Syrian Tragedy: Continued

The armed anti-government groupings in Syria come out in the open trying to topple the county’s leadership and get hold of power. It is said that the operation is masterminded by special services of the USA, Turkey, other NATO member countries and the monarchies of Persian Gulf. The terror act committed in Damascus on July 18 2012 served as a signal to launch subversive activities. A few Syrian government top officials lost their lives as a result. There had been attempts to poison the members of Assad family. The next phase of the operation is pretentiously called Damascus Volcano. Capturing government offices in the capital is part of the plan. The plot counts on panic and internal split caused by death toll among top government leaders. That what the news about President Assad leaving Damascus for Latakia was leaked into media for. The very same day the “friends of Syria” did another attempt to squeeze through a resolution allowing foreign intervention through the UN Security Council. Russia and China vetoed it for the third time.

The Syrian leadership stood tall against all the odds no matter how difficult it was (individual betrayal, for instances, like in the case of former acting Prime Minister Riad Hijab who defected from the government and sided with the “opposition”). By the beginning of August the Syrian armed forces quelled and eliminated all organized resistance in Damascus.

Having lost the battle for Damascus, the militants struck Aleppo, the second largest city of the country and its economic capital. The Syrian Free Army formations moved there from the Turkish border (Aleppo is situated at the distance of 50 km from Turkey) joined by Al Qaeda militants armed with heavy weapons. Here the Syrian military defeated the terrorists capturing depots of arms in Damascus and Aleppo. The mutilated bodies of civilians loyal to the government (including school teachers) serve as evidence of the crimes committed by militants. According to Euronews UN officials could see the burnt remnants of bodies. Another footage made by Free Syrian Army militants showed Syrian servicemen and policemen being shot by brigands. These acts of barbarity qualified as “military crimes and crimes against humanity” have evoked indignation among international human rights organizations.

Like in the case of Damascus Volcano, the terror act in Aleppo was committed under the propaganda guise of the resolution (non-binding unlike the ones of UN Security Council) adopted by the UN General Assembly on August 3. The draft was initiated by leading NATO members and Persian Gulf monarchies. It unilaterally condemned the Syrian leadership and demanded the UN Security Council make responsible those guilty of international crimes. It also called on all states to introduce sanctions against Syria. According to Vitaly Churkin, Russian ambassador to UN, it was “written as if no armed opposition existed at all”. The cynicism of the West and Syrian opposition abroad is shocking: they held talks, spoke in favor of Kofi Annan’s plan and Geneva accords while preparing anti-government terror acts and power seizure plots at the very same time. Simultaneously the West is intensifying political and economic pressure against Syria. There have been over a dozen of sanction packages adopted. Naturally these measures deteriorate the social and economic situation in the country.

Meanwhile the Russian role in managing the crisis is on the rise. One should remember the visit of Syrian government delegation to Moscow at the beginning of August. It was led by Qadri Jamil, Syria’s vice prime minister responsible for economic affairs, a well known economics scholar and professor of Damascus University. He also heads the People’s Will Party, which makes part of internal patriotic opposition taking part in the political reforms conducted by Syrian government. The delegation also included ministers of finance, transport, oil and deputy minister of foreign affairs. Qadri Jamil spoke at press-conference (the author of these lines was there) and confirmed that the talks with Russia led to accords on significant progress in bilateral relations, that would allow to tackle the acute problems faced by Syria as well as boost economic ties between the two countries in many spheres in the medium and long term perspective.

Right now Syria has put all the dots over i’s. The Western media are overflown with pictures of militants armed to the teeth, marching along under Al Qaeda banners and demanding the “world community” help to topple the lawful government of Syria. The Western politicians don’t shy away from saying the armed rebellion should be supported. By the end of June media sources spread around the information that President Barack Obama had signed a secret executive order instructing the CIA to render support to Syrian anti-government armed groups. Let’s not forget the radical Islamists make up its main striking force.

Yes, indeed, the number of questions addressed to Western advocates of “democratic values, freedom and human rights” is multiplying. For instance, what common values unite the French ruling Socialist Party with Syrian Muslim, Brothers and Syrian Free Army composed of Salaphites, Takfirists, Al Qaeda militants? Can anybody answer this question? The West knows there is a great possibility the majority of Syrians wants to see Assad as the country’s president (it was acknowledged by Zbigniew Brzezinski last June).

The West knows perfectly well what the so called radical Syrian opposition is really like. Its objectives in Syria are obvious – to overthrow the government with the help of “tamed” (or hired) radical Islamist leaders like Abdelhakim Belhadj and make puppets come to power to pull strings as the West wishes. The USA repeats the same fatal mistake it did in relation to Bin Laden in the 1980s in Afghanistan. He was considered to be a “tamed” CIA agent. It’s well known what happened afterwards: Al Qaeda headed by “CIA agent” Bin Laden committed “the terror act of the century” – 9/11 in New York. The death toll was a few thousand US citizens and foreigners. Now the West is playing the very same game in Syria, but it’s like playing with fire. The USA may get a new 9/11 and the French – new “Toulouse shooters”.

In the case of Russia, its stand on Syria is becoming more and more definite. The Russia diplomacy toughens the language. One of the last Foreign Ministry statements says Russia is concerned over arms deliveries to Syrian militants from abroad. It’s not the amorphous term “opposition” that is used anymore. Instead the statements mention military crimes and murderous activities of illegal armed formations. Wish Russia would not be in the position of someone in need to justify the actions concerning other issues related to Syria and the situation around it (like the movement of warships to Syrian shore). We cannot but see the fight against terror in Syria is one of the most acute global issues. It is becoming an internal Russia issue – if one doesn’t turn a blind eye on North Caucasians joining Syrian armed gangs and intensification of Islamist underground activities in Russia (the terror acts in Kazan and Grozny). The countering of a threat presupposes taking adequate steps. Syria teaches lessons. One should only have a wish and ability to learn.

Source: Strategic Culture Foundation 

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