Month: February 2021


The Necessary Revolution

Throughout the years, I have had the privilege of receiving a number of people into the Orthodox Church—indeed, our own little mission consists overwhelmingly of converts and their children. Most of the converts come from various kinds of Protestantism, with Evangelicals predominating. Before receiving them into the Church, obviously some […]

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Biden And The Saudi Conundrum

The Joe Biden Administration is expected to release the Central Intelligence Agency report on the brutal murder of the prominent dissident and well-known journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the premises of the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul in October 2018. ‘Top Secret’ documents implicating the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in […]

Revival Of Russia

The Revival Of Russia And The Way Forward

It was President Putin who led Russia and played a vital role in its revival. After the disintegration of the former USSR in 1991, it was a mega-disaster and collapse of the political system, leading to dissolution. The first thing President Putin realized the mistakes of the Communist Party and […]

How Russia Is Being Made Out To Be A Cyber Aggressor

The Western media has long been full of headlines about Russia’s endless interference in everything and everywhere, with politicians and experts at all levels regularly saying the same. Previously uncritical, its audience is now firmly convinced that “Russian hackers” and “Russian trolls” are the biggest threat to Western society and […]