Project Basr: Pakistan And The Hunt For Zero Point (VI)

“Any vehicle accelerated to an axis rotation relative to its attractive inertial mass, immediately becomes activated by free-space-energy and acts as an independent force” – Otis Carr

Part I, II, III, IV, V

1.1: Otis Carr: Anti-Gravity And The Free Space Energy

Otis T. Carr is one of many examples throughout history where there are clues that highly advanced technologies like anti-gravity crafts are actually legit. Given everything we know now, as well as what happened to Carr, only strengthens this suspicion. In January 1961, Carr was convicted of “the crime of selling securities without registering the same” in Oklahoma, and fined $5,000, far less than the sums he had obtained from investors in the area. He was denied an appeal on March 1, 1961. Carr could not pay the fine, and served part of a 14-year jail term.

Figure i: Otis Carr

In 1950s, there was a big wave of UFO sightings at this time, especially after the Atom bomb was dropped. The topic was getting a lot of mainstream media attention. Rumors of “crashed craft and bodies recovered,” that Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell claimed was real were running rampant at this time. Did ‘the powers that be’ or ‘the military-industrial complex’ have saucer technology at this time? Based on the research, it certainly seems that way. Take, for example, a document from the Central Intelligence Agency’s Electronic reading room states: “A German newspaper recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.”

The document goes on to describe how many people believed ‘flying saucers’ to be a postwar development. They were actually in the planning stages in German aircraft factories as early as 1941. The document then goes on to mention an experiment described by Klein: “The “flying saucer” reached an altitude of 12,400 meters within 3 minutes and a speed of 2,200 kilometers per hour. Klein emphasized that in accordance with German plans, the speed of these “saucers” would reach 4,000 kilometers per hour. One difficulty, according to Klein, was the problem of obtaining the materials to be used for the construction of the “saucers,” but even this had been solved by German engineers toward the end of 1945, and construction on the objects was scheduled to begin, Klein added.

Otis T. Carr, as mentioned above, had similar claims. According to Otis Carr, “Any vehicle accelerated to an axis rotation relative to its attractive inertial mass, immediately becomes activated by free-space-energy and acts as an independent force… We have shown that a charged body, accelerated to an axis rotation relative to this attractive inertial mass, indicates polarity in a given direction. “The dip-needle points, say, up toward the top of the body. But mount this while rotating body, with its spindle, on another platform and rotate this platform on a spindle, then if the counter-rotation is greater than the inertial forward rotation of the body, a dip-needle on the second platform will point down while the first dip-needle points up, indicating complete relativity of polarity.

When the exact counter-rotation matches the forward rotation the body loses its polarity entirely and immediately becomes activated by free-energy (tensor stresses in space) and acts as an independent force… The above-described assembly of counter-rotating charged masses becomes weightless and will escape the immediate attraction of gravitational forces.” Carr’s engine had only two moving parts – like two spinning tops on top of one another, each spinning in a different direction.

AccumulatorCarr stated that: “when counter-rotation match forward rotation, a body loses its polarity… and creates a kind of independent force. This causes the counter-rotating mass to escape the full effect of gravitational influence.” Similar results, pertaining to the apparent anti-gravitic properties of rotating objects, have been shown by a variety of researchers – most notably, the eminent British engineer Professor Eric Laithwaite (see part II), who demonstrated an apparent loss of weight in a sealed system containing an arrangement of spinning gyroscopes and called upon the scientific community to research the phenomenon. Intriguingly, the “Jell-o” description of the altered state of solid metal, attained under specific and unusual conditions, has also been reported by the researcher John Hutchison, and is part of the lore of The Philadelphia Experiment.

According to Carr, his vehicle was actually finished in 1947, but at the time he was unable to generate any interest in it. Carr stated that the core of his space ship would be a huge battery which would spin at the velocity of the external craft and which would be recharged by its own motion. Carr went on to declare that such a battery, built to any size, could be designed to power the largest electric generating plant, operate an automobile, heat a house or power any conceivable machine or device.

EngineOn April 15, 1959 a launch event was held in Oklahoma City with hundreds of people invited, having been told that a prototype disk would rise 400 to 600 feet off the ground from a gravel pit. After several hours delay, an announcement was made that the launch was being postponed due to a badly engineered bearing. However, it subsequently emerged that Carr had been admitted into hospital for eight days with a lung hemorrhage, in addition to which, in a preliminary pre-flight test, the accumulator had developed a leak which had sprayed mercury over the inside mechanism. Carr’s claims began to attract the attention of the US Government in the late 1950s. Major Wayne Aho, a former Army Combat Intelligence Officer during World War II, announced that he would take the craft to the moon on December 7, 1959, that the trip would take 5 hours, and that he would remain in orbit for 7 days before returning.

The 45 diameter craft he was to use weighed 30 tons and “was powered by the Utron engine”. On June 2, 1960, Carr told an audience of 300 people that it was a: “treacherous misstatement of fact to say or infer that we [OTC Enterprises] are coming to California to raise money in stock sales.” The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission had placed an injunction against Carr, ordering him to cease selling unregistered stock. Negative publicity began to appear in various publications, and there were hints of impropriety, though never with any proof. The press began to turn against him. The “spacecraft” allegedly invented by Carr is much like the ideal spaceship imagined by Plantier and others. It is propelled by an artificial gravitic field (the “Carrotto gravity motor”) and if this were not miracle enough, it uses no fuel. It is powered by the “Utron electric accumulator”–a short of self-charging battery which “uses the Sun’s magnificent force of Electromagnetism by means of natural reproductive chemistry, to quote the interesting language of the Enterprise ad.

Otis T. Carr was actually a protégé of Nikola Tesla, according to independent researcher Doug Yurchey: “Carr and his team constructed a number of fully functional flying saucers in the late 1950s. The flying disk worked and was demonstrated. Carr was serious about taking his craft to the Moon. ‘However, two weeks after a dramatic test flight, their laboratory was forcibly closed; Federal agents confiscated equipment as well as all documentation. Authorities told them Carr’s project would ‘destroy the monetary system of the United States.’ In 1952, Carr actually wrote a book, called “Dimensions of Mystery.” The book was mostly written in ‘code,’ according to him, it was the complete layout of his plan and how his machine worked, yet for a reader like me, or anyone for that matter, it’s impossible to understand. He did switch from user code and poetry, to actually writing some real statements regarding his intentions, as you can see here:Text 1Text 2Text 3OTC X-1: The Design

Design 1Design 2Design 3Design 4

Design 5Design 6Design 7Design 8Design 9To be continued

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