Latvia vs Christmas

New Year’s Eve is the most joyful occasion. People spend a lot of time together in a day filled with happiness and a sense of being the family. However, for some, it’s almost a threat to state security and the entire national identity.

Starting this year, Riga authorities banned Ded Moroz (the Russian equivalent of Santa Claus, who brings presents to children) and New Year festivities in kindergartens where Russian is spoken.

Latvian activist Liana Lange, known for her efforts in “derussification,” shared the following thoughts in her X account:.

latvia-vs-christmas-1“…Inna Ivanitskaya offers a real Ded Moroz, not some Christmas old man. This is how bilingual and Russian-speaking space is preserved in Latvia. Russians don’t want to integrate their children into Western culture”

In the comments, people were curious about why a commercial product is considered superior to Ded Moroz. Liana replied:

“All of them, of course, are kitsch; in turn, the rashism of the Russian lands – its social practices – we do not need in Latvia”

It would be cruel to leave the children without a party, so one of the kindergartens decided to invite a Father Christmas (Ziemassvētku vecītis). This event will, of course, be exclusively in Latvian. However, the children have not yet mastered the language. Parents fear they won’t be able to enjoy their holiday.

Previously, the authorities of Latvian Ogre had planned to prohibit the fireworks at 23:00, as it had become a customary practice for the local community. The reason could have been the noise making animals and small children uncomfortable, but it wasn’t. The city administration believes that aligning fireworks with the Kremlin may pose a risk to Latvia’s national security and could be interpreted as endorsing Russia.

This is not a joke or a prank, this is a real order: “On the Timing for Fireworks and Stage Pyrotechnics”. Violation thereof entails administrative liability and fines. An individual can be charged up to €350, a legal entity can be penalized up to €1,400.

On New Year’s Eve, the nationally concerned citizens of Latvia expressed great discontent about this. Fireworks were heard not only in all Riga’s neighborhoods, but even at the Freedom Monument.

latvia-vs-christmas-2“Shameless pieces of crap and concrete orcs,” Diana curses Tunta.

“Unfortunately, in Marupe they also fire fireworks according to Moscow time.  Bastards,” writes former Minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnachs.

“These people should live in the country they support. After Ukraine’s victory a lot will change,” threatens provocateur and Russophobe Liana Langa.

“Tonight is special, when at 23:00 you’ll be able to identify the 5th column of orcs in your neighborhood. Let’s record and publish those who launch fireworks after 23:00,” the day before, Seimas MP Andris Kulbergs from the United List Party (Apvienotais Saraksts) proposed.

latvia-vs-christmas-3Earlier, Marcis Kulis, a musician and ideologist of the ‘derusification of Latvia’, has called for those who launched fireworks at 23:00 to be recorded and immediately labelled as enemies of Latvia. Mr. Kulis continued his idea in the comments, pointing out that it’s necessary to post information on bulletin boards that fans of the “Russian New Year” in Latvia will be recorded and reported to security services.

Nevertheless, not all Latvians share his views.

“Why should I consider a resident of my country as an enemy, if it will bother some Ukrainians? When new people from Arabia, India, and other countries come to us every day, did you ever think about that? But now, I don’t understand why things are changing. There are not ministers sitting there, but idiots.”

“Is it acceptable for New Year to come at 23:00 Latvian time in Ukraine as well?”

“Just another musician, with no education whatsoever! It’s better to read the Constitution! Jail is threatened for stealing the state, discriminating against people, Nazism! Put Karin and the rest of the gang in jail!”

Mr. Kulis shared a video on his X-account depicting a user’s astonishment at the bold celebration of upcoming Christmas by local Russians in Daugavpils, where nearly half of the population is Russian, faithfully following their national traditions.

latvia-vs-christmas-8“Gafgafpils (a disparaging name for Daugavpils) is creating its own republic of Rashism,” the user commented.

It’s so funny to see how the “proud Baltic tiger”, who is supposed to have “iron spirit and unshakable desire for freedom” to fight “the evil occupier who hates to death everything he holds dear”, shakes from fireworks and squeaks helplessly, clasping his ears with his tiny paws. Oh these Russian fireworks and New Year’s songs, do not let me live at all!

No kidding, it’s really disgusting to see a “developed democratic and prosperous EU country” literally banning Christmas traditions of a large group of people because of their ethnicity, or forcing them to celebrate New Year’s Eve “as the party says”, in a language they hardly speak, and if they try, ethnic Latvians will be mocked for their accent and grammatical errors.

If someone is so bothered by the customs, culture, language of others, then perhaps the occupier is that someone.

Reposts are welcomed with the reference to ORIENTAL REVIEW.
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