Month: January 2021

Honest Man

Task Number One

Human beings tend to seek out other human beings. But, if they look deep into their souls, they will realize that they are in search of God even more so. At all times and on every continent our common task is to encounter Him and to respond to His love. […]


Biden And Putin Break The Ice

Six days into the Joe Biden presidency, the first telephone conversation between POTUS and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin took place on Tuesday. Who took the initiative remains a tantalising detail, given the tense Russian-American relationship and the poor personal chemistry between the two leaders who are known to each […]

Biden signing documents

Joe Biden Imperator

President Biden’s state of health will not allow him to govern. Already a group of activists are preparing his decisions. Quite far from his electoral programme, he has signed decrees representing a “woke” culture that distances him from the majority of his fellow citizens. However, nothing can be done about it, the extreme-left groups have already demonstrated against him. The United States is sinking into division.

Bill Gates

Landowning Globalists

Forbes recently published an article stating that, in addition to his main assets, Bill Gates is also a major landowner. It says that, after years of reports he was buying agricultural land in places like Florida and Washington, The Land Report, which focuses on private landholdings, has revealed that Gates, […]