Tag: Palestine

The War For Mecca And Jerusalem

The civil war or a direct assault on Iran could well lead to the downfall of the Quraysh houses of Al-Saud and Al-Neyhan, the conquest of both Mecca and Jerusalem by the Multipolar CENTO (it is expected that Russia and China would both provide the necessary military support as Russia did for Syria) and the end of the American empire.

Geopolitcs of the Mediteranean Sea

Geopolitics Of The Mediterranean Sea Area In Global Security During And After The Cold War (1949-1989)

TheMediterranean Sea is one of the key strategic points of interest for the NATO from the creation of this military organization in 1949 during the Cold War in order to challenge the real or potential threats for its security. Within a global concept of the NATO security system, Turkey, Greece and Italy compose a sub-system of countries which belong to its “Southern Wing”.

Palestinian Courage Should Spur International Action

The recent bloodshed and massacres underscore the fact that there is no solution on the current path in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It only leads to increasingly unlivable conditions in Gaza plus more illegal settlements and oppression in the West Bank. The so-called “two state solution” has been dead for many years and should be forgotten.

Gaza protests

Palestinians – 70 Years Of Suffering

By our era, the number of homeless Palestinians has grown to 5 million refugees helped by the UN and at least another million scattered about the Mideast. The actual number could reach as high as 8-9 million thanks to the Palestinian’s high birth rate and strong family values.

Security Dilemma in the Middle East

The ongoing conflict in the Middle East is a case of security dilemma in which parties to the conflict misperceive each other’s positions and craft policies which further contributes to tension in the region. On 29 November 2012 the Palestinian Authority received overwhelming support in the United Nations in terms […]