Tag: Democracy


Who Is Behind The Milk Tea Alliance?

The Economist writes disapprovingly that the King of Thailand, Maha Vajiralongkorn, wants to restore an absolute monarchy. The article states that way back in 1932, revolutionaries proclaimed the end of Thailand’s absolute monarchy, and a monument was installed to mark the event. But in December 2018, it was removed. Last […]

Western IT Giants Are Becoming Toxic

On the night of 27 and 28 July, Google blocked the YouTube accounts of a number of Russian media outlets (the Tsargrad TV channel, the Double-Headed Eagle Society, the anti-abortion group “Za Zhizn!”, Geopolitika.ru) and individuals’ email accounts. The motivation for all of them was the same – the violation […]

Kanye West

Kanye West Joins The Presidential Race

“Because when we win, it’s everybody’s birthday.” Kanye West, Forbes, July 8, 2020 The political absurd has become all modish. With US President Donald Trump turning the White House into his own circus of personalised woe and expectations, other candidates are stepping up to the plate. Make way for Kanye […]

Pompeo and Esper

The West Point Mafia

Concepts such as the Sicilian Mafia or Irish Mafia in the US have been in the American subconscious for a long time, since the story of these groups stretches back almost a century and a half. But, in recent years, a new, seemingly persistent term has come into use in […]


Robert A. Dahl On Democracy

The American political theorist and Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale University, Robert A. Dahl (1917−2014) left in his immense scientific writing opus considerable remarks on democracy. Here, I would like to summarize his theoretical approaches to democracy. Historical development of democracy According to him, democracy was created there, where […]

Vivian Malone

Race, Racialism, And Politics

It is a very linguistic fact that the term “race” exists in all languages derived from the Latin one. For instance, the meaning of this term is identical in English and French like in some other languages or very similar regarding the meaning. However, the term “race”, basically, refers in […]

Liberty or death

The French Suspend Their Liberty

France is this strange country that never stopped collaborating with various invaders before revolting with honour; a country that was at first cowardly, then always brave. Without thinking about it, as usual, she has just abandoned the motto of her ancestors, which she will no doubt soon regain with glory.

Macron on democracy

Changing Political Regimes?

In 48 countries simultaneously, there are very large demonstrations challenging the political regime of the state. The supremacy of the democratic model, accepted by almost everyone at the end of the 20th century, is now being called into question. For Thierry Meyssan, no constitutional system will solve today’s problems, which are primarily the consequence of values and behaviour.

Strike in France

France: Man The Barricades!

France’s favorite sports are striking and street demonstrations. At heart, most French are revolutionaries and protestors. In France, the answer to every problem seems to be ‘aux barricades!’ (to the barricades!). Demonstrations are typically followed by a hearty lunch. But this time things in the Republique have gone way beyond […]