Month: February 2013

News from Kyrzakhstan

The international community was thrown into disarray after US Secretary of State John Kerry inadvertently outed the country of Kyrzakhstan. Analysts from the Arctic to Oceania, scrambling for answers, still have not been able to pinpoint the exact geographical location of the mysterious country. The CIA says “it’s somewhere in […]

The Return of Empires (II)

Part I A World of Postmodernism or the Newest Middle Ages? The process already taking shape in the world of consolidating «larger spaces», and the return of the empires of by-gone eras may not, at first glance, seem to respond to the spirit of the times. However, we are living […]

The Return of Empires (I)

«Larger spaces» versus chaos in international relations? The recent expeditions of the French in Africa clearly smack less of neoimperialism than they do neocolonialism, and have prompted many to wonder whether the events are the start of a new cycle of world politics in which an outgoing unipolarity is perhaps […]

Crisis of Papacy

The on-going events reflect the fact that the Catholic Church goes through crisis today. It has failed to stand up to the process of dechristianization spreading up in the Western society. Actually it is the collapse of the very institution of Papacy. A Pope’s resignation is usually outstanding news, but […]

US-Saudi Funded Terrorists Sowing Chaos in Pakistan

Baluchistan, Pakistan – long target of Western geopolitical interests, terror wave coincides with Gwadar Port handover to China. Quetta, the capital of Pakistan’s southwest Baluchistan province, bordering both US-occupied Afghanistan as well as Iran, was the site of a grisly market bombing that has killed over 80 people. According to […]

A Bomb in the Year of the Snake

Everything about North Korea has to be speculative. That has been and is still the main problem. But one speculation seems to be ending, finally. It concerns China’s apparent ambivalence about North Korea’s nuclear program. Increasingly, Beijing is coming out on the ‘right side of history’. Which in turn would […]

Israel Strikes Syria: First Act of «Endgame»?

Speaking at the defense chiefs meeting in Munich, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak finally confirmed what the news agency had been raising ballyhoo about for the previous few days: the Israeli Air Force had launched a military operation against the legitimate government of Syria. It gave rise to speculations about […]