Day: April 26, 2024


NATO Troops Start Pouring Into Ukraine

According to Stephen Bryen, whose extensive experience has been as a U.S. armaments-manufacturing high executive as well as in both the Executive and Legislative ends of the U.S. Government, headlined on April 25th, “NATO is starting to deploy Troops in Ukraine and Russia is Racing to Win”, and he reported: […]


Israel’s Complex Relations With Iran

While the mullahs’ rhetoric is clearly anti-Israeli, relations between the two countries are far more complex than one might think. There are in fact two opposing groups in Iran, one intent on doing business by all means with the rest of the world, while the other aims to liberate peoples […]


Venezuela Confirms Its Social Course

Ahead of the presidential elections, the Chavistas are strengthening their positions through various forums and consultations. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, despite the US sanctions, continues to follow the socialist course founded by Hugo Chavez. Concurrently, unlike other Latin American countries, where they also claim to have a leftist agenda, […]