Month: January 2013

Aleppo: the Final Test

The winter examination period had begun at the University of Aleppo and 15 January was its first day. Many of the young men and women set off for their exams with the same well-known and completely understandable mixed feelings of nervousness, but also hope that they would pass the intellectual […]

Syria and International Criminal Court

New Phase of Military and Diplomatic Stand-Off The situation in Syria is evolving according to the most unfavorable scenario. The opposition has met the President Bashar Assad’s proposals for peaceful resolution of the crisis with Aleppo University bomb attacks. Another diplomatic provocation is in the works in response to the […]

Eurasian Union: Flawed Assertions

I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. The Eurasian Union has been in the news but somewhat quiet for a long time. Any attempt for Russia (or any country) to raise itself from subjugation in a world ruled by a single “hyper power” is sin to people like […]

Lithuania: Stamped Out Truth

The contemporary Lithuania uses the official interpretation of bloody events that took place in Vilnius on January 13 1991 as an ideological foundation for Russophobia-based confrontation with its eastern neighbor. It says “the Soviet soldiers committed an intentional murder of 13 unarmed people and one special operations serviceman”. The truth […]

Syrian Endgame

«Quick victory» in Middle East or Big Regional Fire? Many think the events in Syria are nearing the climax. The West and Israel are openly talking about the «endgame» soon to come. Any peace initiatives put forward by Bashar Assad are flatly refused from the start, like the one he […]

Keep Pentagon Out of India’s MoD

‘Military diplomacy’ sounds like an oxymoron. Diplomacy is about culture and finesse –graduated gratification of desire- military is about roughing it out and instant success. However, the phrase ‘military diplomacy’ is as frequently used as ‘cultural diplomacy’. While the latter “conjures up images of ambassadorial dinner parties and the elite […]