Author: Rick STERLING

Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard Comes To San Francisco

Tulsi Gabbard says that as a soldier in a medical unit she has seen the “costs of war” first hand. Thousands of US soldiers never made it home alive. Many others suffer visible and invisible wounds of war. Where the US has intervened or invaded, the people are worse off not better. The “costs of war” are trillions of dollars which should be spent at home.

Marie Colvin

Marie Colvin, Homs And Media Falsehoods About Syria

The deaths of Marie Colvin and Remi Olchik sparked many tributes and widespread publicity. Largely unknown in the West, hundreds of Syrian journalists have also died in the conflict. In a sense, they are all victims of the proxy war on Syria. In another sense, the equivalence is not fair. The war has been encouraged by some and imposed on others.


Why Is Canada Punishing This Brave Woman?

Why Christianne Boudreau, born in Toronto, the mother of a young Damian Clairmont who had been indoctrinated and recruited to join a terrorist group in Syria, is forced by the Canadian government to surrender her Canadian passport. Why is Canada denying this woman her right to travel, guaranteed to all citizens under the Canadian Charter?

Palestinian Courage Should Spur International Action

The recent bloodshed and massacres underscore the fact that there is no solution on the current path in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It only leads to increasingly unlivable conditions in Gaza plus more illegal settlements and oppression in the West Bank. The so-called “two state solution” has been dead for many years and should be forgotten.