The New American Agenda For Global Hegemony

America is struggling to remain an empire under a new agenda as it now replicates the events of 1929-1930 which led to the Great Depression, the trade wars, protectionist policies and its rise as an empire. Will it succeed?

The American democracy has morphed into a collective dictatorship whose interests are a global military, social, technological and economic hegemony- the One World Order- designed by the most powerful families. David Rockefeller in his “Memoirs” wrote in chapter 27 (The Proud Internationalists) that if the charge is that the Rockefellers are guilty of conspiring with others (the Bilderbergers) around the world to build the one world structure then he stands guilty but yet stands proud.

In the American democratic system the citizens only elect their politicians at local levels. They also elect Congressmen, Senators and Governors at state levels. They also elect the President at the top level by the popular system but there is an overriding system of selecting by the electoral system. It is a powerful establishment that finally decides the presidency. What is the powerful establishment, who are within it, how they select the president and enforce their agenda is another matter, another subject.

President George W. Bush

The 43rd Republican president of the US, George W. Bush, was elected after controversial recounts from the hotly contested state of Florida in November 2000. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack occurred only 8 months into the Bush presidency. He went on to approve the Iraq and Afghanistan wars in 2001 and 2003. The US also entered the Great Recession and financial crisis of 2008 under Bush presidency. Bush served the establishment agenda to ensure that America remains a dominant global military power after the fall of the Soviet Union.

President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

The 44th president Barack Obama, a Democrat, won popular elections in 2008 and 2012 and supported the establishment agenda of pulling the US out of the recession through stimulus spending and tax cuts to ensure that America remains a global economic power following two costly wars under George Bush. It has been nearly nine years now that the US has been enjoying a period of economic expansion second only to the post world war 2 expansion from 1991 to 2001.

President Donald Trump
President Donald Trump

The 45th president Donald Trump’s popular win was overridden by the establishment to select him through the electoral system. The establishment has another global agenda to fulfil for Trump but this time it’s to ensure the military and economic hegemony over an emerging combined military and economic threat in Asia from Russia and China and their allies in N. Korea, Pakistan and Iran- a most formidable military-economic alliance threatening the agenda for American hegemony.

Geopolitical alliances among nations shift depending on military and economic interests. Iran until 1979 was a strongly pro American nation under Emperor Reza Pahalvi but is now a fierce opponent of America under the clerical regime. Qatar joined ranks with Saudi Arabia with the intent to depose Syria’s Basher Al-Assad but is now part of the Turkey-Iran alliance supporting the Syrian regime.

Nuclear Pakistan was strongly aligned with the US since its independence in 1947 but its geopolitical interests are now more aligned with both China and Russia. China has been supplying military hardware and providing economic assistance to Pakistan through the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Though economic in terms it is really an infrastructure incentive for China to access the warm waters and a disincentive for America. Russia (or ex-Soviet Union) was a close ally of India (as was China once) but its geopolitical interests have shifted towards Pakistan and away from India (now pro-American due to economic interests).  Pakistan has paid a steep political price for supporting the US against its war on terror as those same terrorists from Afghanistan have turned against Pakistan.

The discourse on current and historical geopolitical shifts and alliances is unending. The intent of this article is the new American agenda of global hegemony and how the powerful establishment intends to fulfil it under the current American presidency.

The Arab Spring that started in 2010 with series of successful revolutions in several Arab countries in North Africa and the Middle East finally spread to Syria in 2012. It has now been 6 long years of a violent civil war supported by the US to depose the Syrian regime. It has failed due to Russian and Iranian supports. The Islamic State (IS) that emerged in 2014 with the intent to establish a khilafat (political, not religious) state in Iraq and Levant as ISIL, then in Iraq and Syria as ISIS has been defeated with joint efforts by Iran, Iraq and Turkey.

At the apex of the agenda is the American economy which will be steered by the 45th president. Under pressure of collusion with Russia to sway the elections, Trump will steer the economy in accordance with the establishment design. First is to dispose trade treaties such as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), next is redesign NAFTA followed by tariffs on China and EU. The recent enacted tax cuts is to provide incentives to American manufacturers to get the mills rolling and wean off imported products and create jobs.

It has been argued that Trump will start trade wars. That is the intent of the establishment’s architects. Fast rewind to 1929, the anti-trade act was sponsored by two Republicans, Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis Hawley, and signed into law by the Republican President Herbert Hoover selected as the 31st president in 1929. The protectionist act resulted in the trade war that aggravated the great depression. It is not the intent here to discuss the Smoot-Hawley act. The interested reader can research those details. The intent is to re-run the consequences of Trump’s actions in a historic light. The depression resulted in a three year short term pain but in the longer term America gained as its industries geared up for World War 2 bringing prosperity for Americans, economic and military superiority for the country and power for the few families for several decades.

The American economy cannot continue to expand as it has since 2009. It has to falter. It has to go into a recession or better yet another depression for the greater benefit of America as a world power by re-enacting the game it played out in the 1930s. It has to become the empire it was but only if it defeats its challengers.

The next world war theater will not be the Middle East as is surmised but in the Near East region comprising Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the five Central Asian countries, those regions close to the heart of Russia and China as they seek to thwart the American plan for global domination. The planning by America is afoot as it first establishes the economic objectives I’ve outlined on the domestic front starting with the 1929 style great depression that is coming as early as mid-2019.

The Greek Athenian historian and general Thucydides had, in 414 BC, proposed the Thucydides Trap, a metaphor of the dangers when a rising power rivals a ruling power. In this case the metaphor applies to China and the US.  According to The Atlantic “the current trajectory, war between the United States and China in the decades ahead is not just possible, but much more likely than recognized at the moment. Indeed, judging by the historical record, war is more likely than not.” The trap as it applies to the two powers is detailed in a 1994 book “The Coming Conflict with China” by Richard Bernstein and Ross Munro.

Former US national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski
Former US national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski

Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski has similarly postulated the events for the US global domination in his book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. He has written that it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America’s global pre-eminence.

Graham Allison, an American political scientist and professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, has written in Foreign Policy of June 9, 2019 in an article titled THE THUCYDIDE TRAP that “when one great power threatens another, war is almost always the result- but it doesn’t have to be.”

Where will the war ignite and played is most definitely in Pakistan, a close ally of China. The CPEC is an infrastructure project accessing the warm waters of the Indian Ocean that bodes ill for both the US and India. As the US vies to prevent China’s economic and military growth, India vies to prevent China’s growth as a regional power. Afghanistan is an American advantage to the US as it can supply terrorists regrouped from the civil war in Syria and trained by India with Israeli support. Such a scenario will involve China as it seeks to protect its interests in Pakistan.

As America engages China, several questions will be answered over the next few years. Among them is the role of Russia. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was formed by both China and Russia to counter NATO as these two major Eurasian nations sense the threat from America and its European allies as postulated by Zbigniew Brzezinski and the metaphor of the Thucydides Trap. The Great War will be thrust upon the world. Hopefully not as per Graham Allison but seems that is given as America struggles to maintain its empire and hegemony designs.

Reposts are welcomed with the reference to ORIENTAL REVIEW.
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