Month: February 2011

Reagan’s Secret Legacy

Peter Chamberlin (USA) On this, the one-hundredth birthday of Ronald Reagan, the Reagan worshippers are coming out of the woodwork. It seems that the self-appointed leaders of the “Tempest in the Teapot” party (or whatever they call themselves), even Obama himself, are trying to ride Reagan’s fame to new political […]

Egypt Leaving an Epoch Behind

Dmitry Sedov (Russia) The Anglo-Saxon globalization ran into a major roadblock: at the moment the Egyptian regime which the West has propped up for decades is on the verge of collapse. Even if Mubarak’s nominee Omar Suleiman manages to cling on, the global centers of power will have to face […]

Tragedy at Domodedovo Airport and Bias of the Time

Stanislav Ivanov (Russia) The new terrorist attack in Russia on January 24, 2011 justifiably angered Russians and the entire world community. About 200 people suffered (35 of whom were killed) an attack by a suicide bomber in the passenger arrival lounge at Domodedovo airport. Hardly anyone could remain indifferent to […]