Truth, Ukraine, Burisma and the Biden Family

Hunter Biden departs the federal court with his wife Melissa Cohen Biden on the second day of his trial on criminal gun charges in Wilmington, Del., June 4, 2024.

The truth always comes out sooner or later. The truth cannot be hidden and silenced for long. Though many have tried and I am sure will continue to do that. The truth can be pushed aside, it can be twisted, it can be ignored. But in the end, the truth will still become well-known to everybody. It may even be slandered. But this is not a solution either. Even if you put a rotten grilled ground beef in a hamburger, spread jam on it, and eat it with gusto, the truth will still prevail in an hour.

This is exactly what is happening now around the Biden clan. The White House and the inner circle of the current President of the United States have spent a lot of time to hide the truth about their interference in Ukraine, corruption and illegal influence-peddling. However, the truth about their illegal actions continues to emerge.

On June 5 this year, the very “Laptop from Hell”, which was long denied by the Democrats, was presented in federal court in Delaware. This is the notorious laptop of Hunter Biden, the information from which formed the legal basis for many accusations of corruption against him and his father, President Biden, especially in the Burisma Holdings case.

That was the first time the “Laptop from Hell” was presented to the public. Previously, only information from it had been made public and widely discussed in the media. Now the device itself was presented in court and, most importantly, FBI agent Erica Jensen gave her testimony and confirmed its authenticity under oath. This settled four years debates over the laptop. Democrats attempts to deny its existence, to present it as another element of “Russian propaganda” or “smear campaign” failed. The court found that the laptop exists, and that it contains information that has not been changed or distorted. This will be the subject of further litigation. This is important for the US legal system. The debate over this laptop is over. The truth has come out once again. To be continued, the court is just warming up……

Although there is a Hunter Biden’s gun purchase trial, this is only a first step. I am sure that very shortly we will see another trial, the main trial on the issue of corruption and Biden’s interference in the affairs of Ukraine, based on the information from the “Laptop from Hell”. That will be another shock for the US president and the Democrats who support him.

They spent a lot of time and made great efforts to silence and put aside the testimony of Andriy Telizhenko, a former Ukrainian diplomat and former Ukrainian government official. In 2016-2017 after leaving public service (he was working at Ukrainian Prosecutor General V.Shokin’s office), Telizhenko became a staffer in Blue Star Strategies, a lobbying firm with close ties to Hunter Biden. This firm was hired by Burisma Holdings to help put pressure on Shokin through U.S. officials to stop the Burisma investigation.

Telizhenko has worked directly with all of the individuals involved in this story. He was one of the first witnesses for the prosecution against Biden. He actively cooperated with the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Senate Finance Committee investigations into Biden’s corruption. This culminated in the highly publicized Hunter Biden Report, Burisma and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns. This man knows a lot, has witnessed many cases of unlawful behavior, and has every right to speak about it.

Earlier, he welcomed the strengthening of the American influence in Ukraine, but when realized the consequences of Biden’s policy, he changed his mind. Journalist Aaron Mate brought in his article on Realclearinvestigations from April 30 Telizhenko’s new political perception. “Ukraine has been used directly by the United States to fight a [proxy] war with Russia” and “as a rag to make money for people like Biden and his family” (

Telizhenko has been accused being part of a “Russian-linked foreign influence network” and the State Department revoked his visa to the United States. However, no concrete evidence was presented against him. He was simply forced to silence.

The public appearance of the “Laptop from Hell” gives this story new momentum. The documents it contains could restore credibility to Telizhenko’s earlier revelations. If that happens, Biden and his entourage are in for a fiasco.

Telizhenko had a lot to say in his time. He spoke about the nasty role of the United States in the overthrow of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine in 2014 and the provocation of bloodshed on the Maidan, about the participation of U.S. officials in deepening hostilities in Donbass, about corruption in the Biden family and the Burisma case, about conspiracy between the Ukrainian authorities and the DNC leadership, about Ukrainian intervening in the 2016 U.S. elections, and about the “fishing expedition” on the U.S. Republican Party consultant Paul Manafort. Each of these stories has the potential to shake up American politics.

The truth always comes out. It is not for nothing that the Democrats have been reminded of Telizhenko and his testimonies ( It seems that there is not so long to wait. The Hunter Biden’s gun purchase trial is now underway. This is only the first trial, there will be more.

We are witnessing now the very first act of the coming overture, which will inevitably end with criminal penalty. The Bidens will have to face the law for what they have done to Ukraine. Symbolically, a cornerstone of the future indictment could be the testimony of a Ukrainian who was witnessed and even directly involved in the most part of the ugly acts they committed.

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