Russia Isn’t At War With Ukraine, It’s Fighting A US-Backed Fascist Puppet Regime

Russia is implementing international law throughout the course of its ongoing special operation in Ukraine that the UNSC was unable to earlier do instead due to the US’ resistance and literal complicity in those exact same war crimes that its fascist proxies have hitherto been committing with impunity for nearly a decade already. This humanitarian and law enforcement operation is strictly limited to fighting America’s fascist puppets in Ukraine in order to bring them to justice and subsequently liberate the Ukrainian people who they took hostage.

Words matter, so describing Russia’s special operation in Ukraine as a so-called “war” on that country in general isn’t accurate. Rather, the Eurasian Great Power is fighting a US-backed fascist puppet regime that collaborated with NATO to plot World War II-like a surprise attack against Russia in the coming future, one that would follow the planned neutralization of its nuclear second-strike capabilities. The author explained all of this in detail in his last two analyses, “I’m A Proud American-Pole With Ukrainian Ancestry: Here’s Why #IStandWithRussia” and “Debunking The Top Ten Infowar Narratives About Russia’s Special Operation In Ukraine”, which include plenty of hyperlinks to his prior work as well as to President Putin’s pertinent speeches.

It became obvious over the past two days that one of the most pernicious manipulations of the truth concerns the description of the ongoing conflict as a “Russian war on Ukraine”, which is totally false but is being propagated for two narrative reasons. These are to make it seem like Russia is attacking its fraternal neighbor whom President Putin described as historically united with his people, thus misportraying him as a hypocrite, and to galvanize the Ukrainian people in opposition to Russia in accordance with the US’ active attempts to indefinitely divide and rule their brotherly societies. These self-interested objectives aim to advance the US’ strategic goals in the region. Suffice to say, those weaponized information warfare narratives don’t reflect reality.

What’s actually happening is that Russia is fighting the fascist regime that America installed in Ukraine following the spree of urban terrorism popularly known in the West as “EuroMaidan”. Although that country’s incumbent leader is Jewish, he’s practically held hostage to these ultra-radical elements that glorify Hitler and their ancestors who collaborated with him to commit genocide against Jews, Poles, and Russians, among others. Volodymyr Zelensky simply cannot resist their pressure lest he himself be politically neutralized by them or even overthrown, however that would end up happening, whether through another Color Revolution, a military coup, or some other means. It was under this US-backed fascist regime that Ukraine was artificially transformed into an anti-Russian proxy state.

AzovPresident Putin described these illegitimate authorities on Friday as a “gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis that have settled in Kiev and that have taken the Ukrainian people hostage.” He naively recognized them in the past due to his appeasement of the West that he tacitly acknowledged in his speech to the nation on early Thursday morning. The Russian leader said that he exhausted all diplomatic means to resolve his country’s existential security crisis with the US prior to commencing its ongoing special operation in Ukraine aimed at preempting NATO’s planned attack against Russia that his intelligence services told him ”cannot be avoided.” Since he can’t strike at the root of the problem by attacking the US itself due to the principle of mutually assured destruction, he’s aiming for its puppets in Kiev instead.

They’re the ones who most directly exacerbated this crisis to its most critical limit so it naturally follows that they must be deposed in order to restore peace and strategic stability to the region. That’s why the Russian leader declared during his earlier mentioned speech on Thursday that his country’s war aims are to denazify Ukraine, demilitarize it, and subsequently ensure its military neutrality after “bring[ing] to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.” This very strongly implies that Ukraine’s post-war government, regardless of whoever it’s ultimately led by, will pragmatically recalibrate its policies following the inevitably successful conclusion of Russia’s special operation there.

It’s for these reasons why Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reminded everyone that “Another goal of the operation is to hold the current figures, the puppet regime, accountable for the crimes committed over these years against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as to carry out the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.” She also reassured the world that Russia isn’t targeting civilian infrastructure, only military ones and their assets. Russian Ambassador to the EU Vladimir Chizhov later chimed in by reaffirming his country’s lack of interest in any territorial conquests exactly as President Putin stated during his early Thursday morning address. As could have been predicted, the US-led Western Mainstream Media ignored everything that Russian officials said.

They also of course paid no attention to President Putin’s warning on Friday that “Banderites and neo-Nazis are putting up heavy weapons, including multiple-rocket launchers, right in the central districts of large cities, including Kiev and Kharkov. They plan to force return fire by Russian strike systems against residential quarters. In effect, they are acting in the same way that terrorists act all over the world – using people as shields in the hope of accusing Russia of civilian casualties.” As the Russian leader explained, this is being done to spread fake news about his country allegedly killing civilians, false claims of which are already widely circulating on the Mainstream Media and among pro-Western accounts on social media. They’re doing this in order to paint President Putin as a war criminal, which he isn’t.

The only war criminals are those connected with Kiev’s US-backed post-coup fascist authorities who attacked civilians throughout the course of their country’s eight-year-long civil war that could have already been peacefully resolved had Ukraine implemented the UNSC-endorsed Minsk Accords. They had no such interest in doing so since their American patrons encouraged them to ignore these items of international law (which they officially entered into after the UNSC passed an official resolution approving them in 2015) in order to continue stoking the flames of Washington’s anti-Russian proxy war in the region. This also makes American officials just as guilty of war crimes as their fascist puppets in Kiev are though no one should get their hopes up expecting justice to ever be served to them.

The only ones who’ll realistically pay for their crimes are those who President Putin just unforgettably described as the “gang of drug addicts and Neo-Nazis that have settled in Kiev and that have taken the Ukrainian people hostage.” In other words, Russia is implementing international law throughout the course of its ongoing special operation in Ukraine that the UNSC was unable to earlier do instead due to the US’ resistance and literal complicity in those exact same war crimes that its fascist proxies have hitherto been committing with impunity for nearly a decade already. This humanitarian and law enforcement operation is strictly limited to fighting America’s fascist puppets in Ukraine in order to bring them to justice and subsequently liberate the Ukrainian people who they took hostage.

That’s why describing the conflict as a “Russian-Ukrainian War” is factually incorrect since it misleads the targeted audience into thinking that President Putin declared war on the same fraternal people who he endlessly praised in his detailed and passionately written article last summer “On The Historical Unity Of Russians And Ukrainians”. Russia is only fighting against those literal fascists and their militant supporters who the US shamelessly backed as anti-Russian proxies. The Ukrainian people themselves have absolutely nothing to fear from Russia’s special operation in their country. In order to ensure their safety, they mustn’t listen to American propaganda calling on them to “fight the occupiers” lest they risk needlessly losing their lives. In the near future, Ukraine will be liberated and peace will soon return.

Source: One World

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  1. B. Reddy

    Its actually pretty obvious that this site is run as a propaganda arm of the Criminal Russian Government. Some of the craziest un-provable shit I have read here puts y’all on parity with the Onion and Babylon Bee. No wonder Even Facebook banned any post form this propaganda website. LMAO

  2. mm Vladislav B. SOTIROVIC

    @ B. Reddy

    If you are not satisfied with this website, all the time, thanks God, you have BBC, CNN, the Guardian… Enjoy!

  3. @Vladislav B. SOTIROVIC don’t mind @B. Reddy can’t help a man who can’t be convinced with real evidence over evidence that soothes his little pro western heart.

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