Tag: Emmanuel Macron


Libya According To The UN And The Harsh Reality

Contrary to appearances, Libya’s problem is not so much the rivalry between its leaders as the absence of pacification between tribes and the exclusion of Kadhafists. The solution can only be negotiated between the four leaders united in Paris, but only within and around the House of Representatives of Tobruk, whose authority now covers 80 % of the territory.

Europe stands up to US presure

Will Europe Stand Up To American Pressure?

Europe cannot cave in to US pressure, but it cannot realistically break ties with Washington when rejecting it, much less lay a claim to the mantle of global leadership. Europe simply wants more independence, which is already asking a lot, given the current state of world affairs. To achieve this, Europe needs to develop a more favorable balance of forces and interests.

Europe has rebelled

Has Europe Rebelled?

No matter what the outcome of all the diplomatic and economic conflicts between the two shores of the Atlantic, it is already safe to say that Europe has broken free of Washington’s grip, and future relations between the US and the EU will become increasingly tense.


Trump-Macron Bromance Turns Into Tough Love

Macron might have extracted much more out of the state visit than his host could. The much talked about “bromance” between Trump and Macron all but turned out to be a case of “tough love.” Macron probably got close enough to Trump to say some mean things that he wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise.

French and Syrian flags

Macron Might Trap France In A Malian-Like Quagmire In Northern Syria

The fast-moving developments go to show that the old model of colonialism no longer works in post-colonial societies where former colonizers sought to exploit minority groups against the majority. The people of northeastern Syria will not allow their actual former colonizer to return to their country and use pro-Western Kurds as their proxy tool for suppressing the Arab majority.

Joint statement Skripal Trump May Merkel Macron

The Skripal Case: Stakes Up?

Moscow is supposed to not only rein in its offensive geopolitical game, but also become more accommodating when it comes to Ukraine, Syria, and Europe. But since there’s no way the West is going to see any of these dreams come true — what’s the point of putting pressure on Moscow?