Project Basr: Pakistan And The Hunt For Zero Point Energy (XI)

It will free man from the remaining chains, the chains of gravity which still tie him to this planet” – Wernher Von Braun

Part I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

1.3 Conclusion: The Secret Origins Of UFO Technology

Now we have established a theory about the existence of this technology, it is time to study the use of this technology by governments; the most authentic reports come from records concerning the work of Hitler’s Nazi scientists. In the few short years that Hitler gave his scientists free rein to develop technology, there was astonishing progress. Allied teams who rushed into the secret underground bases and projects after the War were dumb-founded by the technological advancement they found.

A small plant in central Germany (M-Werke) was on the verge of producing missiles which could destroy entire U.S. cities. Cooperation between G-Works and various other installations produced the “Kugelblitz.” This was an advanced lens-shaped craft that destroyed Allied bombers by Electrostatic firing systems. It could travel by remote control, seek a target by infrared detection, and remain undetectable on radar screens, as the allied pilots called them “Foo Fighters”. According to a number of later Allied intelligence reports, there were super turbine engines capable of running on liquid oxygen or hydrogen peroxide, a gelatinous, organic-metallic fuel and on even the atmosphere.

More theoretical was a design based upon the “Lense-Therring effect.” Here a torus wrapped in a tube of accelerating dense matter should create a gravity field strong enough to overcome the gravity of Earth. Another device possible under the present accepted laws of physics is built of a thin disc of nuclear matter. Such a device is lightly covered in an August 1975 Analog-Science Fact Magazine. In this issue Dr. Forwards mentioned another system. Because any mass with velocity and acceleration can create force (according to accepted laws), a round torus rotating outward on itself should cancel Earth’s gravity. Unfortunately, these machines would require quantities of dense matter. Because many cannot accept the current gravitational theories, there are many theoretical designs which use what we could call negative/dark matter or the fabric of space (zero point energy – ZPE). Because an object of negative would repel an object of positive matter, we would get a principle of great potential. This, of course, would be similar to the “Day and Night” energies supposedly used by the ancients, mentioned elsewhere. In a similar vein, one could theoretically use the polarity of inertia. By changing inertia from positive to negative—or even redistributing it, one might thus overcome gravity.

Albert Einstein (classmate of T.T Brown, developer of [anti-gravity] The Brown Effect, see part I) observed that if the UFO occupants had mastered gravity, they would also have overcome inertia. Saucers with anti-gravity screens could ignore both gravity and inertia. They can instantly change direction and speed. Anyone who has observed the darting movements of some UFOs must concede that something is breaking the laws of inertia. There are those who maintain that we live in a contracting and expanding universe of many dimensions. By using technology which can contract a space craft, for example, the craft cannot only pass into the other dimensions, but pass through less dense materials. Because light rays would be less rapid than the event itself, distortions would result—which seem to be well recorded in documented encounters.

Operation Paperclip

Operation Paperclip (also credited as Project Paperclip) was the code name under which the U.S. intelligence and military services extracted German scientists from Nazi Germany, during and after the final stages of World War II. In 1945 the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for Operation Paperclip. Following the German failure of its invasion of the Soviet Union (codenamed Operation Barbarossa) and the entry of the US into WWII, the strategic position of Germany was at a disadvantage since German military industries were unprepared for a long war.

As a result, Germany began efforts in spring 1943 to recall scientists and technical personnel from combat units where their skills could be used in research and development. Dieter K. Huzel said: “Overnight, Ph.D.’s were liberated from KP duty, masters of Science were recalled from orderly service, mathematicians were hauled out of bakeries, and precision mechanics ceased to be truck drivers.” The recall effort first required identifying such personnel and then tracking them (particularly for loyalty), which culminated in the Osenberg List by Werner Osenberg, a University of Hannover engineering scientist who headed the Wehrforschungsgemeinschaft (English: Military Research Association).

In March 1945, a Polish laboratory technician found the shredded pieces of the Osenberg List in a toilet that hadn’t flushed properly. US Army Major Robert B Staver, Chief of the Jet Propulsion Section of the Research and Intelligence Branch of the US Army Ordnance in London, subsequently used the Osenberg list to compile the Black List, the code name for the list of scientists targeted for interrogation, with the rocket scientist Wernher von Braun’s name at the top.

Figure i
Figure i: Operation Paperclip scientists pose together

Operation Overcast

The original unnamed plan to interview only the rocket scientists changed after Major Staver sent a cable (signed by Colonel Joel Holmes) to the Pentagon on May 22, 1945 of the urgency to evacuate the German technicians and their families as “important for Pacific war.” Likewise, an equally strong desire was to deny German expertise to the Soviet Union. In the Operation Alsos, case of Werner Heisenberg, the head of the German nuclear energy project, it was said by OSS that: “…he was worth more to us than ten divisions of Germans.” In addition to scientists specializing in rocketry and Nuclear physics, various Allied teams were also searching for experts in chemistry, medicine, and naval weapons.

An effort that predated Overcast was the US Navy’s acquisition in May 1945 of Dr. Herbert A. Wagner, who worked at Naval Air Station Point Mugu in 1947. The majority of the scientists were involved with the V-2 rocket, and the rocket group was initially housed with their families at a housing project in Landshut Bavaria. Operation Overcast was designated by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff on July 19, 1945, but when the nickname “Camp Overcast” was being openly used for the housing, the code name was changed to Paperclip. By 1958, many aspects of Paperclip had become common knowledge. It was openly mentioned in a Time magazine article about von Braun.

In early August 1945, Colonel Holger N. Toftoy, chief of the Rocket Branch in the Research and Development Division of Army Ordnance, offered initial one-year contracts to the rocket scientists. After Toftoy agreed to take care of their families, 127 scientists accepted the offer. In September 1945, the first group of seven rocket scientists arrived from Germany at Fort Strong in the US:

1- Wernher von Braun

2- Erich W. Neubert

3- Theodor A. Poppel

4- August Schultze

5- Eberhard F. M. Rees

6- Wilhelm Jungert

7- Walter Schwidetzky

Eventually the rocket scientists arrived at Fort Bliss, Texas for rocket testing at White Sands Proving Grounds as “War Department Special Employees.” In early 1950, legal status for some “Paperclip Specialists” was obtained when visas were issued at the US consulate in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico; from which the scientists legally entered the US.[2] In later decades, some scientists’ WWII wartime activities were investigated — Arthur Rudolph was linked to the Mittelbau-Dora slave labor, and Hubertus Strughold was implicated in Nazi human experimentation. Eighty-six aeronautical experts were transferred to Wright Field, which had also acquired aircraft and other equipment under Operation Lusty. The United States Army Signal Corps employed 24 specialists — including:


1- Dr. Georg Goubau

2- Dr. Gunter Guttwein

3- Dr. Georg Hass

4- Dr. Horst Kedesdy

5- Dr. Kurt Levovec

Physical chemists:

1- Professor Rudolf Brill

2- Dr. Ernst Baars

3- Dr. Eberhard Both


1- Dr. Helmut Weickmann

Technical optician:

1- Dr. Gerhard Schwesinger

Electronics engineers:

1- Dr. Eduard Gerber

2- Dr. Richard Guenther

3- Dr. Hans Ziegler

The United States Bureau of Mines employed seven German synthetic fuel scientists in a Fischer-Tropsch chemical plant in Louisiana, Missouri in 1946. In 1959, 94 Paperclip individuals went to the US, including:

1- Friedwardt Winterberg

2- Hans Dolezalek

3- Friedrich Wigand

Through 1990, Paperclip acquired a total of 1,600 personnel, with the “intellectual reparations” taken by the U.S. and the UK (mainly German patents and industrial processes) valued at close to $10 billion

NASA And The Hybrid Propulsion System

Once, Ben Rich was asked by a US Nuclear Physicist, Jan Harzan (Director of MUFON Orange County) that: “how anti-gravitational propulsion functioned? His reply was remarkable. “Let me ask you, how does ESP work?” Jan Harzan asking the question of Mr. Rich said: “All points in time and space are connected?” Ben Rich then replied, “That’s how it works.”i Meaning the answer lies in studying all the elements of earth, space and time in a harmonious system of meaning which can solve the error in that equation. President Ronald Reagan made a startling admission in his Presidential Diary on June 11, 1985 when he said: “Lunch with five top space scientists. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.” Just before beginning his first term on January 20, 1993, President-Elect Clinton made a very strange request to close family friend and lawyer Webster Hubbell: “If I put you over there in Justice I want you to find the answer to two questions for me: One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs.”

The idea of a secret space program with advanced propulsion technologies capable of traveling to one or more Earth orbiting space stations was boosted by the U.S. Department of Justice’s prosecution of British hacker, Gary McKinnon. McKinnon successfully fought against extradition to the U.S. for hacking into U.S. government and military computers in his search for evidence of a cover up of UFOs. The US Department of Justice extradition case cited the irreparable harm caused by McKinnon’s security breach, which it called the “the biggest military computer hack of all time.” According to what President Reagan revealed about his 1985 briefing and what Gary McKinnon found in 2000-2002, it becomes apparent that NASA’s space shuttle program was a very expensive cover for another more highly classified and advanced space program. This significantly advanced space program would require a propulsion system far more powerful than what NASA used, in order to fly hundreds of secret astronauts into space and to accommodate them in large orbital space stations. The principle obstacle such a propulsion system would need to overcome, to complete such a massive operation, is gravity.

In response to a question about Reagan’s claim that “our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people,” Corey Goode wrote: “There is a craft that is a personnel transport shuttle that transports 300 people when carrying lower deck cargo or near 600 people when transporting personnel only. I believe Regan was most likely referring to some of the Military Personnel Carriers that were designed to deliver just below 300 Special Operators and their Equipment anywhere in the world in less than an hour. It was a part of the Military Black Op’s SDI [Strategic Defense Initiative] Space Program. It was a rapid deployment shuttle for extreme circumstances and could deliver Delta/SEAL Teams/Forces undetected via this secret craft that was a huge Stealth Shuttle with Electro Static/Magnetic Gravity Cancellation. I do not know if it was ever used.” Goode’s reference to “Electro Static/Magnetic Gravity Cancellation” propulsion technology is significant. The key to discovering the propulsion system used by a classified military space program dwarfing NASA’s civilian program, lies in information known about classified research into “gravity-cancelation,” “electrostatic” or “antigravity” propulsion systems.

Hybrid Electrogravtic Propulsion Aircraft

For over three decades since Brown submitted his 1957 patent for a flying saucer, the general public knew little about how classified military projects were incorporating electrogravitics research into large scale aviation projects. Things changed in 1990, a little over a year after Northrop-Grumman’s B-2 Spirit bomber had been unveiled to the world on November 22, 1989.

Figure ii
Figure ii: B-2 Spirit Bomber

Aviation writers began revealing their analyses of the B-2 Spirit bomber and wrote articles about its use of classified electrogravitic technologies. By 1992, it was confirmed that the B-2 Bomber used electrostatic charges on its leading wings and exhaust. According to LaViolette and aviation experts, this was confirmation that the B-2 used electrogravitic principles based on Thomas Townsend Brown’s earlier work: “For many years, rumors circulated that the United States was secretly developing a highly advanced radar-evading aircraft. Rumor turned to reality in November 1988, when the U.S. Air Force unveiled the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber…several years later; some key secrets about the B-2 were leaked to the press. In its March 9, 1992 issue, Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine made the surprising disclosure that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edge of its wing like body. Those familiar with Brown’s work will quickly realize that his is tantamount to stating that the B-2 is able to function as an antigravity aircraft…a small group of renegade West Coast scientists and engineers who were formerly associated with black research projects….they took the risk because they felt that it was important for economic reasons that efforts be made to declassify certain black technologies for commercial use. Two of these individuals said that their civil rights had been blatantly abused in the name of security, either to keep them quiet or to prevent them from leaving the tightly controlled black R&D community.”

The B-2 bomber uses sufficiently high voltages to generate a significant thrust, as predicted by the Biefeld-Brown Effect. This would explain why the B-2 bomber’s four conventional jet engines were sufficient, despite the plane’s relatively large weight, which puzzled aviation writers such as Gunston: “Take-off thrust of the [B2 engine] F118-100 at sea level is given as ‘19,000lb (84.5kN) class’ by Northrop Grumman and as ‘17,300lb (77.0kN)’ by the USAF. These are startlingly low figures for an aircraft whose take-off weight is said to be 336,500lb (152,635kg) and which was until recently said to weigh 376,000lb (170,550kg). Aircraft usually get heavier over the years, not 20 tones [sic] lighter. Even at the supposed reduced weight, the ratio of thrust to weight is a mere 0.2, an extraordinarily low value for a combat aircraft.”ix What Gunston is implying here is that “the B2 is seriously underpowered unless there is some means of reducing its mass or of increasing its lift beyond that provided by conventional aerodynamic means…… its stealth depends on the huge black skin being made of RAM (radar-absorbent material). This, say the physicists, is ‘a high-k, high-density dielectric ceramic, capable of generating an enormous electrogravitic lift force when charged.”x The consensus among the writers cited so far is that the B-2 bomber used a combination of conventional jet engines with classified electrogravitics technologies that effectively increased its overall thrust, thereby generating the necessary lift it required. The efforts of the renegade group of West Coast scientists, in releasing information about the design of the B-2 bomber, did stimulate some aerospace companies to study antigravity technologies. In 2002, an internal Boeing project called “Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion” (GRASP) was disclosed to the aerospace industry. A GRASP briefing document obtained by Jane’s Defense Weekly stated Boeing’s position: “If gravity modification is real, it will alter the entire aerospace business.”

According to LaViolette, Boeing completed a separate classified study for the U.S. military of electrogravitic propulsion before October 2007: “In October 2007, I heard from a reliable U.S. government source that Boeing recently completed a classified electrogravitics propulsion project for the military that had certain novel features. The technology worked so that they felt it could be a fantastic benefit if used on their commercial jet airliners. They reportedly applied for declassification of their invention for commercial use, but were denied permission.” According to aviation writer Malcolm Street: “There is a precedent for a radical, cost-is-no-object, highly classified US military aircraft using two major sets of new technologies, one secret and the other VERY secret. The legendary Lockheed A12/SR71 “Blackbird” reconnaissance aircraft was increasingly declassified in the late 70s/early 80s, with major details released on the structural and propulsion technologies that enabled that incredible aircraft, one of the great masterpieces of aeronautical engineering, to cruise at Mach 3. What wasn’t declassified until several years later, long after the F117 stealth fighter had been unveiled, was the fact that it was also a stealth design! While stealth took second place to speed, the fact was that stealth elements were a major factor in the airframe configuration, design of which dated back to the late 1950s, twenty years before stealth technology was even mentioned by the US government.”

The Aurora Program

Space is widely viewed to begin at a height of 62 miles (103 km) which is an arbitrary border accepted by many in the aerospace industry. This space border height was used by the first civilian manned rocket competition into space, the Ansari X-Prize. The first privately funded craft to cross the 62 mile border, Spaceship 1, did so on September 29, 2014 in its effort to win the 10 million dollar prize: “SpaceShipOne was flying with a pilot and the equivalent weight of two passengers aboard in accordance with rules requiring X Prize contenders to be capable of carrying three people on a suborbital hop into space.”

Figure iii
Figure iii: Blackbird SR-71

The Blackbird SR-71 was built by Lockheed Martin and was first deployed by the USAF in 1964, until 1998. It was capable of flying up to Mach 3.5. While the Blackbird can fly quite high for an aircraft at 88,000 feet (16.7 miles/26.8 km), it was well below the border of space. There are claims, however, that there are a number of classified military aircraft that can fly above this arbitrary 62 mile (103 km) space border, that also use hybrid conventional electrogravitic propulsion systems. This means that such vehicles can be regarded as hybrid propulsion spacecraft capable of operating both above and below the space border. In The Hunt for Zero Point, Jane’s Defense Weekly analyst Nick Cook writes about the highly classified Aurora spy plane: “there has been speculation since the late 1980’s about the existence of a secret replacement for the Blackbird, a mythical plane called the Aurora that supposedly flew twice as fast and on the edges of space.” Bill Sweetman, another prominent aviation technology writer also believes that the Aurora exists despite official denials by the USAF. He investigated secret aircraft being built at the Groom Lake aircraft facility in Nevada (aka Area 51) and wrote in 2006: “Does Aurora exist? Years of pursuit have led me to believe that, yes, Aurora is most likely in active development, spurred on by recent advances that have allowed technology to catch up with the ambition that launched the program a generation ago.”

Aviation Week & Space Technology revealed: “Project Aurora referred to a group of exotic aircraft, and not to one particular airframe. Funding of the project allegedly reached to $2.3 billion in fiscal 1987, according to a 1986 procurement document obtained by Aviation Week.” To learn more about Project Aurora, we need to turn to whistleblower testimonies about classified aircraft being built at Area 51 to replace the SR-71 Blackbird. The construction of Area 51 began in 1955 under the authority of the Central Intelligence Agency, ostensibly for developing a new generation of spy planes in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force and corporations such as Lockheed. Facilities were built at two specific locations. The location at Groom Lake was officially acknowledged to exist for the first time in August 2013: “due to the CIA releasing a document through the Freedom of Information Act. The CIA document was released to Jeffrey Richelson, a Senior Fellow at the National Security Archive, George Washington University, who requested further information on the history of the U-2 Spy Plane.”xix In the document, the CIA acknowledges that Area 51 was chosen due to the suitability of the Groom Lake dry sand flat for testing secret spy planes. What the CIA document didn’t mention was another dry lake bed nearby, Papoose Lake, which is only 12 miles away. According to whistleblowers, this is the location of an even more secretive facility called S-4 where even more highly classified aerospace projects are tested and developed.xx

Figure iv
Figure iv: Illustration on S-4 Base – Area 51

Edgar Fouche spent thirty years in the aviation industry working with the U.S. Air Force, Department of Defense and various corporations on a number of classified military programs. When he decided to write a “fiction based on fact” book revealing information about the most advanced aerospace technologies currently under development, he consulted with five close friends who had also worked on classified aviation projects. Fouche claims that the Blackbird’s replacement was indeed a project called Aurora involving “a group of exotic aircraft.” He claims that the Aurora comprises two types of hypersonic aircraft used for space flight, and an additional even more exotic craft. Fouche said: “The Aurora comprises the SR-75 capable of speeds above Mach 5, and acts as a mother ship for the SR-74 that can travel at speeds of Mach 18 or more into space to deliver satellites.” This is how Fouche described the SR-75: “The Top Secret SR-75 far exceeds the classified military speed and altitude records set by the old SR-71, which could fly at a still classified Mach 3.3 and reach a ceiling of 85 thousand feet. The SR-75 attained altitudes of over 120,000 feet and speeds exceeding Mach-5, or 5 times the speed of sound. That’s over 3300 miles per hour….It’s 162 feet long and has a wing span of 98 feet. The belly of the vehicle stands 10 feet off the ground. It carries a crew of 3—a pilot, a reconnaissance officer, and a launch control officer, who doubles as the electronic warfare officer. Two methane and Lox fueled, high bypass turbo-ramjet (combined cycle) engines are housed under each wing, and the bays run some 40 feet under the wings, terminating at the trailing edge of the wing.”xxiii Hypersonic aircraft are widely thought to be at the cutting edge of conventional propulsion technology. To be classified as hypersonic, an aircraft needs to be able to travel more than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5.1). The SR-75, according to Fouche, is the first operational hypersonic aircraft used by the US Air Force.

Figure v
Figure v: 3D Depiction of SR-75 and XR-7 Aurora by Andy Davies

TR-3B: The Magnetic Field Disrupter Antigravity Technology

According to Fouche, there is a third vehicle belonging to the Aurora Program called the TR-3B which was the most highly classified program he and other workers at the Groom Lake Area 51 facility were aware of: “The TR-3B is Code named Astra. The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B first operational flight was in the early 90’s. The triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top Secret Aurora Program with SDI and black budget monies. At least three of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994. The Aurora is the most classified aerospace development program in existence. The TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created by the Aurora Program. It is funded and operationally tasked by the National Reconnaissance Office, the NSA, and the CIA. The TR-3B flying triangle is not fiction and was built with technology available in the mid-80.” Fouche describes some of the conventional propulsion technologies used by the triangular shaped TR-3B Astra: “The three multimode rocket engines mounted under each corner of the craft use hydrogen or methane and oxygen as a propellant. In a liquid oxygen/hydrogen rocket system, 85% of the propellant mass is oxygen. The nuclear thermal rocket engine uses a hydrogen propellant; augmented with oxygen for additional thrust…what you have to remember is that the 3 rocket engines only have to propel 11 percent of the mass of the Top Secret TR-3B. The engines are reportedly built by Rockwell. A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the Magnetic Field Disrupter, surrounds the rotatable crew compartment and is far ahead of any imaginable technology. Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed the reverse engineered MFD technology. The government will go to any lengths to protect this technology. The plasma, mercury based, is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create super-conductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption. ”xxv Fouche explains that the Magnetic Field Disrupter (MFD) technology differs from electrogravitics insofar as while the latter provides a thrust, MFD technology reduces weight. The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field, which disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within proximity, by 89 percent. Do not misunderstand. This is not antigravity. Anti-gravity provides a repulsive force that can be used for propulsion.

Figure vi
Figure vi: Illustration of TR-3B. Source – Edgar Fouche

Fouche’s descriptions reveals that the Magnetic Field Disrupter is another name for the “Magnetic Gravity Cancellation” technology that Corey Goode said was used on the secret military shuttle craft that Reagan was likely referring to in his 1985 Diary entry. With the weight of the TR-3B reduced by the MFD technology, this means that other propulsion systems like conventional jet engines, scramjets and/or electrogravitics can provide the necessary thrust to make the TR-3B outperform any other aerospace vehicles possessed by the U.S. military: “The MFD creates a disruption of the Earth’s gravitational field upon the mass within the circular accelerator. The mass of the circular accelerator and all mass within the accelerator, such as the crew capsule, avionics, MFD systems, fuels, crew environmental systems, and the nuclear reactor, are reduced by 89%. This causes the effect of making the vehicle extremely light and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet constructed.”

Figure vii
Figure vii: 3D Illustration of TR-3B By Alchetron

Based on documents and testimony by Goode and other whistleblowers to be presented, this more secretive space program combines a ‘wingless’ aeronautical design with electrogravitic propulsion, weight-reduction antigravity technologies and even more advanced “temporal drive” technologies. The first documented reports of flying saucer or cigar-shaped ‘wingless’ aircraft, date as far back as 1933. This is more than a decade before the famed 1947 Kenneth Arnold flying saucer sighting or the Roswell flying saucer crash. This corresponds to Goode’s claim that we need to examine the early 1930’s for the genesis of the five secret space programs that he was aware of during his covert service from 1987-2007.


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