Egypt – a Pendulum of Chaos

What is happening in Egypt? Is the overthrow of the country’s Islamist president a symbol of American failure? Will the military’s rise to power, followed by a new, perhaps secular government, help to normalize the situation?

When Mubarak was toppled, the military made no move to intervene.  And this was despite the fact that as a result of his ouster the army’s top brass lost power, and a large number of senior officers were later dismissed by President Morsi.  But the army did not defend Mubarak.  He was “surrendered” in exchange for the military elite’s peace of mind: there were several forced resignations, but no trials or reprisals.  In the coup that forced out Mubarak, the Islamists “stifled” the secular element of society and became the main force behind this political “change of course.”

But the goal of the global elites is to see Chaos in Egypt, as well as throughout the Middle East.  Thus, society’s secular element is now supposed to “bring down” the Islamists.  But secular, “European” Egyptians are less passionate than the Islamist radicals.  They need support.  The support for the Islamists who unseated Mubarak came from the West (money, weapons, instructions and information). But 18 months later the West cannot refuse to support other forces in Egypt, because in a year or two it will again be necessary to throw out the secular “European” Egyptians.

This means that the army was needed to support the secular element of society against the Islamists.  And this support was not long in coming.  Ultimatums were issued to the president, weapons were used to attack the demonstrators supporting President Morsi, and in general the conduct of the West was in keeping with the best traditions of the 19th and early 20th centuries, when no one gave any thought to human rights, and only sober, undisguised realpolitik held sway.

In other words, the army was afraid to defend one legitimate president, but now has shown it is not afraid to depose another legitimate president.  Where did such courage come from?  Or has the Egyptian military heard nothing about the court in The Hague?  Have they not seen the videos of Saddam’s hanging?

And what is the reaction of the West to this military coup d’état? None at all. Bashar al-Assad’s rule was declared illegitimate, although no one had stripped him of power.  But the Egyptian military has arrested a president whom the whole world viewed as legitimate, and no reaction is seen from the West.

Why? What’s going on?

This is the Pendulum of Chaos.  Secular forces will take power in order to lose it after a period of time in favor of the even-more-radicalized Islamists.  And so this pendulum will swing in order to further the wild oscillation of the forces of Chaos.  Like a seesaw.

egypt-flagAnd now a few words about economics and “the price of freedom.”Revolutions never solve any economic problems, they only aggravate them.  During this “time of change” in Egypt, the country’s foreign-exchange reserves have been practically wiped out and its grain reserves are once again getting dangerously low. But this time there is no hard currency to buy more abroad.

In May 2011, there was a remark in Russian press: “The victory of democracy in this Arab country is already demonstrating its first fruits.  Egypt is running out of food.  Along with “freedom,” the bankruptcy of the nation is knocking at the door of the Egyptian government.  War will be the next to knock.”

The result of Egypt’s “democratization” is its rapidly expanding debt.

The Russian news agency Novosti wrote earlier this week: “What prevented the Egyptian military from appointing competent people to the government during those 16 months when they were in power before Morsi was elected? And now, when the Egyptian president has accepted billions of dollars from his Arab neighbors (and spurned loans from the IMF), no meritocracy will be able to repay them.” (link in Russian)

Egypt has borrowed money from its Arab neighbors.  Now there has been a change in power and the “new Egypt” will accept loans from the IMF.  Tomorrow power will change hands again, and the latest “new Egypt” will once again accept loans from its Arab neighbors.  The Pendulum of Chaos.

Ultimately, the chaos magnifies with each political takeover.  The situation is only deteriorating – Egypt is in debt and no one is truly in power.

The Egyptian military became the agent of outside forces that wanted to destabilize the country.  Because this situation is being deliberately rockedto make the Pendulum of Chaos swing ever wider, Egypt will cease to exist as player on the political stage of the Middle East.  I doubt anyone needs me to specify who will benefit from these developments.

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