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America Needs Osama Again

The situation of the West, especially of the United States, has been getting worse on the world scene in recent weeks. The United States has been swept by the most powerful demonstrations of protest since early this century, with socio-economic demands chanted together with the slogan: “Down with the Dictatorship […]

Libya’s Great Man-Made River

NATO war on Libya was long-planned. All military interventions require months of preparation, including: — strategy and conflict objectives; — enlisting coalition partners; — selecting targets; — promoting political and public support; — deploying troops; — in Libya, recruiting, funding, and arming so-called rebels; and — post-conflict imperial plans. Washington […]

Gaddafi: ‘We Will Live Free Or Die’

On April 29, one day before Muammar Gaddafi lost his youngest son Saif al-Arab and three grandchildren (two-years-old Carthage, 18-months-old Saif Mohamed and 6-months-old Mastura) under NATO night attack, he delivered a speech on Libyan national TV. He permitted few sharp words towards Italian leaders, the words, which being snatched […]

Obama Killed Osama

The spontaneous celebrations of the assassination of Osama bin Laden that are spilling across the US reflect the extent to which the American society was traumatized by the September 11 drama. In the aftermath of media reports of the killing of “the number one terrorist” along with his innocent relatives, […]

The War on Terror Is Over?

We have already noted at the mayhem of 2011 Middle East-North Africa protests that Muammar Gaddafi fighting pro-Al-Qaeda Islamists is now replacing Ben Laden as incarnation of ‘absolute Evil’ in mainstream media. On May 1, 2011 we got a logical consequence of this political trend: President Obama has declared Osama […]