Highlights Of Premier Li Keqiang’s Annual Report

Since China has emerged as a global power, the world is given more importance to China. The” Two Meetings” are a regular routine annual event that happens every year. But this year, it is more significant, as the Pandemic has damaged the global economy, and yet China is growing well. On the other hand, the US is openly challenging Chinese developments and trying to gang-up along with its allies to counter China, Contain China and Resist China’s rise. Many Governments, Scholars, Intellectuals, Thing Tanks, and politicians worldwide are keeping eyes on Two Meetings, especially Premier Li Ke Qiang’s report.

Today 5th of March 2021, Premier Li Ke Qiang presented a working report. The highlights of the annual reports are as below:

China to promote high-quality development of Belt and Road

Belt and Road Initiative is a Chinese dream and has already launched in 2013. It got recongnition worldwide, and more than 100 countries and regions have joined it. Some of the countries are in the advanced stage of its implementation; Pakistan is among them. Pakistan-China Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a flagship project, and in a well-advanced stage, Pakistan is the beneficiary of BRI. The people of Pakistan are reaping the fruits of CPEC already. Premier Li Ke Qiang has announced high-quality developments under BRI, which is well conceived by the international community and appreciated.

China targets GDP growth of over six pct in 2021

While the whole world is suffering due to the Pandemic and the global economy has crashed already, some of the countries are already in recession, and a few are nearly collapsed. But China has been keeping its development pace, especially in the third and fourth quarter of the last year. Premier Li set a target of GDP growth by 6 percent in 2021, which is very optimistic. I believe Chinese people are hard-working, and the leadership is heartfelt. Under the leadership of President Xi Jin Ping, this target will be achieved easily. It brings hope for many developing nations, and China will definitely contribute more toward the global economy in 2021.

Premier Li Keqiang
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers the government work report to nearly 3,000 legislators in the Great Hall of the People

China to build clean, low-carbon energy system

Our earth is facing severe challenges; climate change, environmental deterioration, and global warmings are common concerns for humankind. China is also facing environmental challenges, but after listening to Premier Li, I believe there is sensitization in China, and the Government of China is concerned with the issues. It is belived, China will spare no stone unturned to overcome the challenges of the environment. China has the resources and capabilities to resolve its environmenta issue. It will contribute to the global environments too.

China aims to add over 11 mln new urban jobs in 2021

China is a country with negligible joblessness, but as Premier Li announced, creating 11 million new jobs is excellent news. It will reduce poverty further and up-lift the standard of the common person’s life in China. Even China is also opening its job markets for foreigners too.

Peaceful China on a higher level to be built in next five years

14th Five-Year Plan is specifically designed, keeping in mind the emerging situation in and around China. The Plan is designed to cater to all future needs. It was formulated with broader consensus and inputs from experts and stakeholders. It is expected that the Plan will achieve all is desired results.

China to promote fairer, more equitable development of global governance system

Premier announced that the global governance would be improved, and foreign investors will be extended more facilitation, protection, security, etc. China is a beneficiary of its opening up and reforms policies and is committed to continuing the same but may opt for high-quality opening and reforms for rapid developments.

China to advance rural vitalization on all fronts

China’s rural population will get more focused and more facilitations. The life standard and services will be improved. The Gap between urban and rural developments will be narrowed down.

Reposts are welcomed with the reference to ORIENTAL REVIEW.
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