Shadows and uncertainties on the road… to Damascus

I took a break half a month. I tried to be just mere observer of events. The events are so fluid that information became obsolete within 24 hours. But all combined can give you an overview. So take a look about situation in Syria … and the ī‚§democracies under constructionī‚§ in Libya and Egypt.

Arab League says it has rejected a Syrian request for amendments to an agreement that would send observers to the country. On Wednesday, Arab League foreign ministers approved a plan to send observers into Syria to verify whether the regime has taken measures to protect civilians, giving Damascus three days to implement a protocol to allow observers to enter the nation. But Syria requested changes to the proposal the next day. On Sunday, the Arab League said in a statement that it had rejected Syria’s request, saying it “radically alters the nature of the … mission.”

From the Syrian part, in an interview with The Sunday Times, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad warned that any potential military intervention against his country would lead to “very dire” repercussions and said he is willing to die for his country. Unfortunately, nobody is able to confirm the media report independently because of the restrictions Damascus places on foreign journalists. In this time, the international community still examines what must to do. It’s still hard to discern between the repression of a criminal regime and the Ā«helpĀ» received to destabilize Syria and justification for external intervention. In addition, after Libyan adventure more and more shadows seem to imply in relations between major political actors U.S., Russia and China.

In a sea of uncertainty, there is only one certainty: many civilians are and have been assassinated in the unrest and people have to ask the questions: Who killed them and Why were they killed? I would add: Who will pay for it?

Those who believe that peace is laid after the death of Muammar Gadhafi were wrong. Libyan soap opera continues. Libyans Ā«celebratedĀ» late into the evening Saturday the reported capture of Muammar Gadhafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, nabbed in a desert gunbattle after an 18-day stakeout. Senior Libyan military officials said they believe the potential Gadhafi successor was trying to make his way to neighboring Niger, where a brother, Saadi, was granted asylum. Do not worry illusions. Saif will not be tried in The Hague. He knows too much to be given the opportunity to speak. Justice Minister Mohammad Al-Alagy said he doubts Libyan courts would want to try Saif al-Islam for crimes against humanity. Put in the spotlight in order to minimize the dissatisfaction of those who are beginning to understand that Ghadafi’s replacement was not for the benefit of many, the story of Saif also gave greater impetus to the talks on Green blogs. Fighting rages in Benghazi, Bani Walid, Sirte, Tripoli and other cities across Libya. Jamahiriya loyalists control most territory though portions shift back and forth. Terror bombings continue daily. In contrast, positive news flow on official media treadmill. Speaking about contradictory media news, Dennis South, after 9 months the covering the Lybia situation: “See, Libya is just a battlefield, not the entire war. The war is global. The war is being waged on every human being on the planet. The war is being waged by European monarchies, corporations, corrupt and puppet-politicians, and financial-interests, such as Wall Street”.

And building democracy in Egypt is Ā«celebrated with joyĀ»: at least 3,000 protesters are in the capital’s Tahrir Square, facing off with hundreds of black-clad riot police firing tear gas and rubber bullets. The protests have spread across much of Egypt. At least 13 protesters have been killed since Saturday, all but one in Cairo. Hundreds of others have been injured. Violent clashes between protesters and Egyptā€™s military police flared again yesterday, leaving at least ten dead and hundreds injured. The military has put forward a timetable which puts the transfer of power sometime in late 2012 or early 2013. So enough time for a fiesta extendedā€¦

Meanwhile, US – the first artisan of export of democracy – have big problems with its own citizens and their right to protest. Trying to hide serious problems of a failed system by creating external outbreaks of war is not a solution. Exporting democracy has failed in a miserable export of violence and instability. So again ask: Who will pay for it? And Who can stop it?

Who has not understood yet that this is not a game with winners and losers, think again!

Gabriela Ionita is editor to Cadran Politic, analyst in the field of International affairs (mainly connected with the Russian Federation and Community of Independent States). Also maintains a frequently updated blog Power&Politics World. She graduated from the National School of Political and Administrative Sciences ā€“ Bucharest, specialization in Communication and Public Relations. Ms. Ionita lives in Bucharest City. The views expressed are her own and do not necessarily coincide with ones of ORIENTAL REVIEW editorial.

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