Tag: Pandemic

Fauci Brigade

The Fire Fauci Brigade

The intemperate volcano that is the US President has done much to burn its way through prominent appointments. As the title of former GOP strategist Rick Wilson’s book goes, Everything Trump Touches Dies. There seem few more important individuals in the United States than Dr Anthony Fauci, and that, for […]

Trump Adapts US Energy Strategy

While most people are absorbed by the time-distribution measures of the epidemic, the Saudis are questioning the power of their American protector. A showdown between Riyadh and Washington, which was already disrupting the world economy before the spread of Covid-19. President Trump considered taking control of Saudi and Venezuelan oil, which apparently led him to forge new alliances.

Struggle To Tackle Covid-19

Struggle To Tackle Covid-19

The latest on Covid-19: 192 Countries and Territories around the world have reported a total of 339,036 confirmed cases, a death toll of 14,698 deaths. However, the actual numbers may be much more, as there are few countries that either have no capacity or hiding deliberately. The number of confirmed […]