Violence in Syria: Strike against the IS

It is shocking to learn that the Syrian violence has mounted 200, 000 victims, displaced 6.5 millions from their native shelters and rammed 23 million under the plague of terror and awe. The furthermore sad-fullness of the issue that really aggravates the agony of a sympathetic man, is that this saga of terror is not likely to be placated eventually.

Recently, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has embroiled Syria into another hazard when Abu Omer Al-Baghdadi has claimed himself as the Caliph, the spiritual and political leader of the entire Muslim throughout the world, with its capital in Al-Raqah. Abu Omer Al-baghdadi has captured the reign of power under the banner of Jihadist Idea and has become prone to vulnerability. Under the scenario of the emergence of ISIS, United States of America is much anxious.

Mr. Barack Obama has declared to chase the ISIS to the end. That is why a wide array of thinkers is devising the plans for how to crush ISIS. Some are of the opinion that the military attack is the sole option that USA should undertake. Others are opposing and terming the military option insufficient with the political, diplomatic and economic options to be employed. All the said options activated by the rationales reveal that the US policy makers perceive the said Islamic State as a grave threat to its security.

Actually, they perceive that so-called Islamic State would declare the global jihad against the United States of America throughout the world and the massive bloody campaigns would be pursued against the resources and nationals of America, which would endanger the vested American interests. Hence, the Islamic state would attempt to achieve what Al-Qaeda had failed to inflict an irretrievable loss to US. In accordance with the said threat perception, Barak Obama realistically denounces ISIS and tends to prevent the threat before it gets deep-rooted and expands its efficacy with both influence and resources.

15002120480_1994a585beSubsequently and frankly speaking, the two aspects require to be analyzed profoundly. Firstly, the way Americans think that IS would become a horror for their rest and peace, finds the origin from the fact that Americans understand their involvement against the Muslim assets including occupation of states such as Afghanistan, Iraq, the obvious military engagement by dint of massive propaganda campaign against the Muammar Kaddafi of Libya and the encroachment of natural resources of the Middle East for which US has deployed its military Might here in the Gulf region.

These are the factors, which the Americans themselves deem as a prime source of misperception between the Ummah Masses and the West. Similarly, the Militant organizations apparently propagate these basic happenings against USA and attempt to justify what they remain rebel. Ultimately, this misperception would deepen if the US strikes against the said Islamic State. Another saga of invasion would be written in the chapter of US attacks against the Muslim countries.

Therefore, if the realistic approach, as the Americans pursue, is the most doable policy to ensure one’s own security, the early days of human civilization and empire building through the disdainful mercenaries would revive again and the difference would shrink between the then eras and the modern days of human history. That is why the concept of peace and stability can no longer survive.

Recently, Britain Foreign Secretary William Hague has admitted that around 400 young British men had travelled to the region to fight as jihadist. But a Birmingham MP said that was an understatement and believes more than 1,500 young Britons may have been recruited by extremists fighting in Iraq and Syria.
Recently, Britain Foreign Secretary William Hague has admitted that around 400 young British men had travelled to the region to fight as jihadist. But a Birmingham MP said that was an understatement and believes more than 1,500 young Britons may have been recruited by extremists fighting in Iraq and Syria.

Secondly, the Islamic State is quite an enigma. According to the UK Based media sources, the militants, joining Omer Al-Baghdadi, are mostly foreigners. They have appeared from western nations. Now, if they have come from the European and western lands, where is the competency of the intelligence services of the concerned states, which remained unaware, and a volcano of another violence used to grow?

Now, the Islamic state has been pursued as threat, which may be targeted in the forthcoming days. Nonetheless, the miseries of the Syrians seem to be multiplied leaving a small chasm for the champions of human rights to escape. In the refugees’ camps, the Syrian mothers were reported to show willingness for the marriage of their young girls if a man whoever expressed only willingness. This shows how heartbroken and wretched Syrians are. On the other hand, the Middle East rests on the centre of global geo-politics. Therefore, any development in this region directly has impact on the international interaction. According to a source, “The Middle East will most likely determine whether the rest of the world will have good or bad future. Any potential Middle East scenario has huge implications for the rest of the world.”

Thus, the displaced and effected populace needs many sympathies. Their troubles can be estimated only by suffers. However, the architects of the preventive strategy should think on basis that these effect-tees should be cooperated and given financial support to let them settle in their respective areas after the ISIS is tackled so that they might not join the ranks of global jihadists.

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