
Bernard-Henri Lévy: Harangues of Ignorant Buffoon

Zealous French intellectual Bernard-Henri Levi visited the Maidan in Kiev on February 9 to deliver another fiery harangue. The next day the article Bernard-Henri Levi: We’re all Ukrainians (Bernard-Henri Lévy: «Nous sommes tous des Ukrainiens») was published by Le Monde. In his fervor Ukrainian Levi he called Yulia Timoshenko the […]

Crisis in Ukraine: blood on the Maidan

Ukraine is teetering on the verge of civil war, and as usual Western media haven’t been particularly helpful in shedding light on the unravelling situation. Aside from evocative photos of clashes between legion-like formations of Berkut riot police and their rough nationalist opponents on the Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), about […]