The Macedonian Dispute


The “Macedonian Question” is today actual for several reasons of whom two are of the fundamental importance:

1. The Albanian secession in the FYROM;

2. The Greek dispute with the FYROM authorities over several issues.[1]

For the matter of illustration, for instance, Greece is so far blocking Macedonia’s joining the NATO and the EU because of an on-going dispute between the FYROM and Greece. The main disputable issue is a title of “Macedonia” used in the country’s Constitution in the form of the official state-name as the Republic of Macedonia.[2] When the ex-Yugoslav Socialist Republic of Macedonia voted for independence on September 8th, 1991[3] as the Republic of Macedonia that was confirmed as the official constitutional name in November 1991[4], Greece became with a great reason immediately reluctant of recognising the country under such official name in addition to some other significant disputable issues in regard to the independence of FYROM.

In essence, according to the Greek administration, the use of this name is bringing direct cultural, national and territorial threat to Greece and the Greek people. The Greeks feel that by using such name, the FYROM imposes open territorial claim on the territory of the North Greece that is also called (the Aegean) Macedonia. To make things clear, Greece claims and with a right reason, to have an exclusive copyright to the use of the name of Macedonia as the history and culture of ancient Macedonia were and are integral parts of the Greek national history and civilization and nothing to do with the present-day “Macedonians” who are the artificial creation by the Titoist regime of the Socialist Yugoslavia after the WWII.[5]

A Basic Historical Background

Alexander Empire Map
The Empire of Alexander the Great (IV BC)

A present-day territory of FYROM was formerly part of the Byzantine, Bulgarian and Serbian Empires until 1371/1395 when it became included into the Ottoman Sultanate followed by the process of Islamization. The Christian population of the land was constantly migrating from Macedonia under the Ottoman rule especially after the Austrian-Ottoman wars and uprisings against the Ottoman rule. After the 1878 Berlin Congress, Bulgaria started to work on annexation of all historical-geographic Macedonia and for that reason it was established in 1893 openly pro-Bulgarian Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (the IMRO). After the Second Balkan War in 1913 Macedonian territory became partitioned between Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria. During the WWI, Macedonia was a scene of a heavy battles between the forces of the Central Powers and the Entente (the Salonika Front or the Macedonian Front). After the WWI, according to the Treaty of Neuilly, the territorial division of historical-geographical Macedonia between Serbia (now the Yugoslav state), Greece and Bulgaria was confirmed followed in the next years by a large population movement which transformed the ethnic and confessional composition of Macedonia’s population primarily due to the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the Greco-Turkish War of 1919−1922. In the interwar period, despite continued activism by the IMRO terrorists from Bulgaria, the aim to annex the Yugoslav (Vardar) Macedonia became unfulfilled. After the WWII, the Vardar Macedonia became transformed into one of six Yugoslav socialist republics (the Socialist Republic of Macedonia) followed by the official recognition of the Macedonian nation, language and alphabet by the Yugoslav communist authorities – a decision which alienated Bulgaria and Greece from Yugoslavia.[6]

The proclamation of state independence of the Yugoslav portion of Macedonia under the official name the Republic of Macedonia immediately created an extremely tense relationship with the neighbouring Greece as Macedonia developed rival claims for ethnicity and statehood followed by the appropriation of the ancient Macedonian history and culture. This Greco-Macedonian rivalry became firstly epitomized in a dispute on Macedonia’s official state-name for the very reason that Greece objected to the use of the term Macedonia in any combination of the name of the state of its northern neighbour.

An Origin of the Dispute

The dispute between Greece and the FYROM regarding the Macedonian official state-name came on agenda when ex-Yugoslav Socialist Republic of Macedonia adopted its new Constitution in November 1991 in which the country official name was declared as the Republic of Macedonia. As a matter of political fight against the FYROM Government, Greece blocked the European Union (the EU) to recognize Macedonia’s independence[7] and on December 4th, 1991, the Greek Government officially declared its good will to recognize the independence of ex-Yugoslav Socialist Republic of Macedonia but only if it would:

  1. Made a clear constitutional guarantee of having no claims to the Greek territory.
  2. Stop a hostile propaganda against Greece.
  3. Exclude the term “Macedonia” and its derivatives from a new official name of the state.

Macedonia and EUThe first of these three conditions was a Greek reaction to the disputable Article 49 in Macedonia’s new Constitution which declared that the Republic of Macedonia cares for the status and rights of those persons belonging to the Macedonian people in all neighbouring countries as well as the Macedonian expatriates, assisting in their cultural development, and promoting links with them.[8] This article was interpreted by Greece as an indirect reference to the (unrecognized) Macedonian minority (i.e. “Slavophile Greeks”) in the North Greece (the Aegean Macedonia) and it was perceived as a threat to the territorial sovereignty and integrity of Greece. The EU concerning this matter supported Greece and stated in the same month that it would only recognize a new Macedonian state if it guaranteed to have no territorial claims against any neighbouring EU member state[9] and not to engage in any act against such state, including and the use of a state-name that potentially can imply the territorial claims. Basically, only under the pressure by Brussels, the Parliament (Sobranie) in Skopje amended Macedonia’s Constitution in January 1992 and as the results, the formal constitutional guarantees were provided that the country would not interfere in the internal affairs of other states and would respect the inviolability of the international borders of any state. Macedonia’s authorities fulfilled only the minor EU requirements, hopping to be soon recognized by the same organization, but two crucial problem-issues (the state-name of Macedonia and the Article 49 in the Constitution) which caused the fundamental Greek dissatisfaction, still remained unchanged. Therefore, the EU sided with Greece and decided in June 1992 not to recognize the republic if it uses the term Macedonia in its official state title.[10]

However, at the first glance, it may seem that the EU supported the Greek policy in 1991 toward the Macedonian Question as it aligned itself with Greece as a member state of the bloc, but in fact, it was not the case. Greece’s position and arguments have been publicly rejected and even ridiculed by the officials from several EU member states, but three crucial real politik reasons made the EU to officially side in 1992 with Greece in her dispute with the FYROM:

  1. In an exchange for the EU support on the Macedonian Question, Greece promised to ratify the Maastricht Treaty (signed in February 1993), to participate in sanctions against Serbia (its traditional ally), and to ratify the EU financial protocol with Turkey.
  2. By taking the same position as Greece, the EU demonstrated its own internal political cohesion and unity, trying at the same time to thwart the use of Greek veto right in order to protect its own national interest within the EU.
  3. A last factor that contributed to the EU support for the Greek case was a fear that the Greek Government might fall if the Republic of Macedonia would be recognized under that name.[11]

Alternative Official Names for Macedonia

A variety of alternative names for ex-Yugoslav Socialist Republic of Macedonia were proposed after 1991 in order to solve the problem and normalize relations with Greece – a most important Macedonia’s neighbour and economic partner. It was quite clear that Greece herself would not accept any kind of state-name that includes a term “Macedonia” and therefore a variety of solutions without a term of “Macedonia” were suggested by Athens, ranging from Dardania and Paeonia (used in antiquity to name regions to the north of the ancient Macedonia) to the names of the South Slavia, the Vardar Republic[12], the Central Balkan Republic and the Republic of Skopje (named after Macedonia’s capital). All other name suggestions which used the designation Macedonia, mainly proposed by the Macedonian side, were in no way acceptable to Greece from political, historical and moral reasons. What Greece could accept as a kind of temporal solution was the state-name of the country with the designation Macedonia but only to make clear difference between Macedonia as a former republic of Yugoslavia and Macedonia that is a region in (the North) Greece. These solutions included names, for instance, the North Macedonia, a New Macedonia or the Slavic Republic of Macedonia.[13] Greece even suggested that a new state of Macedonia could adopt two names: 1. One official for the external use, without mentioning designation Macedonia, and 2. One unofficial for internal use, which could include designation Macedonia. However, all these Greek solutions were rejected by the Macedonian authorities who insisted on the recognition of Macedonia’s independence exactly under the constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia.[14]

The FYROM and the “Sun of Vergina”

The ex-Yugoslav Socialist Republic of Macedonia was gaining the international recognition step by step, although not in majority cases under its constitutional name as the Republic of Macedonia. By early 1993 the new state was able to become a member of the International Monetary Fund (the IMF) under the name the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (the FYROM)[15] and by April 1993 the United Nations (the UN) also admitted Macedonia under such provisional name as a temporal compromise between the Macedonian and the Greek authorities. It was agreed that a permanent state-name of Macedonia that is going to be used in the foreign affairs had to be decided later through a process of mediation by the UN. However, the FYROM was not allowed to fly its original state flag (from 1991) at the UN headquarters as the official state emblem as Greece strongly opposed such idea.

The real reason for this Greek decision was basically of the essential nature of the political conflict with the authorities in Skopje as the flag was composed by the yellow-coloured sixteen-ray sun of star from Vergina on the red-coloured background. The background colour was not a problematic issue, but the yellow “Sun of Vergina” on the flag, however, created the fundamental dispute between two states together with the issue of the official state-name of Macedonia. The Greek Government strongly opposed the Macedonian authorities to use the “Sun of Vergina” as a state emblem at least for two good reasons as:

  1. It was an insignia of the ancient Macedonians of the Macedonian Empire.
  2. It was found between two world wars in Vergina that is an ancient town on the territory of the present-day Greece but not of the FYROM.

SkopljeThe Greek authorities is understanding the “Sun of Vergina” as a symbol which has nothing to do either with the territory of the FYROM or with the ethnic Macedonians, or better to say, with Macedonia’s Slavs.[16] The Greeks are clear in this matter having a position that the history and culture of the ancient Macedonians does not belong to the historical and ethnic heritage of the FYROM but quite contrary, they belong to the Greek (Hellenic) inheritance. Therefore, the use of the “Sun of Vergina” by the FYROM authorities is seen by Greece as an act of falsification of history and a cultural aggression on the state territory of Greece with unpredictable political consequences in the future. That is the same as well as with the cases of naming certain institutions and public objects with the names of Philip II (national soccer stadium in Skopje) or Alexander the Great (the highway in the FYROM and the Skopje airport) or with erections of the monuments devoted to them (on the main city square in Skopje).

The Embargo and Further Negotiations

In 1993 several states recognized Macedonia under the official state-name as the FYROM but there were also and those states who recognized the country as the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia was recognized by six EU members followed by the United States of America (the US) and Australia by early 1994. However, the Greek Government experienced Macedonia’s recognition of independence without the final fixing the question of Macedonia’s administrative name for the external usage as her own great diplomatic and national defeat, and as a response to such situation, Athens imposed a strict trade embargo to the FYROM on February 17th, 1994 for the sake to more firmly point out its unchanged position regarding several problematic issues in dealing with its northern neighbour. The embargo had a very large, and negative, impact on Macedonia’s economy as its export earnings became reduced by 85% and its food supplies dropped by 40%. On the other side, the economic blockade was very much criticised by the international community including and the EU and, therefore, not much later became lifted in 1995, but after successful negotiations between Greece and the FYROM, when these two countries finally recognized each other and established diplomatic relations. The FYROM, as a part of a settlement package with Greece, was also forced to change the official flag of the state on which the “Sun of Vergina” was replaced with the “Macedonian Sun”.[17]

However, the negotiations between the FYROM and Greece in regard to a permanent state-name of Macedonia are still being conducted by the UN, and this problem is not solved properly up today on the way that the both sides are going to be fully satisfied. The issue arose several times concerning the FYROM possibility to join both the NATO and the EU as Greece (member state of both organizations) threatened to use a veto right in order to stop Macedonia’s admission if previously the problem of Macedonia’s state-name is not solved in the Greek favour. Talks between the FYROM and Greece are permanent up to now with some new alternative state-name proposals by both sides as, for instance, the Constitutional Republic of Macedonia, the Democratic Republic of Macedonia, the Independent Republic of Macedonia, the New Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Upper-Macedonia.

Nevertheless, the talks proved that no one of these proposals is acceptable for both parties. The FYROM proposed as a workable solution to use changed state-name only in relations to Greece, but at the same time to keep its constitutional state-name in all other international relations. However, even this proposal did not lead to a final and sincere solution as Greece insisted that a final deal must be applied internationally. The UN mediator’s compromising proposal to rename the state was as the Republic Macedonia-Skopje. Nevertheless, despite all possible efforts that were made to solve the problem, no agreement could be reached so far and, therefore, the NATO and the EU memberships of the FYROM are very problematic as one of the membership requirements is to reach agreements with Greece on all disputable political questions including and the official Macedonia’s state-name.[18]

Conclusion Remarks

It is quite remarkable that a dispute between the FYROM and Greece on Macedonia’s official state-name after 1991, which looks probably quite trivial on the first sight, can have so large political and other implications with unpredictable consequences in the future. One can wonder how Greece and the FYROM became firmly stuck to their positions for a quarter of century. However, the very fact is that this dispute is actually directly connected with their national identities and cultural inheritance.


[1] James Pettifer (ed), The New Macedonian Question, New York: Palgrave, 2001, 15−27.

[2] The term Macedonia is of the Greek origin.

[3] This day is celebrated in the FYROM as the Independence Day.

[4] James Pettifer (ed), The New Macedonian Question, New York: Palgrave, 2001, xxv.

[5] Nicolaos K. Martis, The Falsification of Macedonian History, Athens: Graphic Arts, 1983.

[6] Bulgaria never recognized separate Macedonian nationality, language and alphabet. For Bulgarians, all Macedonia’s Slavs are of the Bulgarian origin. Greece is recognizing only the existence of the Macedonian Slavs but not on its own territory where all Slavs are considered as the Slavophone Greeks [Hugh Poulton, The Balkans: Minorities and States in Conflict, London: Minority Rights Publications, 1994, 175].

[7] Greece is a member of the EU from 1981.

[8] The Constitution’s day of adopting is November 17th, 1991 and day of entry into force November 20th, 1991.

[9] At that time, it was the European Community which became next year the European Union.

[10] Victor Roudometof, “Nationalism and Identity Politics in the Balkans: Greece and the Macedonian Question”, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 14 (2), 1996, 253−301.

[11] Loring M. Danforth, “Claims to Macedonian Identity: The Macedonian Question and the Breakup of Yugoslavia”, Anthropology Today, 9 (4), 1993, 3−10.

[12] The territory of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (the FYROM) is also known as the Vardar Macedonia, contrary to the Macedonian territory in Bulgaria – the Pirin Macedonia, and in Greece – the Aegean Macedonia. A geographical-historical territory of Macedonia became divided between Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria as a consequence of the Balkan Wars of 1912−1913: “…Bulgaria who had only a little piece of Macedonia in her share: the Struma Valley between Gorna Dzumaja (Blagoevgrad) and Petric with the Strumica enclave. Greece received all Macedonia south of Lake Ohrid and the coast with Thessalonika and Kavala. Serbia was given Northern Macedonia and the center up to Ohrid, Monastir (Bitola) and the Vardar” [Georges Castellan, History of the Balkans from Mohammed the Conqueror to Stalin, New York: Columbia University Press, 1992, 381]. In essence, Greece received 60%, Serbia 30% and Bulgaria 10% of the geographic-historical territory of Macedonia. A Present-day FYROM is in fact the Vardar Macedonia that became annexed by the Kingdom of Serbia in 1913 known in Titoist Yugoslavia as the Socialist Republic of Macedonia with the capital in Skopje.

[13] The Greeks are not the Slavs.

[14] Loring M. Danforth, “Claims to Macedonian Identity: The Macedonian Question and the Breakup of Yugoslavia”, Anthropology Today, 9 (4), 1993, 3−10.

[15] Victor Roudometof, “Nationalism and Identity Politics in the Balkans: Greece and the Macedonian Question”, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 14 (2), 1996, 253−301.

[16] Loring M. Danforth, “Claims to Macedonian Identity: The Macedonian Question and the Breakup of Yugoslavia”, Anthropology Today, 9 (4), 1993, 3−10.

[17] The Greeks in the Aegean Macedonia are using regularly a blue flag with the “Sun of Vergina” which is also in many cases put on the state flag of Greece as a historical amblem of the North Greece.

[18] The FYROM is currently a candidate state for the EU membership together with Turkey, Serbia and Montenegro.

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  1. For Dimitar:

    Nicolas K. Martis, The Falsification of Macedonian History, Athens: Graphic Arts, 1984

    Michael B. Sakellariou (ed.), Macedonia. 4,000 Years of Greek History and Civilization, Athens: Aristide d Caratzas Publ., 1988


  3. Sanimideg;

    “Indefensible”; not justifiable by argument.

  4. Justifiable by historical and ethnographic arguments means that FYROM “Macedonians” are Titoist Zombi-nation.

  5. Kake ne ti e sram da se odnesuvaš ko nekoj uličar bre kopile??

  6. Tisina bre bagro siptarska iz smrdljivog Tetova! Sikter u Šiptariju preko Ohrida

  7. Dimitar jeste Šipac ali nije iz Tetova nego iz Gostivara. 2001. g. je kao član ANE učestvovao u zavereničkoj pobuni šiptarskih terorista protiv legalne vlasti u Skoplju. Sada radi za Ramu i Tirani kao šiptarski trol na internetu. Honorar mu je 3 evra po jednom pljuvanju, tj. postu.

  8. Alexander was Greek,not greek speaking macedonian.

    For instance someone from Belgrade is Serbian that lives in Belgrade, not a serbian speaking Belgradian.

    Get your facts right.

    Slavs came in 1400years later, they have nothing to do with Alexander and greeks in general.

    There is video of Kiro Gligorov that admits that

    So the name macedonia and all those statues of Alexander etc are nothing more that fake nation building nonsense.

  9. To Tolis

    1. There is no single historical source to claim that ancient Macedonians were of the Greek ethnic origin.
    2. That Alexander the Great was the Greek is pure modern Greek propaganda construction.
    3. In Belgrade most living population are from Bosnia, Herzegovina, Krajina and Montenegro. And all of them claim to be the Serbs. You can accept it or not. But all of them are speaking a form of Serbian language including and local dialect of Central Serbia (Ekavian) and therefore they are “Serbian speakers of Bosnia, Montenegro, Belgrade, etc.” The autochtonous people of Serbia and Belgrade is not treating them as real Serbs.
    4. According to many meadleval documents, all ancient Illyrians, Tracians and Macedonians were the Slavs as Slavs together with Greeks were autochtonous Balkan people.
    5. Famous Baroque poet from Dubrovnik, Ivo Dživo Gundulić was calling Alexander the Great as the Serb (“Srbljanin”).
    6. Modern FYROM “Macedonian” is ethnonym derived from toponym Macedonia = people living on the territory of the province/region of Macedonia and therefore has nothing common with the ethnic name (the same is with “Bosnians”).
    7. Modern Greeks has almost nothing common from ethnogenetic and racial points of view with ancient Greeks who have been tall with blond hair and blue eyes. Today you can not find a single “Greek” as such.

  10. To Sotirovic

    You are a LIAR who lies big time.
    Here we go

    1.Stravo sais ‘έστιν ουν Ελλάς και η μακεδονίαν’
    This means macedonia is part of Greece.
    If you don’t Know who Stravo is, then you really shouldn’t be discussing these things.

    Also Greek history states macedonians belonging to Doric tribe.
    Dorians,Aeolians,Achaeans,ionias are the 4 ancient Greek tribes.

    2.Alaxander was Greek from both sides:father Philip and mother Olympias.
    Olympias was a princess from Epirus.
    Got that,liar?

    3.You either can’t read or you change the subject. I never said that those living from belgrade aren’t Serbs.
    Of course they are!
    I just said that there is no “belgradian” nation

    4.What does this have to do with the fact that slavic inhabitants of the blacans have nothing to do with Greeks and Alexander the Great?

    5.So what?I can call my self an escimoan basketball player who plays for Mongolia.
    That doesn’t mean I am!
    What on earth are you trying to prove?

    6.You are constantrly lying.
    DNA studies from the bones of the warriors buried in the tomb of marathon have shown identical DNA.
    The other lie you say is that ancient Greeks were tall with blonde hair and blue eyes.
    No they weren’t .

    They had various skin and hair colour but similare features.
    After all,they were the 4 tribes which from the beginning had some differences.

    Especially the height,Greeks were never tall on average.
    On the contrary Slavs are.

    In the summer, you are welcome to visit Greece,go to any airport and observe the passengers to/from Belgrade,Zagreb,whatever slavic country you like.
    Then compare them with Greek statues,ancient paintings etc.
    If you still find the features you say (height,hair etc) in face and body frame, them frankly you are either trolling,have bad eyesight* or just spreading lies.

    *contact lenses are cheap you know,even for those “poor” Greeks.

    PS:You really be shamed. It’s not good indication when you throw out lies and disinformation to a very specific and important issue…

  11. To Tolis

    You are just a troll of falsification of academic truth on ancient Balkan history. Just find some idiots who will believe in your trolls.

  12. To Sotirovic

    Before tellng me what to do, try to prove that my arguments are false.
    it’s easy,I’ve numbered them for you.

    You can count, can’t you?

  13. “DNA studies from the bones of the warriors buried in the tomb of marathon have shown identical DNA”.

    Of course: We have the bones of Alexander the Great to do his DNA. You can see them in Athens in National Museum of Archeology.

    BTW, all Greeks of the time were calling Macedonians as “barbarians” – non Greeks like Isocrates or Demostenes

  14. I never said the bonmes of Alexander,so stop trying to evade.

    I said the bones of those whoe died in the Battle of marathon.

    There have been many many tests so stop ridiculing yourself(unless of course you enjoy it).

    “”all Greeks of the time were calling Macedonians as “barbarians”””

    LIAR once again!


    Of course not!

    Greeks had city states all over the place.
    Akarnans,Aetolians,Spartans,Corinthians,Epirotes…the list is too big.

    Many of them actually were the same tribe (Dorians) as macedonians,many allied with them.

    City states many times fought against each other but when it came to common enemy(persians), those that had the military and geographical potential to resist did that because they were all(guess..) greeks!

    Alexander being Greek wanted to revenge and so he kicked persian asses up to India.

    Barbarian comes from the noise “bar-bar”.
    Greeks called everyone who didn’t speak Greek as barbarian because their language was just not understood.

    Go back to school or please stop exposing yourself,honestly.

  15. As Alexander and his Macedonians were BAR-BAR the Greeks were fighting them in Cheronea in 338 B.C. not to allow BAR-BARs to occupy the Greek land like they fought the same BAR-BARs in 480-479 (Platea, Salamina).

    You obviously attended some provincial 4-years primary school. Now you have to attend and graduate from some normal university.

  16. You lie again.

    Greek city states were always fighting each other.
    So what?

    The same way Akarnans fought againsts their neighbours Aetolians, the same way Athenians fought Spartans,the same way thebans fought the Spartans.

    All these civil clashes were very frequent and changing alliances were something very common.

    Thus,you LIAR, in the battle of Cheronea, some greek city states fought againsts other city states.
    Big deal,nothing new.
    They were all GREEKS.

    After the rule of Alexander there were very few civil clashes in Greece until the roman conquest.

    PS:macedonians were never considered BAR-BARS because
    a)they spoke greek
    b)they were greeks

    PS2:why do you evade the Tomb of the Battle of marathon argunment?
    Run out of lies, haven’t you?

    PS3: For your info I am a graduate of Polytechnical school of Greece,Electrical Engineer.
    History and the discovery of truth is my other activity, from which I get ZERO income.

    Being an engineer I search and find facts.

    So it is impossible to be fooled by LIARS like you who evade hard core facts and try to evade specific questions.
    Not today,not tomorrow,not in this life,not in a million years.

    Understood or you want an instant replay?

  17. Sanimideg

    Tolis is the IDIOT!

    Greeks were fighting between themselves all the time with two exceptions: in 480-479 and in 338 BC when they united their forces as the Greeks to defend Greece from BARBARIANS.

    Macedonians as the people DID NOT speak Greek. Greek was spoken only by Macedonian aristocracy as lingua franca of the time.

  18. Sanimideg the RETARDED LIAR!

    Of course Greeks fought betwenn themselves.
    You know how are these wars called?
    Civil wars you IMBECILE!
    You said it yourself GREEKS!
    SO WHAT?
    What does this civil fighting have to do with the fact that the macedonians were a greek tribe?

    Macedonians spoke Greek because macedonian dialect was greek dialect.
    Just like we have Cypriot dialect,Cretan dialect,Epirote dialect.

    Languages have local VARIATIONS called DIALECTS.
    A dialect is NOT a separate language you illiterate!

    Open a dictionary before you open your lie filled mouth!


  19. Dimitar

    Why don’t you elaborate somewhat on your long and illustrious association with Soros, Sotire?


  20. Sanimideg

    Tolis is retarded twister of historical evidences and nothing more

  21. Sanimideg

    Dimitar is frustrated social garbage from some village around Štip

  22. Pingback: Greece And Slavo-Macedonians (1913-1993) | – DE LA GRANDE VADROUILLE A LA LONGUE MARGE

  23. Pingback: Merkel Is Meddling In Macedonia’s Referendum | – DE LA GRANDE VADROUILLE A LA LONGUE MARGE

  24. The Slavs came to the Balkans in 1600 AD. There were no Slavs in the Balkans prior to that time. The ancient Macedonian’s were from Greek origin. Same like the Spartans, the Trojend, the Mecinians, the Trackians, the Minoans, and the Atlantians.
    All speak the Greek dialect, The Slavs were not present in the Balkans at time of Alexander the Great, for they are not Macedonians. End of story.


    In what country in 21 century, the state geve the name of the newborn? In greece yes, it hapening even today to the people who are macedonians… in what country im europe have no other etnic groupe or people.. in greece yes .. there its no other exept greek !!!! If macedonans in the last 100 years not force to move or many killed … today the etnic peacture will be at least 4 ooo ooo macedonias.. not more 6-7 000 000 greeks.. maybe less… until 1990 greek people doesent mantion the word macedonian… now their clame there are the true macedonians… i just know one thing… fachisam its very bad think … to hate someone because he said its macedonian.. and you to say to him he its not to geve the rite to judge for him.instead and you to tell to him then he ist “fyromian” ( the word who its “invente” buy the “smart” greek propaganda) it is in one word humilliated and fachistic… today greek people should be shame and at least should sorry for the thing their have done to inocent people, it doesnt matter what their gone call them selfes… german people say sorry for the jews… today jews doesent sorry for palestinians… no other nation even doesnt say a word fothe palestinians ,,exept turkey… it is so un justice in todays world… bot macednians are still here… until the last macedonians exist it will be mention the exodus 1945-1949… the future its unwriten… greek people care only for them selfs… macedonia belong for macedonians…put back the old names of the vilages and cities befor the 1900…put those names today and you will see where its macedonia … go in thw north of today greece and you will see.. it is still people who speak diferent laguage … make some report and put that on tv and you will see what hone happen.. i fill sorry for today greek people… you can hate someone for that what he is… their do hate…

  26. alexandros Makedonas

    Former Yugoslavian corrupted provocative lying scum==>>The word ALPHABET is pure Greek!
    The toponym name AEGEAN is of Greek origin!
    The Macedonian name of the capital of Macedonia is ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ! NOT SOLUN!
    The orignal Eclisiastical names of the Byzantine Thessalonian Greek brothers from ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ
    ΜΕΘΟΔΙΟΣ & ΚΎΡΙΛΛΟΣ! are both Greek name’s
    with Greek meanings.And NOT MIROSLAV or Dragan! !
    Confirmed by the Holy BIBLE St Paul preached his EPISTLESS from ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ τo Thessalonians in Greek!
    And NOT from SOLUN to the Solunisns in SLAVIC!
    *** Otherwise why would St Paul speak to his audience in GREEK ! if they were Slavs like you as you claim???


  27. Athanasios kotsironis

    When you are shame for your race your country end your family. You call your self something else. From slavo you become Macadonian with one pice of paper . Simple

  28. To Macedonians

    IF THE greeks Didn’t do etnic cleaning of Macedonians,in the last 100 years.. and the bulgarians too… didn’t asimilate them .. its gone be a diferent story.. only the Serbs Regognize the Macedonia and Macedonians.. dont fyrom the Macedonia… today greece are trye fachist .. bulgarians to…. Macedonia was equale membre state in YUGOSLAVIA.. WHY then you didn’t dispute thate name.. and that people.. whay you didnt call your selfs macedonians and flage the Kutlesh( macedonian name of your call vergina)??? You forbid Macedonians who are born in greece to go over there … shamelss people

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