Month: October 2018


The Western “Math-Gangsters” And The Kosovization Of Macedonia

Similarly to Serbia after October 2000, a new post-revolution Macedonian Government was expected by its Western sponsors to transform Macedonia into another client state of the post-Cold War NATO’s World Order. The current political post-referendum stalemate in Macedonia can be solved according to the recipe of Kosovization with the ethnic Albanians as the main actors.

Putin Netanyahu

The Upcoming Putin-Netanyahu Summit Will Seek To Strike A Balance In Syria

Understanding this dynamic, reports have recently surfaced that Russia is trying to mediate between Iran and Israel in Syria in order to prevent Tel Aviv from partaking in any more strikes in the first place, which might be why President Putin said earlier this month that Moscow is “pursuing a goal that there would be no foreign forces of third states in Syria at all” after the end of the war.

Croatian independence

The Croatian Role In The Destruction Of Yugoslavia In The 1990s (I)

During the last quarter of a century, the global mainstream media unanimously accused Serbia and the Serbs of the national chauvinism as the main cause of the bloody wars on the territory of ex-Yugoslavia in the 1990s. However, the role and direct impact of the other Yugoslav republics and nations in the process of killing the common state was not taken into the consideration.


Love, Peace, And Joy

With its multiplicity of rules, canons, and liturgical stipulations, one might be forgiven for thinking that Orthodoxy is primarily about rules and regulations, coupled with a corresponding fear of breaking the rules and regulations. Orthodoxy therefore would then involve going through life fearful of infraction, mistake, misstep, and contamination from […]

The Russian-Pakistani $10 Billion Pipeline Will Promote Eurasian Integration

Both partnered Great Powers have years of experience surviving under different manifestations of American pressure, though Iran certainly takes the cake from both of them when it comes to this, and all three will have to pool their collective resolve to resist the increased pressure that they’ll surely come under by the US if they do indeed go forward with these pipeline plans.

Crystal Palace

Crystal Palace Ballet

Crystal palace is an unusual ballet because it is based on an historical episode during the rule of Empress Anna Ioanovna. The action is set in 18th century Saint Petersburg, then the capital of the Russian Empire.