Tag: Deep State


Did Russia’s “Security Equation” Proposal Save Europe?

The Biden Administration has thus far successfully thwarted its anti-Russian “deep state” faction’s globally destabilizing gamble to dangerously sabotage the strategic parity between the US and Russia, but it was only able to do so because of Russia’s “security equation” proposal. The undeclared US-provoked missile crisis in Europe appears to […]


Metaverse Or Matrix?

Critics aren’t wrong when comparing the metaverse to the matrix. In fact, it’s arguably worse because those in the matrix weren’t preconditioned to accept their servitude but were simply grown in vats by machines without any choice about whether or not to participate in their alt-reality. What’s happening in real […]

Mitch McConnell, John Barrasso, John Thune, Roy Blunt, Joni Ernst, Rick Scott

The First Battle In Biden’s America: MAGA vs. The GOP

Multiple preexisting socio-political fault lines are rapidly rising to the surface in Biden’s America, but among the few examples of friction that might actually be to the country’s ultimate benefit will arguably be the one between the Trump-inspired “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement and the Republicans (the “Grand Old […]