Ramaphosa’s Racist-Marxist Distraction In South Africa

The controversial initiative to seize white-owned farms without compensation was proposed by the Marxist “Economic Freedom Fighters” (EFF) and quickly picked up by the ruling African National Congress (ANC),which argues that it needs to act in order to resolve the massive racial disparity in property ownership. Neighboring Zimbabwe attempted almost the exact same thing around the turn of the century but it failed for many reasons, though its new government is now reversing this policy and is instead seeking to court white farmers back to the country. The new South African government, meanwhile, is doing the opposite in what can only be regarded as an attempt to rejuvenate interest in the party by returning it to its Marxist roots, something that its strategists might believe can help it electorally in next year’s elections.

Moreover, it should be said that President Cyril Ramaphosa might have more ulterior intentions in mind as well, since he himself came to power on the back of a so-called “deep state” coup in first becoming the party’s leader under contentious circumstances late last year and then soon thereafter replacing former President Zuma under a similarly controversial context. He might want to distract the masses from this “politically inconvenient” fact in order to build up greater “legitimacy” for himself. In addition, this new measure might take the population’s attention away from intertribal and xenophobic violence by temporarily uniting the country around a common cause that can easily mobilize the racial majority on economic pretexts, even if most of them never see any tangible benefit from these forthcoming land seizures.

One of the unintended aftereffects of the “successful” execution of this policy is that it might scare away international investors who could fear that Ramaphosa might expand what they view to be his extreme “economic nationalism” to the point of potentially nationalizing foreign companies in the future, possibly due to “bottom-up” pressure from the EFF and their “street supporters”. Once certain socio-economic policies such as racially targeted land seizure without compensation are unleashed, it could be very difficult to control them because they naturally inspire the disadvantaged majority of the country to dream big with unrealistically high hopes, sometimes causing a chain reaction that leads to the most unpredictable of consequences for the initiators of the said policy.

Cyril Ramaphosa is the new president of the ANC
Cyril Ramaphosa is the new president of the ANC.

The post presented is the partial transcript of the CONTEXT COUNTDOWN radio program on Sputnik News, aired on Friday Mar 9, 2018:


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Reposts are welcomed with the reference to ORIENTAL REVIEW.


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    22. samir sardana

      Zuma has doomed South Africa with the Indian GUPTA Bania breed !

      The United Kingdom is ALSO plagued by these Gupta Bania Marwaris of Insia

      1 – Guptas of South Africa
      2 – Sanjeev Gupta of Steel fame
      3 – Gupta ji of McKinsey

      What is the South African govtt doing >

      There is NO Interpol RCN or Green Corner Notice,on these GUPTA Banias
      They are plonked in Dubai
      Dubai has NO extradition treaty,with South Africa
      The Immovable property of these Banias in South Africa – was left behind purposely,as a distress sale – would give away their plans to flee the nation
      The Value of assets seized,is a pittance
      Billions of USD are siphoned off and ringfenced in some safe jurisdiction

      The GOI will do NOTHING.These Banias are the STRATEGIC ASSETS OF THE GOI,all over Africa,and are used by the GOI to BRIBE AFRICAN POLITICIANS and do Political consulting (euphemism for bribing and pimping) on behalf of the GOI, in Africa, as also,indulge in a propoganda war on the Chinese in Africa

      The GOI has also used these Bania Guptas in South Africa (when the going was good)

      All the key players in the Audit and Consulting firms of South Africa – used by the Gupta Bania – to CARRY OUT THEIR FRAUD – are ALL INDIANS !

      Coincidence ?

      If the so “called professionals” are NOT nailed – the GUPTA BANIA will never be nailed

      An Interpol RCN CANNOT be issued as it will be preceded by criminal culpability of the “called professionals” and Zuma

      Dubai is full of Indian criminals – who have invested in real estate and are under the patronage of the State.



      This is the Time for the China-Africa Revolution – with these 9 steps – in light of the COVID DOOM in the world

      The USA and Russia do not have Africa,on their Radar – no time and no funds.The EU has no cash,and PRC has recovered from COVID,and has abundant cash.This is the time for the China-Africa Reinassance.The aim has to be to control Africa trade and finance, and thus,the shipping routes and the Horn of Africa.If some Indian clown chokes Malacca,PRC can choke The Horn of Africa. Simple !

      COVID has made manufacturing obsolete in EU,and PRC has to lower its cost of production.The Solution is to shift PRC manufacturing to Africa,with a mix of Chinese and African staff,to avail of LDC benefits, to export to EU and PRC.Exports from Africa to EU,will be HAVE MUCH LOWER COST OF PRODUCTION, AND ALSO, VERY LOW FREIGHT COSTS, AND WILL BE ENTITLED TO EU GRANTS,SUBSIDIES AND SOFT LOANS. This will WIPE OUT ALL the EXPORTS FROM INDIA,TO THE EU.India has neither the funds nor the resolve and intellect,to replicate the abovesaid model. dindooohindoo

      PRC companies in the mainland,can go up the value chain of manufacturing, with AI and Robotics,and outsource all “other manufacturing” to Africa,in Chinese companies,who have JVs with Africans. These companies will be funded by Chinese Banks,and their banking gains in Africa,will offset the NPAs of Chinese Banks,in the PRC.In the 1st step, the manufacturing in Africa,is for PRC,and then the same factory,is to be used ,for exports to EU,with LDC gains.

      Each African nation has 1 VOTE IN THE UN,and ROTATE SEATS ON THE UNHRC – and will be a strategic counter, to the USA and the Indians.

      PRC also has to ramp Defense exports to the African region,via JVs with Pakistani Ordinance factories – again to wipe out the Indian Defense exports – which are in any case,pure trash.With Chinese technology in African defense,it will become an extension of the PLA.

      The African Banking sector is bankrupt,and the Insurance companies are costly and expensive.This is the time,for the Chinese to swoop in,and also,INCLUDE MICRO CREDIT AND HEALTH INSURANCE.Africans have a natural immunity to diseases – and universal health care in Africa – with funding from WB,IMF and WHO and EU,could be the game changer for PRC, alongwith Micro Credit – which will connect PRC,with the African populace.

      The Chinese have NOT invested in AFRICAN EDUCATION.PRC has to invest in HIGHER AND SPECIALISED EDUCATION,AND NOT PRIMARY EDUCATION.The strategy is akin to the methods used by the Americans and The EU,who brainwash the overseas students in their universities -who are studying free of cost.These students will 1 day,be the political leaders of Africa.

      The Chinese has to invest in the Chinese language education from the Primary Education stage in Africa,and then,in Afican tourism,using Chinese Infra and Entertainment companies,EXCLUSIVELY FOR CHINESE TOURISTS.

      Lastly the PRC has to educate the good Africans,about the worth of the Indians.It was Idi Amin who assessed the worth of the Indians – a man who saw the future.Indians are the bania shopkeepers,money lenders and counterfeiters.They doomed the entire South African economy (The Guptas and Zuma).

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