Tag: Erdogan


Turkey Gives Up On The Idea Of A Caliphate For The Second Time

In Islam, the role of Imam does not fall to a theologian, but like Christianity in Roman times, to the most powerful head of State. The function of Caliphe has therefore become a political rather than a spiritual gamble. President Erdogan realised that using the idea of Caliphate in reclaiming Ottoman splendour for Turkey he risked hurling his country into a state of barbarism.


Turkey Undeterred By US Sanctions Threat

All the evidence suggests that Erdogan has made a strategic decision that Turkey’s future lies in Eurasian integration and the current sparring is a shadow play. On the eve of his arrival in Beijing, Erdogan wrote: “… The world seeks a new, multipolar balance today. The need for a new international order, which will serve the interests of all humanity, is crystal clear”.

Netanyahu and Bolton

Trump, Bolton And The Syrian Confusion

It’s a messy, though typical picture.  US President Donald Trump wants to pull out forces in Syria.  When announced in December, jaws drooped and sharp intakes of breath were registered through the Washington establishment.  Members of the military industrial complex were none too pleased.  The President had seemingly made his […]