorist underground (SEE: Secret services say about the presence in Central Asia, domestic extremist underground). […]

Karzai’s Loya Jirga

President Karzai and his government hailed the Loya Jirga, a 2030 strong assemblage of parliamentarians and notables from across the country, as a great success. Certainly it could be deemed a success that the Taliban despite the threats they held out were not able to prevent participation nor were they […]

Egypt After «Revolution of January 25»

The first round of parliamentary elections in Egypt has been completed. The elections to the Egyptian parliament (the lower house or People’s Assembly and the upper house or the Shura Council – the Senate) are held in three rounds. First round: from November 28 till December 5, second round: from […]

Cost of Intervention in Syria Rises

The Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov’s statement today re-affirmed Moscow’s rejection of arms embargo against Syria. It comes on a day EU FMs met in Brussels and tightened the sanctions against that country. But what makes the Syrian situation rather interesting is that Moscow also let it be […]

Washington’s European Strategy

The November 28 US-EU summit deserves to be called a milestone in the recent geopolitical history, considering that during the forum the US dictatorial handling of Europe was disguised so thinly for the first time since President Obama moved into the White House. Moreover, the US Administration openly cited its […]