Why The West Will Not And Cannot Let Syria Live In Peace

For all those who have become awake and conscious or otherwise put; have escaped the western media pit of lies and brainwashing, the six year long resistance of the Syrian people in the face of the US Deep State and its terrorist proxy troops ISIS, Al Qaeda et al has been a deeply tragic but historically heroic inspiration to us all. They survived four years almost totally alone until Russia entered to fight the US, EU, Israeli proxy terrorist fighters that were gaining ground on government held territory in Syria. The Russian campaign has been exemplary, resulting in, at the time of writing in a total reversal for the aggressors. Many are rightly praising the the Heroic Syrian Arab army and its Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies. I have been saying all along however that this optimism is misplaced as the forces that actually run the western world simply cannot let Syria rise from the ashes. A re-built Syria which controls it’s own central bank and can issue it’s own currency as it needs with no outside control and no debt to the International Monetary Fund or anyone else, (The most fundamental and essential of freedoms that most western countries have not experienced for at least a hundred years.) which, because of this. is able to offer its citizens, even during the war, free education and higher education, health care and extremely low or non existent utility charges is totally anathema to the real leaders of the western world. The fact that different branches of Islam and above all, the fact that the many Orthodox Christians in Syria live in peace with each other burns the western, fractional reserve, debt enslaving banking elites as holy water burns a vampire.

The neo-cons, i.e. the people who actually run the US Deep State are hell bent on total world domination and they are achieving this through control of every country’s central bank and their freedom to issue their own currency as they need and a ruthless war on culture facilitated by the ever increasing rate at which education is dumbed down with the help of main stream media. In just thirty years they have succeeded in turning the average westerner into a zombie who’s ā€œunderstandingā€ of the world is completely founded on lies and often total reality inversions and who’s powers of thought and objective reasoning, as well as a sense of any meaningful self and a place in history have been reduced to almost zero. A resurgent Syria will be a shining example to the whole world of what life can be like without the neo-con iron grip on the money supply, education system, media, sport, art and all the rest. A resurgent, whole Syria will be a block to the much touted ā€œGreater Israelā€ and to the western plans for gas pipes from Qatar to Europe (whatever may or may not be happening with Qatar right now). Last but anything but from least, is the fact that Syria’s survival will be a massive spanner in the works of their ultimate goal of subduing, conquering and dismembering Russia which is of course the number one reason why Russia came to Syria’s aid in the first place! That is why they will not and from their Satanic point of view, cannot, allow it to allow Syria to survive!

At the time of writing (evening June 26 in Europe) seemingly coordinated reports are coming in from the US, UK, France that another chemical attack on the Syrian people and ā€œinnocent little childrenā€ by its own government and president is being prepared and is due any minute and that the west will make President Assad and his military ā€œpay a very heavy priceā€ ā€œwhen or maybe even before it occursā€. (preemptive strike)

Now all sane, informed, awake people in the world know that the government of Syria has never used chemical weapons on anybody and never will. We know that this was only ever western lies to help domestic public opinion accept yet another western destruction of free humanity and culture as with Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and now Syria hence bringing them them ever closer to their absolute domination of the entire world and the enslavement of every human soul. Hence what we are seeing here is yet another attempt to use the same tired old lie to justify a western regime change action followed by the destruction of secular, civilized Syria.

Were a major western, Israeli attack on Syria to take place, that would put Russia in a difficult position which is precisely why some of the hotter heads in the western elite may just decide to risk it.

The Russian government and people absolutely do not want war and Russia has repeatedly shown a very ā€œZenā€ ability to dissolve all the aggressive provocations the west has thus far thrown at her in Ukraine as in Syria. One does not have to be a military or geopolitical expert to see that if Russia resists militarily, this could risk escalating very fast all the way to WWIII. This is something that Russia wants to avoid at nearly all costs but were the situation to become existential, that would be another matter and as many have already commentated, the Russians are informed and ready which cannot be said in any way of western populations. The Russian campaign in Syria has resulted in a very low casualty count so far but a very high profile one. All deaths of male and female Russian service personnel in Syria (Except secret agents we may presume) have been publicized on mainstream media. All are felt as a great loss but some were especially moving. The young reconnaissance soldier who found himself hopelessly surrounded by ISIS fighters who called down a missile strike on himself to avoid being captured and to make sure the terrorists were all killed: which they were. The pilot who was shot down by a Turkish fighter and then machine gunned by western backed terrorists as he parachuted to earth hanging helplessly in the air. All Russia saw his legs kicking out as the bullets entered him. It would be very hard, maybe even impossible for Russian public opinion to except that all that heroism and sacrifice was for nothing. That Russia must just let the west and Israel overthrow the legitimate government, hand the country over to the Islamist terrorists and their masters and come home with her tail between her legs and start to reinforce the Russian borders.

The Russian government has always said that it is in Syria to defeat the terrorists rather than to ā€œprop upā€, as the western media likes to say, the Assad government. Recent poles say that if there was an election in Syria tomorrow, Assad would get close to ninety percent and the fact on the ground is that if he goes, the terrorists will win. A fact that is perfectly understood in Washington, London, Paris, Tel Aviv as it is in Damascus, Moscow, Tehran and Beijing. If that happens, next step, Iran!

If the west goes for an all out regime change attack in Syria and should Russia decide that its long term interests are best served by retreating, then this could be more destabilizing for Russia’s internal unity than any thing the west has thrown at her so far. The west’s use of so called ā€œliberalsā€ and ā€œClinton, Soros worshiping and funded dissidentsā€ to effect regime change in Russia has spectacularly failed. However, if there is any undercurrent of doubt in the leadership of Vladimir Putin in the country it is among those who feel frustrated by his ā€œZenā€ way of dealing with the west and who would like to see a much more full on, robust countering of western aggression around her borders and protection of Russia’s interests worldwide. These people would find it impossible to stomach a Russian defeat, retreat from Syria and internal tensions would certainly rise more than they have done to date. I would certainly not envy President Putin, his ministers and advisers given such a choice. True! A firm, decisive rebuttal of western aggression might cause the west to back down as it is in much more disarray than Russia or Syria itself for that matter. On the other hand it might not and then what?
Let us pray that such a decision will not have to be taken. That the few remaining non neo-con people in the Pentagon and the US administration manage to thwart this ridiculous false flag creation or: that as Alexander Mercouris noted, that it looks like a heavy handed attempt to distract public attention from Seymour Hearsh’s devastating article exposing the last ā€œchemical attack false fag as a total lie!

The next few hours and days will be crucial! Someone recently wrote and I’m paraphrasing as I can’t find the original. ā€œThe neo-con desire for world domination has zombified them to such an extent that they cannot stop on this path. Until someone shoots them in the head, they will continue moving forwardā€!

Reposts are welcomed with the reference to ORIENTAL REVIEW.
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    1. Never seek war.
      Always be ready for it.
      Never be where the war maker thinks you are.
      Always attack when the war maker thinks you cannot.

    2. Pingback: Por que o Ocidente nĆ£o vai e nĆ£o pode deixar a SĆ­ria viver na paz? | NavalBrasil.com

    3. Pingback: Washington Has Been at War for 16 Years: Why? ByĀ Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – aladdinsmiraclelamp

    4. Pingback: Why the West Will Not and Cannot Let Syria Live in Peace |

    5. Because 6-year-old Syrian bloodshed has been an Israeli Project from the day one. It’s meant to install an anti-Iran regime in Damascus. Iran supports both Hamas and Hizbullah resistance group at war with the Zionist regime occupying Arab Palestine.

      In 2001, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu made an offer to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad through US ambassador in Damascus that Israel will return Syrian Golan Heights, which it captured in 1967 war – if Assad distance himself from Tehran. Assad rejected the offer.

      On June 18, 2017, the Wall Street Journal, owned by Israel-First Australian multi-billionaire Rupert Murdock, reported that Israel funds ISIS in Syria. Recently, Netanyahu admitted that Israeli doctors in Jewish-occupied Syrian Golan Heights were treating anti-Assad wounded rebels on humanitarian basis. This is same bloodthirsty creep who defend Israeli soldiers killing Palestinian minors.

      On June 28, Sharmine Narwani penned an article, entitled, “Dispatch From the Middle East: US Build-up All About Iran”, for The American Conservative, news website.

      On June 16, 2017, Julien Barnes-Dacey, senior Middle East expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations, a Zionist think tank, warned Washington that ā€œUS-supported push into eastern Syria will almost certainly end in failure given the regimeā€™s and Iranā€™s commitment to secure the area.ā€


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