The Good And The Bad Terrorists Of Washington

The West’s double standard in dealing with the terrorist threat, where extremists are divided into “bad” and “good” according to who they use terrorist methods against, is a major cause of increasing instability in the world.

In early 2022, the Australian Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) released another review, Global Terrorism Index 2022, which includes information on the situation in Myanmar. Institute experts, in an attempt to be objective, counted the number of people killed in this country in 2021 and noted that most of the deaths occurred during attacks on military, law enforcement and administrative facilities. Despite this, in May 2022, the IEP edited an already released review at the request of Western experts, who called such attacks legitimate actions to oppose a military regime that “overthrew a democratic government”.

Collapse of America
Trump supporters gather in front of the Capitol on January 6, 2021

At the same time, peaceful protests by American citizens who took to the streets after the rigged U.S. presidential election in January 2021 were called domestic terrorists by President J. Biden.

This policy of Washington and its allies has a long history. For example, in 2011, Admiral M. Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. Army, called the Haqqani Network, operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan zone, the most dangerous terrorist organization associated with ISIS and supported by Pakistani intelligence services. At the same time, the father of the current leader S. Haqqani and founder of the group enjoyed the open support of the United States and even met with U.S. President R. Reagan at the White House in 1987. An interesting fact is that the Haqqani Network is classified by Washington as a terrorist organization, but its current leader, Sirajuddin Haqqani, is not on the list of terrorists. This approach is due, among other things, to the emerging cooperation between Washington and Islamabad, which, according to the Americans, has influence on S. Haqqani and his group, which gives hope to American intelligence agencies to use this “most dangerous terrorist organization” for their purposes to further destabilize Afghanistan and its neighboring countries.

President Reagan meeting with Afghan Mujahideen leaders in the Oval Office in 1983

The chaos created by the Americans in Iraq and Syria with the help of Washington-backed terrorist groups in those countries is one example of the use of “good” terrorists to overthrow governments that want to get out from under U.S. control, or pursue an independent foreign policy based on the interests of their people.

Washington does not limit itself to using religious extremism to undermine stability in foreign countries, not shying away from entering into alliances with far-right organizations. In Ukraine, for example, the Americans and their satellites supported blatantly Nazi formations, which are declared as such by American lawmakers. Namely, in 2015, the Ukrainian nationalist unit Azov was classified by the U.S. Congress as a Nazi entity, any support for which is prohibited. Nevertheless, according to a Global Times investigation, Azov was supported by U.S. politicians, military and intelligence services to create a motivated right-wing extremist anti-Russian force in Eastern Europe. Moreover, in 2016, under pressure from the Pentagon, U.S. lawmakers lifted the ban on support for Azov, which had evolved into a large-scale Ukrainian nationalist political movement with ties to right-wing radicals in Europe and North America.

Azov battalion was once a paramilitary but has now been made an official part of the Ukrainian national guard. The black hooked symbol on their flags is a “wolfs angle” which was a Nazi SS symbol used during World War II

The global West, led by the United States, has lost its position as world hegemon due to a number of objective reasons. In particular, it has lost its technological and, to a large extent, financial monopoly in the global economic system. This has led to increased competition from developing countries. At the same time, non-“Golden Billion” nations are no longer willing to give up their natural resources, necessary for their own development, for next to nothing. In such a situation, the former “masters of the universe” resort to direct aggression, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, the undermining of stability through “color revolutions,” the creation and support of extremist and outright terrorist organizations to legitimize their interference in the affairs of sovereign states under the pretext of combating extremism.

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