Indian Muslims Show Up On US’ ISIS Map

Political developments in India inevitably receive big attention in the neighbouring South Asian countries. Sri Lanka is a special case where Indian developments have impacted the country’s political landscape. Unsurprisingly, the Sri Lankan ruling elite is always keenly attuned to the political winds in India.

How far the decision by President Maithripala Sirisena on May 23 to cut short the prison sentence of the Sri Lankan hardline Buddhist monk Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara, head of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) or “Buddhist Power Force” was influenced by the prospect of a second term for the Hindu nationalist government in India cannot be gauged with certainty. But Sirisena was one of the first among world leaders to telephone PM Narendra Modi to congratulate him on the election victory. And the intriguing part is that the BBS head has publicly claimed in the past that his organisation has dealings with the RSS in India.

Gnanasara had just served nine months of a 6-year prison sentence. His pardon came only a week after rioters attacked Muslim-owned homes, shops, and mosques in apparent reprisal for Easter bombings, claimed by Islamic State, that killed more than 250 people. Soon after his release, Gnanasara vowed to fight Islamic militancy. Clearly, Sirisena made some political calculations and possibly there is a deal between the two. Within hours of his release late in the evening of May 23, Gnanasara called on Sirisena along with his mother at the official residence of the president. A government briefing highlighted that the monk’s mother expressed her appreciation to Sirisena for extending a presidential pardon and releasing her son from prison.

There is a curious similarity in the political trajectory of the nationalist forces in India and Sri Lanka at present. In Sri Lanka too, ‘majoritarianism’ is the leitmotif of electoral politics and it is virtually certain that the forthcoming presidential election will be fought on the platform of Sinhala chauvinism, with strong anti-Muslim overtones. Sirisena’s decision to pardon the hardline monk should be seen in this light. Sirisena hopes to appropriate the Sinhalese nationalist platform and faces strong competition from former president Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Sirisena will strive to create a perception that he enjoys the backing of the Indian ruling elite. During the past week, he made some strong overtures to New Delhi. His insistence on attending Modi’s inaugural, the signing of the port deal with India and Japan to develop a deep-sea container terminal in Colombo and his successful bid to get Modi to visit Colombo next week signify a U-turn on the part of Sirisena (who had not too long ago alleged an Indian plot to assassinate him). During the past year, Delhi had conspicuously displayed its bonhomie with Sirisena’s arch rivals Rajapakse and PM Ranil Wickremesinghe.

The optics of any affinity with India’s ruling Hindu nationalist forces may be of advantage to Sirisena when he makes his bid for another presidential term, but it can hurt Indian interests to get entangled with the rising Islamophobia in Sri Lanka. Not many Indians would know that 99 percent of Sri Lankan Muslims are Tamil-speaking. Already it is evident that India has lost its leverage on Sri Lanka’s Tamil problem. May 18 passed unnoticed, which has become known as Tamil Genocide Day. This year marked the 10th anniversary of the end of the civil war in Sri Lanka and reconciliation and justice remains elusive.

In the aftermath of the Easter Sunday terrorist attacks, allegations have been made that the Muslim militants in Sri Lanka draw sustenance from India. An overarching impression is being created that the ISIS is gaining ground in India. The states of Kerala and Jammu & Kashmir have been mentioned in this connection. Scary reports have appeared that a boat of ISIS activists has set off towards Indian islands of Lakshadweep and Minicoy. The BJP leadership in Kerala cited these unsubstantiated rumours to whip up communal polarisation.

The American think tank Jamestown Foundation featured a commentary last week entitled ‘Rising Threat of Radicalization in Kerala and Connections to Sri Lanka’. It has blown out of proportion the spectre of an ISIS presence in J&K and “a few worrisome trends that have developed in Kerala over the past several years.” It alleges:

“The cause for the disparity between the number of Keralites radicalized compared to those from more northern states is hard to pin down to a single cause, but among the reasons reported by Kerala police and locals are historical links to Gulf states and the high percentage of migrant workers subjected to a more conservative brand of Islam in the Gulf and even in the Maldives… Along with the high number of migrant workers has come an influx of remittances, accounting for a third of the state’s economy, and a steady rise in Salafist mosques and madrassas. The areas that historically had the highest number of emigrants and the largest rise in Salafist mosques and madrasas…”

The commentary blithely speculates on “the possibility of an interconnected… network that links militants from Jammu and Kashmir—where IS does have more solid ties—to Kerala, Sri Lanka, and beyond… These nascent connections coupled with links to foreign fighters as well as familial and migrant ties to Gulf states and the Maldives raises concerns over the possibility for more cross-coordination between recruiters, propagandists, and would-be terrorists.”

The Jamestown Foundation is a flagship founded with CIA support in the Cold War era tasked with engineering defections from the Soviet bloc countries. It has enduring links to the US security establishment and intelligence. When such alarmist threat perceptions are projected without any empirical evidence to substantiate them, this entire propagandistic exercise serves as underpinning to a geopolitical agenda. Delhi should begin to wonder Who stands to gain?

India Elections
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, right, shakes hands with Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena before the start of their bilateral meeting in New Delhi, India, Friday, May 31, 2019

Taking advantage of the Easter Sunday killings, US’ Indo-Pacific Command managed to deploy its personnel to Sri Lanka. The US Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs R. Clarke Cooper is due to visit Colombo next week to “meet with government officials and think tank experts to discuss security, peacekeeping, clearance of landmines and unexploded ordnance, counterterrorism, and other areas of mutual interest.”

During the past 4-year period since the ‘regime change’ in Sri Lanka in January 2015, the US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) has greatly strengthened its military ties with Sri Lanka, training its soldiers and holding joint military exercises. INDOPACOM is also assisting in the establishment of a Sri Lankan navy marine corps along the line of the US Marines. Addressing the Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington in early February, INDOPACOM chief Admiral Philip Davidson declared that Sri Lanka “remains a significant strategic opportunity in the Indian Ocean and our military-to-military relationship continues to strengthen.”

The war on terror provides the perfect alibi for the US to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and to establish its military presence. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, etc. are current examples. That is what makes the entire paradigm extremely worrisome — Sri Lanka’s terrorism problem, alleged nexus between Sri Lankan and Indian (especially Kashmiri) militants, majoritarianism fueling communal polarisation and in turn radicalising the minority Muslim community, etc.

Sirisena should fight his political battles on his own steam. A political weathercock doesn’t make a steady friend. He could be India’s friend today, but was China’s  yesterday and well could be tomorrow as well. Perhaps, a visit by PM Modi to Colombo at the present juncture was best avoided. It will convey a misleading signal to the Sri Lankan elite and public — and regionally and internationally.

Source: The Indian Punchline

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One Comment
  1. samir sardana

    Indian Muslims are doomed and in terminal descent mode.Like a SCUD – no one knows when and where it will detonate,Fat Pancho Amit Shah and Modi have a Trident of Doom for the Indian Muslims

    Y Muslims need to see CAB,UCC and NRC Together – like the Christian Trinity

    A lot of the Hindooo Dindoo Bania/Brahmin TV media try to delink the CAB and NRC,and try to make Muslims believe that CAA is not Anti-Muslim and NRC is far off..dindooohindoo

    This is again a strategem of the Fat Pancho Amit Shah and Dishwasher Chaiwala Modi diwmit duopoly – in its 5 PHASE PLAN OF DOOM FOR THE INDIAN MUSLIMS !

    Phase 1

    In Phase 1 – the Bania/Brahmin company did cow lynching,love jehad lynchings,rama temple lynchings – to place the Muslims in the siege mentality syndrome.This is the Israeli Model – who first rape and kill the Palestinians – who look to the UN and the USA/EU – who do not do a thing.This starts the siege mentality,when the legal system turns its back on the race,and the said race becomes a pawn in the hands of nations,and international organisations. – and like the Palestinians – belligerent and prone to an alliance with Hamas …

    Phase 2

    In Phase 2 – after making the Muslims physically insecure and helpless,the Bania/Brahmin company, deliver legal blows like the triple talaq bill,rama temple etc.This is also the Israeli Model – wherein the Jews have conned the USA to shift the embassy to Jerusalem, and reckon it as the capital of Israel – and started EVICTING THE PALESTINIANS from ISRAEL and SETTLING THE JEWISH IMMIGRANTS into those lands.

    Today INDIAN Muslims pray to Rama,Celebrate Diwali and say that they are HINDOOS by RACE AND CULTURE.

    Phase 3

    In Phase 3 – which has now commenced, you have the trinity of CAB/Uniform Civil Code(UCC) and NRC

    The target of the NRC and the UCC are the Muslims,per se.In CAA,it is an assymetric target – by specifying 3 Islamic nations – and their Hindooo,”so called oppressed minority”.

    The expectation is that Muslims become innured and oblivious of this destruction – just like the Dalits did for 5000 years.The Dalits are STILL IN THE SIEGE MENTALITY and all their leaders and seers were killed,poisoned or discredited.

    Phase 4

    In Phase 4 – like the Israelis split the Fatah/PLO etc., the Bania/Brahmin scum will give an OPTION to the minority sects of Muslims,to state in their identity documents their sects.This is the phase of casteing and classing the Muslims – who will ultimately declare,that they are “Hindoo Muslims”

    Minority sects of the Shia,Bohris,Ahmadiyas etc., are declared as Non-Muslims, in several Islamic nations.West Asian History also records that the Mongol invasions, were assisted by these sects.Hence,these sects will in all probability toe the line of the Brahmin/Bania vermin – and start offering ritualistic tribute to Rama,and the mad team of ape gods

    Phase 5

    In Phase 5 will come the quarantining and class-ing of Indian Muslims and Dalits, in special zones and geographies with separate tranist id cards and restrictions on voting and mobility. (just like in Israel)

    Class is a natural corollary of the caste sanction, in the Gita.The aim is to 1st use class to split the Muslim sects,and then,target the Hindoo castes – namely the Dalits.The Muslims are targetted with the pretext of National Sacurity, and the Dalits will be targetted,on the grounds of economic security – and then split,based on Valmikis etc.

    The Problem of the Indian Muslims

    What is The Problem of the Indian Muslims ? The Gita is the only scripture which authorises caste discrimination before a man is born,and which lasts beyond the death of the person.

    It is only a naturally corollary and evolution that the Brahmin vermin will apply the same maxim to the Indian Muslims through the contorted and contrived convolutions of the NRC – under the garb of National Security – ostensibly to satisfy Article 14 of the Constitution.In reality the Brahmin/Bania vermin does not care for the Constitution – which is the antithesis of the Vedas and the Gita and the Ramayana.

    The Hindoos did the same thing to the Sikhs.Nanak did not use the word “Khalsa”.It was the Hindoo who conned the Sikhs,to become a race of mercenaries – and a sort of a suicide cult – which started worshipping vulgar and naked Hindoo Gods and Goddesses – to become a SWORDARM TO DEFEND THE BRAHMINS AND DIE FOR THE BRAHMINS (when the Brahmins got the Sikh Gurus killed,corrupted the Granth and had idols in the Golden temple and were the granthis of the Golden temple till 100 years ago!).The Sikh Gurus,Ranjit Singh,Khalsa Empire and Sikhism,were all destroyed due to the spiritual corruption by the Hindoos.Whoever supported the Hindoos was destroyed – that is the record of history (From the Sakas to the Huns/Mongols and the Mughals) and also recorded by Beruni.

    Now it is the turn of the Indian Muslims – it is they who voted for the BJP – just like Solomon who broke the Oral law and specific injunctions by Allah.Now it their turn to face doom.If a follower of Isaac or Ishmael cannot recognise Evil and explicitly supports Iblis or Evil – then it is clear than the man has been forsaken by Allah – and, in the opinion of this author,deserves doom.

    An “Indian” Muslim is not a Muslim who follows the Oral Law as re-revealed to the Prophet.To live as an “Indian” Muslim is a spiritual curse – which would definitely,not lead to paradise.If an INDIAN Muslim working for the STATE (id.est., the Constitution) were ORDERED TO SHOOT DOWN UNARMED STUDENTS IN KASHMIR – What would the “INDIAN: MUSLIM (armed with a gun) do ? Will he kill for the CONSTITUTION ? If Yes,he would not be a Muslim and,if he did,he would be an Anti-National.

    The Hindoos of Pakistan and Afghanistan

    Not even 0.1% of the Pakistani and Afghan Hindoos will seek refuge in Hindoosthan.And those that are in Hindoosthan will realise very soon that they have no DNA link with Indians.

    They will cohabit and marry with their own and eventually shift to USA/EU – just like the Iraqi Shias in India,who only marry among their own.

    The Hindoos of Bangladesh

    Bangladesh has Gas.North East India has nothing.In the next 10 years,Indians will become economic refugees in Bangladesh – and many parts of North East India,will voluntarily secede from the Indian Union.In addition,like in Lanka,when a new political entity in Dhaka,kicks out the BJP and the Indian State and the PRC and PLA come in,the entire North East will be supplied from Bangladesh,at 20-35% cheaper items – for all purchases made by the North East Indians.They will be glad to secede from the Indian Union and form a trading block – with the PRC dam-ing the Brahmaputra,and wheeling the power right across India,to Myanmar and Dhaka.

    The Future of North East India lies in Myanmar,PRC and Bangladesh – and NOT with Eastern India or Central India

    Hindoosthan is doomed.


    The Solution is only the partition of Hindoosthan.Partition leads to evolution of the human race – when there is no 1 race,in a nation.PRC is one race – the Mongol and the Mongoloid.India has a million mongrelised races plagued by 2000 years of incestuous pullulation – and that is a sad historical and scientific fact and truth

    The suboptimal and retarded evolution of the Indian Mongrel races,is what is leading to the disaster of Hindoosthan,as it exists today – with each race suffering their birth pangs – AT THE SAME TIME.dindooohindoo

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