Proof of Poland’s Participation in the Ukrainian Pandemonium

Polish media outlet Nie has published a bombshell account about direct Polish involvement in Ukraine’s destabilization. Its source alleges that the Polish Foreign Ministry had invited Ukrainian militants into the country and trained them outside of Warsaw in September 2013. Considering the destructive actions and fatalities they would later be responsible for during the EuroMaidan riots, such a connection would directly link Warsaw to the pandemonium. It would also implicate Poland in being the “Slavic Turkey” of NATO in Eastern Europe. The impact of Nie’s reporting can also affect domestic Polish politics, as it would prove that the political elite misled members of Parliament, which could later have direct political repercussions for Tusk’s “Civil Platform”. This scandal serves to highlight that Poland is starting to emulate the methods of its invited neo-colonial headmaster, the US, thereby deepening the puppet-master relationship between Warsaw and Washington.

According to the report, 86 Euromaidan militants, some of whom appeared to be over 40 years old, came to Poland under the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The pretext for plausible deniability was that they were in the country to promote cooperation between the Warsaw University of Technology and the National Technical University in Kiev. In reality, however, these individuals were whisked away to Legionowo, a town on the outskirts of Warsaw. There, at the police training center, they spent four weeks engaged in a regiment of destabilization training.

Polish police academy "students" beating Berkut officer on Euromaidan in Kiev, January 2014.
Polish police academy “students” beating Ukrainian anti-riot police officer on Euromaidan in Kiev, January 2014.

The source goes on to state that pictures of the participants show them clothed in Nazi regalia and tattoos, with their Polish military instructors lacking any outward identification as such. At the facility, militants learned the following techniques: crowd management; target identification; tactics; leadership; behavioural management under stressful conditions; protection against police gasses; building barricades; and importantly, they engaged in shooting classes, which incidentally included sniper rifles. Quite clearly, the “students” who came to Warsaw were there for war, not academic work, and their training there resulted in the christening of Bandera’s spiritual descendants.

These revelations underline how the EuroMaidan militants had prior Western-backed training, and that Poland was chosen as the location for their instruction. Through its direct involvement and support in training the radicals, Poland is quickly living up to its reputation as NATO’s most important frontline state. When the Polish Sejm voted in early December, 2013 to show its “full solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine, who with great determination show the world their desire to ensure their country’s full membership in the EU”, little did they know that the violent vanguard which had just days before thrown Molotov cocktails and attacked police officers likely acquired their tactics less than an hour’s drive from where they casted their vote. Most members of parliament likely did not have a clue that their government was training those violent elements and would be shocked to know that this was the case.

The ultimate irony is that Poland is training fighters who honor a man that glorified in ethnically cleansing Poles from Ukraine in the most horrendous ways imaginable during World War II. For all of its blaring patriotism and nationalist sentiment, the Polish government is actually working against its long-term interests by backing such radical anti-Polish elements right next door. This “Bandera Brinksmanship” reminds one of the US’ foreign policy mentality of allying with and building dangerous radical forces that may later come back to harm them (i.e. Al Qaeda in the Soviet’s Afghan conflict and the Libyan and Syrian-based international jihadis of today). Through its greedy and nationalistically minded cooperation with the US in seeking to de-facto resurrect the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Poland has abandoned its European principles and blindly set itself on becoming America’s bulldog in Eastern Europe.

Reposts are welcomed with the reference to ORIENTAL REVIEW.
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  1. Pingback: Ukraine: Real danger of a new division of Europe – MFA of Germany. | YERELCE

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  3. I understand Papa Putin is paying you good money to write this kind of stuff up, but as a supposed student you might try to keep at least a facade of academic neutrality for appearances’ sake. The Ukrainian revolution (or coup if you like) was not Neo-Nazi as your president would have it, even if there were nationalists at its fringes. It was a democratic movement against a president who clearly betrayed his people.
    Frankly, if the events you mention are true (which they easily could not be, considering Nie’s consistently pro-Moscow stance) the Poles were right to take an active role in the events in Ukraine considering they’re dealing with Putin and his neo-imperial pseudo-parliament. At least they’re not waiting until the Russians have overrun their country like they did together with Hitler in 1939.
    Lastly, try to keep your facts straight – Tusk’s party is not called Law and Justice. That’s his main opposition, with very little love lost between the two. I know that from a Russian perspective the concept of a government facing an active opposition may not be easy to grasp, but you really should try. For appearances’ sake.

  4. KBorkowski

    It’s not Tusk’s ironically named “Law and Justice” party, as you stated in your article. Donald Tusk is leader of Poland’s Civic Platform party (Platforma Obywatelska), every international political reporter knows that!
    This hasty mistake makes your whole article lack credibility and gives the impression that you’re trying too hard to make Poland’s diplomatic efforts in Ukraine seem unfavourable for the entire Eastern European region.

    Instead, you should try harder at making your articles clear and correct if you want them to be credible.

  5. Andrew Korybko

    Thank you all for catching that slight error, but nonetheless, the content of the article and the analysis still stand firm. The fact that so much attention is deflected to such a tangential detail, as opposed to the content of the original story and the subsequent analysis, betrays an unwillingness to directly confront Poland’s shameful actions and deal with the fallout.

  6. KBorkowski

    The sentence “Tusk’s ironically named Law and Justice party” was far from a slight error and is not a tangible detail. It was caustically written with the intention to make Tusk appear hypocritical, an intention based on a mistake.
    Since your mistake occurred so early in your article, it gives the impression that the rest of your article could be filled with more mistakes.

  7. Andrew Korybko

    Yes, the statement was certainly intended to underline Tusk’s hypocrisy, but unlike the rhetoric most people may be used to, this one is backed up by firm facts. Tusk presented himself as the ‘anti-Kaczsynsky’, yet ironically, his administration has been behaving (not just speaking) more nationalistically than his predecessor, and they are justifying this by the events in Ukraine. There’s another obvious hypocrisy in a supposedly pro-EU leader that supports such anti-democratic and illegal actions as training guerrilla subversives for deployment in a neighboring state. That has nothing in common with the proclaimed values of the EU. Over and over again, Tusk is proving himself to be a hypocrite.

  8. Again – Poles have a long and very recent history of Russian aggression to deal with, and with Putin’s recent neo-imperial moves I would be very surprised if they had taken no action at all. If they limited themselves to training opposition activists, that would hardly constitute a breach of democratic principles.
    On top of that, the facts in the case are hazy at best: The Nie article is based on the say-so of a single individual identified only by first name. The ‘evidence’ presented to the reporters could have effortlessly been manufactured or manipulated by Russian special services, and considering Putin’s lies about everything connected with Ukraine in recent months (e.g. the ‘little green men’ who are or are not operating in Ukraine as the moment’s PR needs dictate) it very likely was. As is, the whole story is completely worthless.

  9. KBorkowski

    Tusk isn’t being hypocritical or undemocratic. Ultimately, his action’s have been motivated by the desire of the majority of Ukraine to cooperate with Poland and follow their path of economic success within the EU. The people of Ukraine were exercising their democratic right at Maidan to protest against Yanukovic’s gross economical mismanagement of their country. The majority of Ukraine’s people are content with the results of their actions at Maidan and remain hopeful that their future economic direction will be similar to Poland’s .

    Unfortunately, this sense of contentment is currently being disturbed by the recent Russian annexation of Crimea and by Russian trained guerilla subversives operating in Ukraine’s eastern regions.

  10. @Simon,
    You are pouring tons of false statements regarding Russian-Polish relations disclosing your adherence to a standard Western propaganda and total lack of historical knowledge.
    If you take an effort to study some history, you would know that Rzeczpospolita for centuries was cynically used by Vatican as a striking weapon against the “Eastern schismatics” as they called the Eastern Orthodox. Read here for details:
    After the collapse of Soviet Union, they again activated the so-called Uniate project in a desperate attempt to lure Orthodox Ukrainians under Vatican throne:
    The methods of this luring were quite innocent: intimidation, forceful caption of the Orthodox cathedrals and churches, blatant anti-Russian propaganda, incompatible with the status of a religious organization:
    Now you can search yourself how many Poles were forcefully converted into the Orthodoxy during the period of the Russian “occupation”. We’are anticipating the answer: zero. Unlike Vatican, the Russians never challenged the canonical territory of the Roman Catholic Church.
    Now, back to publication in Nie Weekly. Ask your Polish friends: it is a reliable magazine, headed by the patriarch of Polish press Jerzy Urban: He has earned his reputation during 60 years of work as journalist. The training of Ukrainian ultras at Polish police facilities is hardly a matter worth to put this reputation at stake. He’s taken responsibility for every word in that publication. Polish government was very persistent in attempts to silence this theme in recent weeks.
    Finally, Crimea was not “annexed” but reunified with Russia as a result of democratic and free ballot. Many in Ukraine envy Crimeans today.

    We tend to agree that the good share of responsibility for today’s situation in Ukraine lays on Yanukovych and his predecessors on presidential position (Yuschenko, Kuchma, Kravchuk). Trying to allege that the majority of Ukrainians are content with the outcome of Maydan (facing current economic collapse and total insecurity in Ukraine), is misleading at least. Ukrainians do not read this blog, so you can be honest here. “Future economic direction” for Ukraine is a cheap trick by the EU. No one in Europe is interested in Ukrainian industry products and even less in its agriculture. The Ukrainian people will die off (or emigrate) in a dozen of years after Ukraine’s “Tunisation” (synonim to association) with Europe. They will never join the EU. You know it better than we (although you are commenting from the United States, as soon as we see).

    Thank you, keep up your brilliant reporting! Happy Easter!

  11. @editorial: While I’m very worried about whether Russians adhere to the Orthodox or Catholic flavor of the Christian bronze-age system of superstition, the Vatican’s machinations in the 17th century hardly compare in scope or recency to Russia’s 19th century attempts to Russify Poland in its occupation zone, the Soviet Union’s invasion of Poland in 1939 together with Nazi Germany, or the 45 years of Communist enslavement that followed.
    As to Ukraine: Crimea WAS annexed. The referendum was about as fair as a Stalinist show trial. And annexing a sovereign state’s territory based on historical claims, especially territory that was in no way native to Russia proper, sets a very dangerous precedent. I’m sure you wouldn’t want the Lithuanians, for instance, starting that game (assuming they had the means to pursue it).

  12. KBorkowski

    to the Editor

    The majority of Ukrainians are content with the results of the Maidan protests because it’s central and western regions aren’t plagued by instances of violent unrest. Ukraine is not facing economic collapse as the IMF has pledged to support Ukraine regain economic stability. Poland had similar economical issues in the early 1990’s, but through their desire of developing closer trade ties with the west, they managed to create a small and yet dynamic economy. Now Ukraine has the opportunity to produce a similar economy. This is Ukraine’s future economic direction and it is not a cheap trick.
    To say that no one is interested in Ukrainian products is wrong, if Ukrainian products have the potential to make money, then other international companies will be interested in investing in them. It’s how capitalism works and will become a more prominent aspect of life within Ukraine in the future.
    Also to suggest that Ukraine will die off is desperate and laughable. Under this new future economic direction Ukrainian exports will have greater access to the international market and western companies will move into Ukraine for business, for example Royal Dutch Shell digging for shale gas and providing employment opportunities to the fortunate few. It maybe few for now, but this trend will grow over time as more western companies develop trusting relationships with a Ukrainian government that is more in line with their interests.

  13. @Simon
    Bragging your ignorance is a bad habit. We were writting about “Vatican’s machinations” of XX and XXI centuries. The Russians never “russified” Poland as all territories annexed as the result of partitions of Poland in XVIII century were Russian and Lithuanian lands populated by the Orthodox, permanently repressed and forcefully converted in Catholic faith under the Poles. Most of the original Polish territory was occupied by Prussia and Habsburg Austria then:
    Arguing about Crimea is ridiculous. Read e.g. what the son (!) of a voluntaristic Soviet leader who illegally handed Crimean from Soviet Russia to Soviet Ukraine in 1954 has to say about referendum and history of Crimea:
    The following publication would also be somewhat helpful for your understanding of historical realities:

    “Content people in Ukraine” is a joke #1 today. Hrivna is 40% down. Gas prices for the end customers 50% up. Salaries cut for the public social services’ employees throughtout the country. “Counter-corruption” revolution has brought super-corrupt oligarch to the top of the regional administrations. Ukraine’s economy is sinking. Draconian IMF conditions are accepted by the interim government. That means further currency decline, more domestic inflation, primarily impacting households, and therefore less spending by households on other goods and services. We can write tons about situation in Ukraine and real mood of the public there.
    The stories about “how capitalism works” is a fairy tale for kids. Again, no one will allow Ukrainian goods on European markets. It is not what Association agreement is intended to. That is a one-sided-benefit road: extracting cheap resources and dumping sub-standard goods. Fracking at the high-populated areas of fertile lands is humanitarian and ecological crime. Ask same Poles about ecological disasters and public protests at their fracking sites.
    Calm down, guys. You’re just revealing the shortage of your argumentation.

  14. KBorkowski

    to the Editorial

    The Ukrainian people are content as their future lies with greater promise within the EU as opposed to lagging behind the democratic world by continuing an existence into the post Soviet abyss. Everything that you just stated such as currency going down, inflation, corruption ect is exactly what Poland went through in 1990’s. Its what happens when a former communist run state is in transition mode to becoming a modern economy.
    The majority of Ukrainians are aware of this and see this as the lesser evil than continuously being lied to by the Russian backed Yanukovic who kept the state’s riches to himself and his oligarchs. Also, Putin is also aware of the West’s slow economic takeover of Ukraine and is doing everything he can to disrupt it such as annexing Crimea and sending in guerilla subversives into eastern Ukrainian regions in order to prolong the Ukraine’s economical transition in the hope that its people will lose patience and hope in developing a stable economy and government and return to an existence under Russia’s influence. Putin’s current actions are the real cheap trick.

    Overall, you are not seeing the long term picture of Ukraine as a whole, as I’ve stated in my previous comments, the primary objective of Ukraine’s current government is to obtain an economy similar to that of Poland’s within the EU. This primary objective will take time, perhaps 10 or 15 years. However, it will be shorter if people in general began to accept the Ukrainian people’s desire for greater self autonomy and not contribute to Putin’s efforts of social and economical destabilisation in Ukraine.

  15. @editorial: “The Russians never “russified” Poland as all territories annexed as the result of partitions of Poland in XVIII century were Russian and Lithuanian lands”
    That’s not just a stretch, it’s an outright lie. Even the map you linked to contradicts your statement – Russian occupation of Polish territory reached quite a ways west of Warsaw. Hardly “Russian” lands. For a time even the teaching of Polish was forbidden. If that’s not Russification, I don’t know what would be. I don’t know where you learned your history, but my guess is you need to brush up a bit before you start discussing it with anyone older than grade school students.
    In any case, if there is fear of Russia in Poland today, it’s mainly due to what happened in the mid- to late 20th century. There are still people alive today who remember the worst of it, and even the later part wasn’t that much fun for anyone involved. Even the party apparatchiks were happy enough to get out on their own in 1989.
    And your arguments about the Vatican’s work in Russia – frankly, it’s a non-issue, since the Catholic church has precious little real power left. You might as well bring up the Hare Krishnas and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Now there’s an army of doom for you.
    As to your argument about Crimea’s cultural ties to Russia – nobody denies that the area was controlled by Russia and then the Soviets. However, the issue is that Russia accepted Ukraine’s borders after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in exchange for (among other things) Ukraine giving up its nuclear arsenal. When guns weren’t pointed at anyone’s head, only 41 percent of Crimea’s population wanted independence from Ukraine, and even fewer within the area’s native Tartar population. Add a few armed Russian agents (even Putin finally admitted they were there), and all of a sudden 80+ percent want to join Mother Russia. Save your fairy tales for the kindergarten brigade.

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  26. Good and interesting article – well done!

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