Month: March 2014

The 12 New Crimes of New Ukraine

Citizens of Ukraine, read these to avoid committing ‘new crime’, or ‘thought crime’. 1. Separatism.  The ultimate crime in New Ukraine. Request a referendum for your city? You are an enemy of the State and may be immediately removed to a state facility for re-education. 2. Russian television Watching Russian television […]

What does Crimea mean to Russia?

On March 18, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a historic speech about the reunification of Crimea and Russia.  A referendum held in Crimea two days before in full compliance with standard democratic procedures and the rules of international law, shocked many by it’s results: there was an 82% turnout […]

U.S. Take Note: Russia Is Back as a Global Power

The U.S. had two options after the Soviet collapse: to integrate Russia into Western security and economic structures or to further isolate and weaken it by expanding NATO to its borders and integrating other former Soviet republics instead. U.S. President George H.W. Bush leaned toward integrating Russia into the West, but he lost his re-election bid in 1992. His successors — Bill Clinton, […]

Monologue of a young Russian man

Today dozens or even hundreds of brilliant minds in the West are feverishly thinking: how did it happen that multi-billion investments in Ukraine have brought no other tangible result but the Russian reunification with historic and strategically important lands and coasts of Crimea while Ukraine still flying down its own […]

Putin’s Triumph

Nobody expected events to move on with such a breath-taking speed. The Russians took their time; they sat on the fence and watched while the Brown storm-troopers conquered Kiev, and they watched while Mrs Victoria Nuland of the State Department and her pal Yatsenyuk (“Yats”) slapped each other’s backs and […]

Who is in charge of Ukraine today?

The dominant condescending and appeasing tone towards the new Ukrainian authorities in the West clearly contradicts to its democratic and humanitarian values, it persistently promotes in the world. Any attentive unbiased observer of the situation in this post-Soviet state and the Western policies in the region cannot help but feel […]

Blame Game Over Ukraine And Crimea’s Status

From the position of his country’s best interests, ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych had valid reasons for not signing the European Union Association Agreement (EU AA). One need not be a Yanukovych supporter to see the reasoning behind this opinion. This last thought relates to Yanukovych’s shortcomings as a democratically […]