Month: September 2021

Assad and Putin

Towards Peace In Syria And Lebanon

The agreements reached between Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin following the Western military defeat in Syria are beginning to be implemented in the Middle East. The next steps should be the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq and Syria, the expulsion of Turkish forces from northwestern Syria, the return of Iran to the concert of nations, the return of the Golan Heights and finally the Russian-Syrian administration of Lebanon.

Olaf Schotz

Rise Of Centre-left In Germany

The big take-away of Germany’s first election of the post-Merkel era is that none of the parties has ‘won’ and each of the parties has reason to look miserable and feel disappointed with their performance. A new political landscape is struggling to be born. For the ruling Christian Democrats [CDU], […]

US soldiers and opium

Afghanistan: Where’s The Cash?

Afghanistan’s US-run government was the world’s largest producer and exporter of opium, morphine, and the end-product, heroin. As it did after first seizing power in the mid-1990’s, Taliban, the Islamic anti-drug and anti-communist movement, is shutting down the Afghan drug trade. Billions worth of heroin, opium and morphine that had […]

Morrison in USA

Our Man In Washington: Morrison’s Tour Of Deception

It was startling and even shocking. Away from the thrust and cut of domestic politics, not to mention noisy discord within his government’s ranks, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison could breathe a sign of relief. Perhaps no one would notice in Washington that Australia remains prehistoric in approaching climate change […]

Church and Politics

The Church And Politics

This last Monday Canada had (or rather “endured”) another federal election. It was called in the midst of a pandemic and at a time when the country was badly divided. Given this, feelings have been running high all over, and the Church is caught in the midst of it. This […]