Month: June 2013

Syria crisis and America’s funeral

America, at least publicly, seems destined to put its military might against Syria, notwithstanding the fact that America will have to arm and train terrorists it has been fighting for a decade, notwithstanding America will be risking a world war and notwithstanding the simple fact that every authority advises against […]

We are all Qataris now

Western corporate media is head over heels with the Emir of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, 61, as he magnanimously chose to depose himself to the benefit of his son, the former heir apparent Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, 33. In a positively Kennedy-esque speech on national television, the outgoing emir […]

Syria: Looming Sunni-Shia Crisis

The government forces are gaining ground almost everywhere in Syria. Their advance has become an important international game changer. The anti-government camp has become vibrant applying efforts to rescue the giant international project, which has already consumed so much time and effort. President Obama has approved arming Syrian rebels. The […]

Obama, Morsi, Plunge Middle East Into Chaos

This week, President Obama announced that US “intelligence estimates” conclusively prove Syria has been using chemical weapons. The US will now supply weapons and ammunition to Syrian rebels, the Washington Post says are, not just al-Qaeda “affiliates” but working to destabilize and “Balkanize” Iraq as well, “In an audio message […]