Day: January 26, 2022

Sacrifice Zelensky

Is The US Preparing To Sacrifice Zelensky In Order To Justify Russia’s Containment?

The anti-Russian faction of the US’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (‘deep state’) might be preparing to sacrifice Zelensky for the grand strategic purpose of provoking the scenario that would reorient their country towards prioritizing Russia’s ‘containment’ over China’s. The US “deep state’s” grand strategic calculations vis-à-vis Russia and […]

Stoltenberg in the WH

Stop The Neocons From Starting A War!

Amid surging tensions over Ukraine, the head of Germany’s navy had the courage to voice Europe’s fears over this totally unnecessary, contrived crisis. In a speech to an Indian think tank, Vice-admiral Kay-Achim Schonbach proposed the Western powers ‘respect’ Russian leader Vladimir Putin and accept that Crimea would remain in […]