Month: September 2012

Leaving At All Costs

With a boom in terrorist activity in the past months, the USA’s withdrawal from Afghanistan begins to resemble a retreat On September 20th, the head of the US Ministry of Defense, Leon Panetta, announced the successful withdrawal of the supplementary military contingent, totaling 33 thousand people, from Afghanistan. The contingent […]

Episode 8. The Great Odd War (I)

In previous articles we have looked in detail at the mysterious circumstances surrounding the murder of Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 and the shrewd diplomatic game played by the British government during the hot summer of 1914 designed to draw Germany and Russia into the […]

Secrets Behind September 11

Surveys conducted across the US show that the majority of Americans, including senior citizens old enough to remember the US entry into World War II, regard the September, 11, 2001 drama as exceeding in historical importance the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack. Speaking of the latter, these days it is an […]