Month: May 2019

Monument to Prince Lazar in North Mitrovica in Kosovo

Kosovo’s Great Martyr (I)

The Battle of Kosovo surely became a focal element of the Serbian patriotism and nationalism up today as no other historical event had a stronger emotional and psychological influence on the Serb people as a nation. In fact, the battle and all different myths and legends around it in the course of time created a modern Serbian nation as an “imagined community”.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Washington Gives Ankara An Ultimatum

The US has given Turkey two weeks to pull out of a deal to buy Russian S-400 missile defence systems. Otherwise, Turkey can expect a variety of unpleasant repercussions. America’s attempts to dissuade Turkey from buying S-400 Triumf missile defence systems from Russia have become like a long-running TV series. […]

The Espionage Act

Authoritarian Spirits: Congress, The Espionage Act And Punishing WikiLeaks

While the United States is currently not officially at war, it can hardly be said to be at peace. The US imperium continues its warring peace endeavours with a certain insatiability. The case against Assange is an attempt to internationalise the punishment of those who would dare publish, write or discuss matters at the heart of what Gore Vidal did title, with much sorrow, the National Security State.

China trump cards

China Holds Three Trump Cards In War Against US

As China lays its trump cards on the table, the world’s globalised economy will creak and collapse. Globalisation is going backwards, and chances are we’ll end up with a completely different economic system that has more protectionism. Instead of a global market, there will be several large regional markets with their own rules, dominant currencies, technical standards, and financial systems.

A US submarine at the Diego Garcia base

Maldives Affirms Fealty To Diego Garcia

The Maldives is well placed to come out into the open on the Chagos Island issue and weigh its pros and cons in geopolitical terms. It has no ethnic affinity, historically, with the natives of Mauritius. And the strong likelihood is that Solih government weighed in that it was on the right side of history on the Chagos Archipelago issue and will be annoying Delhi by lending legitimacy to the US base in Diego Garcia.

End Of Theresa May

The End Of Theresa May

May duly suffered three horrendous defeats in Parliament, all to do with a failure to pass the Withdrawal Agreement, and fought off the daggers of usurpation within her own party. She had also had to convince the EU that two extensions to Brexit were warranted. The last throw of the dice featured bringing Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to the negotiating table. 


China Hails Modi Victory. This Is Why.

In strategic terms, China is not overtly anxious that under Modi’s stewardship, India continued to expand its so-called “defining partnership” with the US. But the “red line” will be India’s strategic autonomy, which, in the Indo-Pacific context, narrows down to Modi hitching the Indians wagons to Trump’s regional strategies.