Ukraine suffers humanitarian, economic and military disaster (III)

Part I

Part II

The situation in religious sphere is getting worse too. Nazis restarted taking cathedrals, beating priests and church members and capturing property.

The Head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, canonically related to the Patriarchate of Moscow, the Metropolitan of Borispol and Brovarsk Anthony stated accidents of naked aggression proceeding from the so called Patriarchate of Kiev supported by Nazis and directed against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), its priests and members.

“Starting from this February the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) has been blackmailed. The head of UOC appealed to put our Church under pressure… There was only one priest from the Herson diocese of the UOC went across to schismatic. There was an appeal that time to hold referendums at settlements to determine the jurisdiction of the temples. A lot of people voted against the transition from the canonic orthodoxy to the schism. To suppress their constitutional right Nazis use physical force. They fabricate documents, force locks, beat people and push them out from churches,” the Head of UOC said. Sometimes people succeed in protecting their church as it happened in the town of Cherkassy. However it is an exception to the rule. Militants of “The Right Sector” supporting the so called Ukrainian Orthodox Church – the patriarchate of Kiev – have plenty of arms which were stolen from ammunition depots located in the Lvov region in winter 2014. Episcope Longhin, the bishop of the Vikary Chernovitskaya diocese, called them “satanists”:

Episcope Longhin, the bishop of the Vikary Chernovitskaya diocese.
Episcope Longhin, the bishop of the Vikary Chernovitskaya diocese.

“I will never mention at liturgy those damned leaders of our country, those irreligious, those who don’t have the fear of God, those who sit in their chairs and orders to kill people,” a Romanian website quoted the bishop.

The bishop thinks that authorities need nothing but massacre, and they take pleasure of it.

These processes happen at the same time with the economic deterioration in Ukraine. The problems with gas deliveries and the payment for last 7 months haven’t been decided yet. The deliveries of coal from Lugansk and Donetsk were suspended because of the war. As the result, the significant part of citizens lacks heating and hot water. The transit of gas to the EU was the main means of blackmailing the EU and Russia. So, the Ukrainian prime-minister Arseny Yatsenyuk two times threatened to cut off the gas.

The director of the National Bank of Ukraine Valeriya Gontareva said at a press-conference that the national currency of Ukraine became twice cheaper than dollar and the flight of capital exceeded 100 billion UAH. She called the situation as “disastrous.”

“Today the flight of capital is 110 billion UAH consisting of 7 billion dollars and 50 billion UAH. The situation was quite stable in July, but worsened in August,” the head of National Bank pointed out.

The main creditor of Ukraine, the International Monetary Fund, predicts the increase of the Ukrainian external debt up to 102.2% GDP in 2014. They think it won’t change in 2015.

According to the IMF special report about Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe, the external debt of Ukraine will be 106.4 % GDP in 2015 while the direct guaranteed debt will be 67.6% GDP in 2014 and 73.4% GDP in 2015.

Almost the whole Ukrainian industry stopped its production, most of the production had even bankrupted.
Almost the whole Ukrainian industry stopped its production, most of the production had even bankrupted.

Credit Suisse reported that Ukraine has become the world leader in the worsening of the well-being of its people. The Swiss Bank said that the well-being of the Ukrainian people had dropped at 30% since 2013. The indicator became the world record.

The main enterprises of the country stopped production because of the crisis and the growth of prices on goods and medicine, for example, the public company “Zaporozhsky automobile plant.” Automobile plants of Kramatorsk and Lvov are also on the brink of bankruptcy.

Russian commissioner for human rights Ella Pamfilova said all these negative effects could lead to another wave of refugees not only from the south-eastern Ukraine.

She added: “The first wave of refugees has faded now because people are enthusiastic with the cease-fire agreement… But the winter is coming and it will be hard to survive in these destroyed areas of Ukraine. That’s why we should be ready to the second wave of migration and not only from the south-eastern Ukraine. We also shouldn’t forget that Russia still has a lot of refugees.”

However the cease-fire hasn’t been complied. The city of Donetsk is shelled every day and the number of the killed grows. They are mostly civilians. In the majority of cases, the Ukrainian side is guilty in the violations of the cease-fire. That conclusion of the mutual center for control and coordination (of the cease-fire in the south-eastern Ukraine) was published in the report of OSCE mission at the OSCE website.

To sum up, Ukraine suffers the large-scale humanitarian, economic and military disaster spreading over the country and creating difficulties to the EU, Russia and Belorussia as well as to international financial organizations. International community should make efforts to stop the bloodshed in Ukraine, institute criminal proceeding against those who committed war crimes and reform the state in accordance with the standards of international law. 



Bogdan Bezpal’ko is the Chairman of “Ukrainians of Russia”, the non-profit organization promoting Ukrainian language and culture in Russia.

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