Tag: Wikileaks

Who Gave Wikileaks the Secrets?

Yuri Shcheglovin (Russia) The latest leak of classified Pentagon materials on the war in Iraq resembles the last volley of artillery fire before a general offensive. It occurred exactly one week before the US congressional elections. That, of course, was no accident and makes us once again question the “integrity […]

Iran: Why Did the CIA Get It Wrong?

Evgeny KIRSANOV (Russia) The leak of secret documents about the US war in Afghanistan gave rise to a flood of articles about the US intelligence community’s effectiveness against Islamic terrorism and about its Middle East operations overall. The Washington Post is preparing a series of articles on the subject, and […]

What Do the Wikileaked Documents Say?

Nikita MENDKOVICH (Russia) The recent leak of thousands of secret documents from US intelligence in Afghanistan has aroused intense interest throughout world, both in the fact of the leak itself and in the content of the published information. After studying the matter, I would like pass on my understanding of […]