Laying Ghosts to Rest: Catalonia Says “Adéu” to Francoist Spain

While the most part of the observers of global processes maybe expected that Brexit or Trump’s impeachment would be completed by now, it turns out that the both of these outcomes have not yet materialised. Concerning the former, the so-called “Prime Minister” of Britain (she was never elected, which seems to be the norm today in UK politics) is deliberately delaying the process under the guise of wanting a better exit deal in the hope that no agreement is made and Brexit is thus cancelled, since the Tories wish to remain in the EU. And concerning the latter, the pressure placed upon Trump by the “party of war” (also known as “neoconservatives”/AIPAC lobbyists) is just that – pressure, and nothing more, since there is literally no proof that he collaborated with Russia, and none will arrive either.

Outside of the framework of these two local processes, but inside the framework of global processes, two more events did in fact happen that weren’t expected to occur so imminently, even by those who are professional political scientists, although in both cases it was a matter of “when”, and not “if”: the referenda staged in Iraq by the Kurds, and by the Catalans in Catalonia. And although at first glance these two other events may seem to have no correlation, in reality they are both connected and have the potential to cause tectonic shifts concerning the existing global order.

Concerning the Kurdish referendum in Iraq, it has already been thrown into the bin of history. The “President” (in reality his term in this position expired long ago) of the Iraqi Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani (who represents one faction among the many that are infighting for sole power) was given the green light by his sponsors in Riyadh and Tel Aviv to try to divide Iraq at a time when the Iraqi Army, Counterterrorism units, and Popular Mobilization Forces (often called “shiite militia”/”pro-Iran” by the media as a part of a sectarian narrative sponsored also by the same Israel and Saudi Arabia) have liberated Iraq from ISIS in all but one place (at the time of writing): Al Qaem and the Anbar desert. In the end, Barzani’s gamble fell flat on its face, and Abadi gave the order to return the Iraqi battlemap to the way it was in 2003, with the Peshmerga Kurds ousted from Kirkuk and beyond. Now Mr Barzani, who subsequently resigned as a result of this moment of madness, must give answers to the central government concerning the $51 billion he stole from Iraqi oil companies. This also landed a big blow to the Kurds in Syria, who have occupied Raqqa and hope to seize as many oil fields in Deir Ezzor as possible. And these antics will end in the same way – with the seized territories falling back under the central government’s control.

Meanwhile, 5000 kilometers away in Barcelona the unipolar global order that was cemented as a result of the US’ occupation of half of Berlin and the later creation of the proxy bloc known as NATO – a pretext to deploy nuclear weapons in Europe and to aim them at Russia – is also tearing apart at the seams. Another Anglo-Saxon marionette in the face of King Felipe VI of Spain, along with his lapdog Mariano Rajoy, is losing his hegemony over the working man and woman in Catalonia. Before October 27th, when independence from Spain was officially declared by the Catalonian parliament, approximately 20% of Spain’s budget and approximately 25% of all Spanish exports came from the Generalitat de Catalunya – 6.3% of Spain’s territory. And in return for helping to service Spain’s €1,173,000,000,000 national debt, Catalonia was effectively spat on by the ruling coalition headed by Rajoy’s “People’s Party”. But to attribute the recent developments in Spain to purely financial profit/loss reasons is to only tell half the story.

Spain is a 500-year-old country that was built on the basis of a marriage between the King of Aragon/Catalonia and the Queen of Castilla. In reality, Catalonia is much more ancient than Spain, but Spain’s foundation (Madrid) has been systematically bleeding Catalonia ever since – even stealing the flag of Catalonia to imply subordination. Even though the Parliament of Catalonia is the 2nd most ancient one in Europe after the Tynwald one, Madrid likes to consider the Catalan language a derivative of the Spanish one, and that the Kingdom of Catalonia never existed! And, added to this, from 1492 Catalonians have been resistant to the colonization and repression of Castilla.

The fact is that Rajoy’s “People’s Party” was initially called “People’s Alliance” (Alianza Popular), which was a self-proclaimed Francoist party. The founders of “Alianza Popular” were important people from Franco’s regime and from la Falange – for example, Manuel Fraga Iribarne, an ultra-catholic from the Opus Dei order. And, as is known, in the 1940’s General Francisco Franco – installed and supported by London & Co – treated communists and so-called “separatists” a bit like how Hitler’s henchmen treated Slavs, or how today Adolf’s successor Petro Poroshenko treats “Moskals” in general.

On the left: The predecessor to Rajoy, Prime Minister of the “People’s Party” José María Aznar 1990-2004. This grouping (Bush-Blair-Aznar) was known as the Trío de las Azores, which is responsible for murdering over 1 million Iraqis. Recall that Eisenhower met Franco in 1959

One of the most prominent victims of Franco’s brutality was the leader of Catalonia Lluís Companys, who was executed on October 15, 1940, after spending the previous twelve months in exile in France. And almost exactly 77 years later, on October 9th, 2017, the member of the “People’s Party” Pablo Casado menacingly reminded the current leader of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont about this fact:

“We have nothing to cede or negotiate with the coup leaders. For the person who declares this, it will end like it did for the one who declared it 83 years ago.”

This is only one such example of the thuggish behavior of the “People’s Party”. And after all, the poison apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Take, for example, this piece of news from earlier this year, which seemingly doesn’t concern Angela Merkel or Brussels in general:

“Spain’s prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, became the first serving Spanish premier to testify in a criminal case on Wednesday when he emphatically denied any knowledge of an illegal funding racket within the ruling People’s party.”

The monument to the Drummer of El Bruc, Catalonia

In other words, Rajoy has been siphoning off tax payer money into his own pocket, at the behest of the Spanish Royal Family, which in turn was in the dock in 2016 also under  corruption charges. It is because of facts like this, and not because of a lust for more money and power – like the oligarchical clashes in Ukraine, that millions of Catalonians voted to secede from Spain and sever all ties to the criminal cartel known as Madrid. Sadly, this looting of public funds isn’t limited to the politicians. The best friend of the “People’s Party” Real Madrid (football club) was also the best friend of Franco’s regime. The current President of Los Blancos Florentino Pérez was also summoned to court for…yes, corruption (in other words – for being in bed with Rajoy’s band of thieves)! But these court hearings are merely for show, because no judge will dare to offend the monarchy in Madrid.

So as can be seen, the referendum in Catalonia wasn’t the result of the sudden speculation by a handful of “elites” such as George Soros, regardless of what conspiritainment lunatics of the Alex Jones type say. And this can be proven by one simple experiment: ask a resident of Barcelona if they received any money from the notorious financier this month, or was it just the same €300 from the State because there is no employment – the result of decades of IMF looting and Wall Street casino binges.

Francisco Franco meets Adolf Hitler

In the end, whether it’s the Kurds or Catalonians, history will always repeat itself until the root case of the matter is resolved. Such contradictions as the ones seen in Europe are simply manifestations of skeletons in closets. Ukraine has its ghost in the face of Nazi-collaborator Stepan Bandera, and Spain has Fransisco Franco. Both were puppets of the London-Washington axis, which exported the sordid legacy of both repressive figures to the modern-day context. And both were subjected to the tried and tested “divide et impera” strategy. But make no mistake about it – it was Russia’s decision to enter the Syrian theater and to boot the US and allies out of the Middle East that gave the people of Catalonia the room for manoeuvre. It is hoped, however, that the deployment of the S-400 is not required in Barcelona, because thoughts about a Yugoslavia 2.0 only add more misery and suffering on top of the already mountain-sized fatigue accumulated worldwide from decades of war to only benefit the so-called “Royal” families sat in castles with diamonds pillaged from Africa encrusted in their hollow, blood-soaked crowns.

In other words, Rajoy has been siphoning off tax payer money into his own pocket, at the behest of the Spanish Royal Family, which in turn was in the dock in 2016 also under  corruption charges. It is because of facts like this, and not because of a lust for more money and power – like the oligarchical clashes in Ukraine, that millions of Catalonians voted to secede from Spain and sever all ties to the criminal cartel known as Madrid. Sadly, this looting of public funds isn’t limited to the politicians. The best friend of the “People’s Party” Real Madrid (football club) was also the best friend of Franco’s regime. The current President of Los Blancos Florentino Pérez was also summoned to court for…yes, corruption (in other words – for being in bed with Rajoy’s band of thieves)! But these court hearings are merely for show, because no judge will dare to offend the monarchy in Madrid.

So as can be seen, the referendum in Catalonia wasn’t the result of the sudden speculation by a handful of “elites” such as George Soros, regardless of what conspiritainment lunatics of the Alex Jones type say. And this can be proven by one simple experiment: ask a resident of Barcelona if they received any money from the notorious financier this month, or was it just the same €300 from the State because there is no employment – the result of decades of IMF looting and Wall Street casino binges.

In the end, whether it’s the Kurds or Catalonians, history will always repeat itself until the root case of the matter is resolved. Such contradictions as the ones seen in Europe are simply manifestations of skeletons in closets. Ukraine has its ghost in the face of Nazi-collaborator Stepan Bandera, and Spain has Fransisco Franco. Both were puppets of the London-Washington axis, which exported the sordid legacy of both repressive figures to the modern-day context. And both were subjected to the tried and tested “divide et impera” strategy. Without Catalonia, Spain is just a corpse with a trillion euro debt. But make no mistake about it – it was Russia’s decision to enter the Syrian theater and to boot the US and allies out of the Middle East that gave the people of Catalonia the room for manoeuvre. It is hoped, however, that the deployment of the S-400 is not required in Barcelona, because thoughts about a Yugoslavia 2.0 only add more misery and suffering on top of the already mountain-sized fatigue accumulated worldwide from decades of war to only benefit the so-called “Royal” families sat in castles with diamonds pillaged from Africa encrusted in their hollow, blood-soaked crowns.

A joke that is doing the rounds in Catalonia:

“Hey Catalonians, you know that if you leave you will have to pay your part of the Spanish debt?”

“And if we stay?”

“Then you will pay your and our part.”

Reposts are welcomed with the reference to ORIENTAL REVIEW. The views expressed are the author’s own and do not necessarily coincide with ones of ORIENTAL REVIEW.
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  1. We can not completely agree with the author’s assessment of Catalan independence process. Supposedly not being “conspiritainment lunatics” (at least we hope so), we see that Soros’ agenda is to dismantle and weaken the nation states in Europe and elsewhere. In this context making dozens of mosaic parcels out of the contemporary EU members would be for him (his masters), as some say, “a good deal”. Of course during this type of operations no one pays to every protester, 99% are misused as a blind tool.
    Despite Franco was in another camp during the Cold War, we have to render tributes to him for preserving conservative core inside the Spanish society, securing peaceful and legitimate transition by restoring the royal house as a watchdog over democratic institutions. He was argueably one of the most successful politicians of the dramatic XX century steering Spanish caravella almost unharmed via the torments of his time, proving that “the politics is indeed the art of the possible” (Bismarck).

  2. ignasi orobitg gene

    Very much in agreement with the whole article.
    Catalonia wants to be a protagonist among the Peoples of Europe. It does not want to be subaltern of an old Spain that demands tributes and privileges as in the dark times of fascist repression.

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