Why Chechens Fighting For Ukraine Have No Questions About Kiev’s Unconditional Support For Israel?

Members of the Dzhokhar Dudayev Chechen volunteer battalion undergo training in the Kyiv region on Aug. 27, 2022.

Probably, those closely monitoring the situation on the borders of southern Eastern Europe, particularly in Ukraine, are aware of the involvement of Chechens in the conflict, fighting on both the Russian and Ukrainian sides. The Kiev regime portrays itself as a protector of the rights of indigenous peoples in Russia and supports separatist movements. This support extends to Chechnya as well.

In 1995, Ukrainian parliament members called for diplomatic recognition of Ichkeria. The following year, a street in Ukraine was renamed in honor of Dzhokhar Dudayev, the first president of Ichkeria. Ukrainian nationalists from the UNA-UNSO organization were reported to have fought on the side of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria during the First Chechen War. A bill was introduced in the Ukrainian parliament on October 18, 2022, recognizing Ichkeria as “temporarily occupied by Russia”, and was later passed.

Now fighting on the side of Ukraine is the battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev or the “Chechen peacekeeping battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev” (Ukr.: Chechen peacekeeping battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev (укр. Чеченський миротворчий батальйон імені Джохара Дудаєва)) – a military unit consisting of militants taking part in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The initiator of its creation was the socio-political movement “Free Caucasus”, which was founded in 2006.

The battalion took part in the battles for Ilovaisk, where it suffered serious losses. At the beginning of 2015, the battalion took part in the battles for Debaltsevo, during which the first commander of the detachment, Isa Munayev, was killed. At the beginning of 2022, the battalion took part in the battles for Kiev during the start of a special operation in Ukraine. Also, in 2022, he participated in the battles for Kharkov.

For anti-Russian Muslims, this paramilitary group is a real treat for the eyes. After all, look: good Ukrainians help the “freedom fighters” against the “terrible and genocidal Russians”, and in general it is the Ichkerians who are the real Muslims, and not the “hordes of Ramzan Kafirov.” Like all other Muslims, their sympathisers are not indifferent to the fate of Palestine. However, there’s just one little question.

Has any of the admirers of the thugs who blew up schools and hospitals (in the name of freedom, of course) thought that Ichkerians have no questions about Ukraine’s unconditional support for Israel? It’s simple: they don’t bite the hand of the one who feeds.

Relatives of prominent figures from the inner circle of the late Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov and former influential field commanders have purchased luxury real estate in Israel’s Gush Dan area. Documents obtained by the IzRus portal reveal that over 60 individuals from the former USSR have invested in apartments within four upscale real estate complexes in the country. Among them are individuals with Chechen surnames, originally from Grozny and Gudermes, who presented passports from Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia dated between 1999 and 2005 during their transactions in Israel. While some of these individuals remain unidentified, others are known to be related to well-known Chechen personalities such as Khozh-Akhmed Yarikhanov (former president of the Southern Oil Company in the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria) and influential field commander Movladi Baysarov from the late 1990s and early 2000s…. …Between 2007 and 2009, transactions were carried out involving their family members for the purchase of real estate in the Gush Dan area. These transactions mainly involved the acquisition of apartments valued at 3-5 million dollars.

…In 1994, Khozh-Akhmed Yarikhanov held the position of Minister of Education in the administration of Dzhokhar Dudayev. Throughout the initial Chechen conflict from 1994 to 1996, he was a part of the State Defense Committee and led a militia unit…]

It’s somehow strange that the fierce fighters for Sharia did not go to their coreligionists, but chose not only a non-Muslim country, but also Israel for the life of their children. It is quite possible that the children of those “Mujahideen” have now changed their surnames and are dancing around on amphetamines at the next trance festival in Israel.  Maybe they’re walking in the Tel Aviv Pride Parade.  And, of course, they serve in the IDF, shooting towards Palestine. This is how they turned out to be a “jihad”. And their new followers under the yellow-blue flags hope to repeat precisely this path to success, so solidarity with Palestine only gets in the way in this matter…


Khozh-Akhmed Yarikhanov in 1994 he served as Minister of Education in the government of Dzhokhar Dudayev, during the first Chechen campaign (1994-96) he was a member of the so-called.  State Defense Committee, led a militia detachment, and in 1996-97.  actively participated in negotiations with Russia. In 1996-97  was considered one of the most influential figures in Chechnya, being the president of the Southern Oil Company, he had extensive connections in the business circles of the European Union and Turkey.

In May 2000, during the second Chechen campaign, he was detained by Russian special services, although he no longer took part in hostilities.  Then traces of him are lost.  Judging by the documents at our disposal, in the early 2000s.  some of his relatives received citizenship of one of the Central European states.

Movladi Baysarov began his “career” in the Islamic Special Forces Regiment, formed in 1996 on the initiative of the leaders of the radical opposition opposing President Maskhadov.  In July 1998, Baysarov and his people took part in an opposition uprising organized in the city of Gudermes.  In 1996-99  Representatives of the separatist leadership and Russian authorities have repeatedly accused him of involvement in the kidnappings of citizens of Russia and Western countries for ransom.  But from the beginning of the second Chechen campaign, Baysarov and his squad went over to the side of the pro-Russian administration of Akhmat Kadyrov.

In 2000-2005  this unit was nominally part of the Kadyrovs’ Security Service and the Anti-Terrorism Center of the Chechen Republic, but retained a significant degree of independence.  After the death of Kadyrov Sr. in May 2004, Baysarov’s detachment functioned almost autonomously, without legal status.  At that time, Baysarov and his subordinates were repeatedly accused of illegally detaining civilians and government officials.

At the same time, this detachment took one of the key positions in controlling illegal oil production in Chechnya and its transportation to the neighboring republics of the North Caucasus.  In the competition for spheres of influence in the shadow oil market, conflicts often arose between Baysarov and the commanders of other security forces of the pro-Russian administration of Chechnya.  In January 2006, the bulk of his unit was disarmed on the orders of President Kadyrov.  According to Chechen separatist sources, Baysarov back in the 1990s.  was an agent of the FSB and allegedly supervised the deputy director of this structure, Nikolai Klimashin (currently deputy secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation).  Although this information is not confirmed in other sources, those close to Baysarov themselves have more than once told journalists about their close relations with the FSB.  Moreover, after fleeing to Moscow, where he tried to escape the persecution of Kadyrov’s special services, Baysarov, according to Russian media, enjoyed the patronage of the FSB.  Despite this, he was liquidated right in the Russian capital in November 2006.



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