Month: March 2011

Post-Gaddafian Africa (I)

Libya has been carrying out utmost active policy in Sahel (part of African continent, lying to the south from Sahara desert) long since. Libyan presence in the region is perceivable in the military, economic, cultural and propagandistic spheres. Numerous countries of this area are closely bound to Libya, while Colonel […]

Sowing the Wind

The radioactive dust had not yet settled after the explosion at the Fukushima nuclear power plant when Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan gave a speech saying it was inappropriate to compare the crisis at Fukushima-1 with the accident at Chernobyl in 1986. He said the amounts of radiation released then […]

Libyan ‘Peaceful’ Opposition

Anti-Gaddafi coalition has been bombing Libya for ten days already. Hundreds of civilians are dead or injured. Anyway the coalition is not a jot closer to the declared objective to oust Gaddafi from power. The common prejudice is that the West is protecting ‘peaceful’ democratic opposition who would build ‘open […]

Escalation in Libya

It was supposed to come as a global surprise that NATO is ready to take part in the West’s new war, “to bring our contribution, if needed, in a clearly defined manner, to the broad international effort to protect the people of Libya from the violence of the Gaddafi regime”, […]

A Strategy Aimed at Ruining Libya

A death sentence to Libya’s sovereignty was handed out long before the protests inspired by Western intelligence services shook the country and the UN Security Council responded to the situation with anti-Libyan resolutions. There are fundamental causes behind the strategy aimed at ruining Libya. Years ago, it was designated as […]

Libya to Face Airstrikes. Part Four of the Global Show

ORIENTAL REVIEW: This article was published by Strategic Culture Foundation few hours before the aggression. Latest reports show that the quasi-coalition forces are bombing vital infrastructure objects in Libya: oil reservoirs by Misurata, civilian and military targets in Tripoli, Benghazi, Zuwar. 48 dead, 150+ injured. Gaddafi ceased complying with the […]

Afterword For Biden’s Visit To Moscow

Are we about to part with Jacson-Vanik amendment? There’s a saying in American political folklore: «Vice President is a guy, who sits at the White House porch, waiting for President to be shot». This capacious wording perfectly describes the U.S. Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, who has recently visited […]

‘Caveated optimism’ about Afghan war

The testimony before the Congress on Tuesday in Washington by the commander of the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus gave significant clues to the current phase of American thinking towards the war as well as what the future portends. The most important […]