Month: December 2022

Medvedev with Xi Jinping

A German-China-Russia Triangle On Ukraine

The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken probably thought that in his self-appointed role as the world’s policeman, it was his prerogative to check out what is going on between Germany, China and Russia that he wasn’t privy to. Certainly, Blinken’s call to Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang […]

Nina Jankowicz_2

After Bush, Obama And Biden, Restoring Freedom Of Expression In The West

Republican President George Bush Jr., and Democratic Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden have destroyed freedom of expression in the West. All three have managed to make the main media support their common ideology. In two decades, the press has turned a blind eye to anything that contradicts the official rhetoric from Washington and has become converted to its nonsense. The Jacksonian, Donald Trump, has made the restoration of freedom of speech the focus of his 2024 campaign. He is currently the only candidate to position himself in this way.

Rus army

Why Russia, Which Spends One-Twentieth What America Does On Military, Is Militarily More Successful Than America

Whereas in America (which makes and sells half of all of the world’s war-weapons), the manufacturers of war-weaponry are privately owned and succeed only by enriching their investors, Russia’s manufacturers of war-weapons are majority-owned by the Government and succeed only by winning Russia’s wars — serving the Government, which controls […]

Iraqi premier

The Optimism Of Iraq’s New Government

On December 20, the Second Baghdad Conference was held in Amman, Jordan, attended by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, foreign ministers from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Bahrain and Oman. As for other regions, French President Emmanuel Macron and European Union High Representative for Foreign […]

US defense spending

The Basic Lie

Though the public in every country believe that domestic affairs are more basic than, and thus more important than, international affairs, the aristocracy (or super-rich) in every country feel that the opposite is true, because their investments are overwhelmingly international, in international corporations and think tanks and universities that employ […]


The American People vs. The American Congress

On December 13th, Gallup listed, in order of Americans’ polled ratings of issues as being the nation’s “Most Important Problem”, all 14 issues that more than 2% of Americans thought to be that; and here they were, in order from the top-most to the bottom-most, of all issues that the […]

Putin with Lukashenko

NATO Nuclear Compass Rendered Unavailing

The visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Minsk on Monday, accompanied by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, turned out to be immensely consequential for European security. Putin drew attention to it rather obliquely at his news conference with Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko at the fag-end […]