What Is Going On in Tripoli?

After 6-months-long failing attempts to overthrow Gaddafi by the hands of ‘Libyan rebels’ and to weaken his regime by permanent bombings, the ‘democratic’ powers have put their last ace on table.

On Saturday evening August 20, 2011 they have launched a large-scale special land operation in Tripoli with the support of NATO aviation. British SAS, French GIGN and Foreign Legion, several US-based private paramilitary armies and few local jihadist groups are participating in this massacre. More than 1300 Libyan civilians are already reportedly killed in the action.

According to the Russian sources in Tripoli, the situation is still uncertain. There is no notable presence of the foreign seals in the city centre. The combat thunder is being heard from the outskirts of Tripoli. ‘The shops are closed, the streets are being patrolled by the Libyan army and police units,’ – says the source. Anyway, the chances for army and civil militias to fight back professional thugs should not be overestimated. Libyan national TV and radio stations are reportedly captured by the Western Special Forces.

At the same time it is even more curious to note the tricks undertaken by global mainstream media to show a supposed ‘public rejoicing’ in Tripoli. The footage, broadcasted by Al-Jazeera and other ‘independent’ channels, was actually taken in a special pavilion built last month near Doha, the capital of Qatar. This pavilion reproduces the fragments of Tripoli squares, but some details reveal the deceit, e.g. the absence of existing architectural forms (on picture).

Another evidence is a number of lifting cranes at the background of ‘Al-Jazeera correspondent on Green Square’ (on picture), which are not the case in reality. Apparently the cranes were used for construction works at the false Tripoli complex in Doha, but were not removed in time as there was no leakage of the exact date of assault and launch of media war.

What will be the main intrigue of the following days? It is how are they going to conceal (or explain) the hundreds of corpses of dead European and American elite special forces’ officers to be brought back from Libya in zinc? Post-Gaddafi mopping-up will not be a one-day routine for sure. A bloody partisan street war in Libya is ahead. And jihadist groups alone have no chances for success. The NATO gangster is about to tear off its mask.

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  1. Pingback: NATO Land Operation in Libya Carried Out at Full Pelt | Oriental Review

  2. Libyan opposition forces are taking over or TS in the capital


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