Month: October 2012

America’s Pacific Zone of War

The United States has successfully installed two America-compliant leaders as the heads of government of Australia and New Zealand, Washington’s two most important Asia-Pacific regional allies. Both leaders, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, rose rapidly within their respective parties, a sure sign that […]

How to Find Qualified Afghan Leadership

As 2014 approaches and NATO prepares to leave Afghanistan while the Afghan presidential election begins to activate, there are a set of indigenous conditions that must set the standard for the effective transfer of power to qualified Afghan leadership that cannot be ignored any longer by policy makers. “A leader […]

Europe’s Peacekeeping Process

Call the European Union anything you want: an organization, an association, a community, etc. But the EU is a state just like Russia, China or any other. The main difference between the EU and Russia is that the European Union is a confederation, whereas Russia is a federation. Interestingly, a […]

Nobel Insane Asylum

A rare and extravagant news has come from the Nobel Committee: The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the European Union – an organization comprising 27 European nations that has absolutely nothing to do with international military and political conflicts management according to its charter. It doesn’t even possess […]

Turks, Cease Fire!

In the Middle Eastern corrida, the moment of truth is approaching fast. Assad’s Syria is running around the arena like a wounded bull, fraught and worn down by a year of cruel strife. Banderillas of mujaheeds stick out of his broken hide. The public, the Europeans, the Americans, the Gulf […]